Twas the night before Maplemas, when all through the servers
Not a player was training, not even the botters.
Everyone was on the forum, sick of lag and complaining,
In hopes that nexon would do some explaining.
Arlong was nestled all snug in her bed,
While visions of lag free servers danced in her head.
AKradian and Booberpuppy making remarks quite snippy,
Fed up with the game being incredibly glitchy.
When I logged into the forum to see there was much chatter,
I clicked on my thread to see what was the matter.
Scrolling through comments I read like a flash,
While scratching my ass because of a rash.
A hacker they said on the forum no less,
Making my thread just a complete utter mess.
Popups and links to inappropriate sites,
The forum was hacked again purely out of spite.
Nexon was in way over their head,
Unable to deal with the incoming threat.
They turned off html a key forum feature,
Now we can no longer quote, link, or post a picture.
The threat on the forum was over with those disabled,
The game however was still very unstable.
Nexon announced "a double miracle time,
With also a cube sale and exp 2 times."
"What are you thinking?" Many decried,
"Your servers are stressed enough, this is just suicide!"
But nexon went through with it ignoring the warnings,
As many predicted it went terribly this morning.
Crashing and lagging more intensely than ever,
Much nx was wasted unable to cube whatsoever.
Comments abounded to nexon's discredit,
Much butthurt was to be had on basil and reddit.
Nexon gave no reply and as coy as a fox,
"Merry Maplemas to all, and don't forget Cassandra's useless box!"
Fix yo servers boi