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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Nexon, this is unacceptable
The lag in this game is unbearable. I know you know it exists because it was mentioned to your face in person in that q&a. Countless people have made complaints about the loot lag that has been going on for over a year. Players have already identified the cause and I think some have even given suggestions. I've even seen youtube videos of people who edited some program to make the lag go away. Not something I would resort to, but that shows just how bad this issue is that people are resorting to editing the game themselves to make it work properly. It should not take this long to fix a major problem like this. I have already done everything I could on my end. I have uninstalled and reinstalled, turned off my computer and back on, scanned my computer, checked my internet speed. Nothing is wrong on my end and my pc is more than capable of running this game. I don't know anything about coding but I understand it is difficult and so many things can go wrong. But this has taken too long for such a huge problem. It cannot be this difficult to fix a problem. You're not taking this issue as serious as it should be taken.
For the past year this lag has prevented me from doing the daily kritias quests because the lag made the killing take way too much time and killing too fast would result in dc. My server is too dead for any invasions to be successful so I've been patiently doing the dailies, getting 1 stone a day, until I could afford the tyrant gloves for 400 stones. I would have the glove now had it not been for this lag. The lag has prevented me from doing certain bosses that require a smooth connection such as magnus and hellux. I've taken a few hiatuses in the past year because this lag made me lose interest in this game. I'm not saying this because I want a compensation, I don't want one, I just want the issue fixed. I'm explaining what has been some of the consequences this lag has resulted in.
A few old souls might remember a major exploit after the red update where many people had to be hell banned in order for nexon to investigate whether certain people were involved in it. I was one of the unlucky innocent players that got hellbanned and I believe it lasted 3 weeks. I was compensated generously but frankly I didn't need to be because I understand that it had to happen for cheaters to be caught and punished. I bring this up because I can be very patient, but my patience on this issue is running thin.
We've seen that you are more than capable of fixing issues very quickly. Just recently you fixed the burning exploit and rightly so. When major exploits and major problems in the game arise, you take the game down and dedicate every possible resource to fixing it as soon as possible. And despite many players giving you flak for all the maintenances, I was always glad because I knew you were doing it to fix a major problem and that was a good thing. This lag should be treated as such. This should be at the top of your priority, not when the next cube sale will be, not fixing minor bugs, but fixing this lag. This is legitimately game breaking, I already took extended leaves because of this and am more than capable of doing so again, perhaps indefinitely. I know many people have already quit because of this very issue.

and 2 others.
If people can fix the lag themselves than why can't THEY do it.
I am really quaking
Fact that you got so much bloatware on your computer that causes your computer to have resource usage which can trigger a lag spike na none of that could happen with your computer right? cause it's like $2,000 computer so no way your computer could ever have any problems like that.
Now that's not to say the servers for the game due get a bit laggy, which is another reason why a world merge is another bad idea because it will put more stress on the server hosting the game...
Also depending on how far away from the game servers you're in the world will have an impacted on the in-game play... also using a VPN or tunneling can have these problems as well...
Just because a bunch of other people say they have lag doesn't mean that they two don't have the same reason you lag, stuff running in the background of your computer, network traffic on the internet you're using ect...
People always gonna blame problems on everyone else rather then having solid proof that the reason for their lag was a nexon server related problem... Just because 10-20 people say the samething doesn't mean anything either show facts and proof that can prove without a shadow of a doubt that lag is a server related problem.
Also I do wanna say MapleStory isn't optimized really good to work with a modern computer, the images if I'm not mistaken are like BMP images which are freaking huge some in the 10mb or higher size, that and the fact that people casting skills near players can spike up everyone's CPU that's near people using skills I could sit here naming many reasons why you and others could be having the lag problems... Let's just say I rarely lag unless it's 2x and their are a lot of people on or tons of drops on the ground that my pets try to pick up for me the lag isn't that bad at all... Rarely do I face any server lag problems..
That was the most self absorbed, cringe comment I've read in a long time. Stay in moms basement because no one is ever gonna like you outside of it. LOL.
However, compared to years ago, it's only gotten much worse.
My whole story if anybody cares;
- I disconnect for no reason whatsoever. Like, I could be traveling somewhere, doing a quest, training, or even just standing there.. and I d/c.
I've noticed it happening more on my Illium and sometimes my Blaze Wizard. I join the game again fine but just annoyed.
- I tend to disconnect from Legion raid. If I stay for too long, it kicks me off so I usually run in, get my coins and run out. I can't play or else I'll d/c!
Booting Up MapleStory
- This is what I have the most issue with; actually booting up the dam game.
- It takes me a while to load the client itself. I have to wait for it to boot up, click past the video (hoping I don't crash there), select NA region and then I have to wait a minute on the title screen.
- Let's say I don't and I try and join my server right away. (Even though it's still possible for me to suffer these issues, just less likely if I stare at the screen for a minute)
Multiple issues can happen;
A. It takes a LONG time to join and even longer to load my character data (but I successfully entered the game!)
B. It crashes when I try and select a world and I have to redo the whole vicious cycle of starting the game again.
C. The game says that I'm having 'an issue logging in' and I have to reset my client.
D. The game says that I am already logged in and forces me to quit the game and boot it up again.
(Usually happens if I reset the client once already)
E. One time, even after waiting, I decided to check my other worlds and I crashed from THAT!
This the most confusing part for me and you'll see why.
- If a map is full of people on Channel 1 and I try to join.. hardly any issue. I lag at first due to the game loading, but everything is okay afterwards. I can join and play that 100 people bingo just fine! It only lags when loading in, but I'm fine afterwards!
- Let's say I'm on Channel 18 (where I usually am). I go here to AVOID lag because of less population, not to mention GRAZED isn't as populated as it used to be. You'd never guess what happens; LAG! I get these HUGE lag spikes if I get multi-KOs, use certain skills or if I try to enter a new map. I don't always have this issue but when I do, it stays there. It doesn't stop no matter what.
- This is the main reason why I've been having issues leveling up (other than having no friends to help me grind), especially on my Cadena.
If this happens when I'm training on her, I have to stop and find a place to stop or else I will die. Cadena is extremely squishy and if I get hit twice at Twilight Perion's Swollen Stumps, I die. Soooo she's gonna be a tough one to level up.
it seems like with the newer content added, they dont allocate or adjust the server to match larger updates
Weird, FFXIV runs buttery smooth on the Mac client (which is said to be crappier than the Windows variant) but for some reason, I still get massive frame drops looting a stack of mesos in this 2D mushroom game. I'm sure it's because of the non-existent bloatware I have on my computer, not the unoptimized quest code coded by the original programmer who thought was a good idea to have our computers run through a gigantic list of quests for EVERY meso bag picked up.
Now now lets not compare a triple A mmorpg that has a customer support number that lets you talk to a human, to a f2p mmorpg that uses bots to search/ban people.
All jokes aside I learned long LONG ago that if ffxiv can run on a 1.3ghz apu pc with 4gb free ram then that game is a fine tuned machine.
Maplestory on the other hand is like the lemon man from adventure time you dont know what will set it off or make it ban you or just out right break.
Oh snap, I'm expecting too much out of Nexon here. My bad. A game company not making sure that their game is playable to the masses though.... :thinking: