^due to the awkward timing of the game being in utc, some people who can only spare a few hours of their day to playing are left to playing when the game time is almost at the day change
I'm not on the whole 'nexon is so incompetent and doesn't listen to us' boat. They do listen to us and I'm sure at least 1 nexon employee has looked at this thread as well as other … (more)complaints. For contract reasons they probably aren't allowed to comment on a lot of things which is why the community seems ignored. And they actually are fairly competent in fixing issues. The problem is not that they don't listen it's that they don't prioritize issues like this. They don't think of this over 1 year ongoing game breaking issue to be as important as say bringing in new updates. I said this before and I'm sure a lot of people agree with me. I don't care about new updates or events if I can't even play the game. Optimal gameplay comes first before any new content. Fix the game, then bring in new content (less)
I wouldn't say it's useless, I get a lot of use out of the return scrolls, protects, shield, etc. Certainly it can be improved and I think the reward points from bosses is too little (less)