oh and I accurately identified that you got that pic from occupy democrats, not buzzfeed, buzzfeed has their own unique brand of stupidity. I saw that image before you … (more)posted it. I like to keep up with what the other side is thinking of and seeing how ridiculous they are.
Had to remake that meme in case I get the zucc for a curse word (less)
What's that supposed to prove, that 2 wrongs make a right? Black lives matter can destroy property and attack police all they want because the Boston Tea Party happened over 200 years ago, … (more)is that your argument? These aren't even comparable events. Unlike these opportunistic criminals using the veil of racial injustice to steal and destroy, the Boston Tea Party had a real motivation. No taxation without representation ring a bell? It was also between a state and its colony, while this is an issue within a sovereign nation ergo the level of analysis is different. Also they didn't steal, they dumped taxed tea into the harbor as protest, which yes was a destruction of property. Do I agree with it? No.
Meanwhile black lives matter is 'protesting' because a black cop shot a black man that was armed and refused to disarm when the cop told him too. Clearly the blame is on white people and racism and police brutality, man. Keith Scott dindu nuffin man, he was holding a gun shaped book, he dindu nuffin.
Even if it was a white cop shooting a black guy and he was unarmed and it actually was unjustified, how is destroying your own neighborhood and beating up innocent white people supposed to help? The destruction of the tea shipment was in protest of the tea act, makes sense. Destroy shops and loot stores and set fire to cars because police brutality? Hmmm, nope doesn't make sense. If they were only targeting cops it would make sense. How about listen to reasonable requests an officer asks of you (unless of course, you have something to hide) and maybe you won't end up dead. A little something called statistics to keep in mind Or you could continue believing anything occupy democrats says, they are the same league of stupidity as buzzfeed, salon, and the other 98%. Perhaps if they looked the data and evidence they would know that the entire black lives matter movement is based on lies. (less)