There's nothing Hillary about what I said. Yes most good leaders tend to be men that doesn't mean I think women should be excluded. It just means that when you look at quality of leadership the best tend to be men. Of course you'll get some women too. Of course both genders are capable of leading and gender should be irrelevant when choosing. But it's incorrect to say that good leaders come equally from men and women. Women and men are not equal. There are some things women are generally better at and some things men are generally better at. Feminists these days are so obsessed with trying to prove they can do everything a man does that women are losing our uniqueness. Women weren't created to do everything a man can. We were created to do everything a man can't.
Uhh no? I said that is true for most women not all. Women have been terrible leaders. Angela Merkel and Park geun hye for example. Of course there are emotional men. And of course there are women that can be less emotional and more rational. That's why I gave the examples of great female leaders.
Nobody has sex as their main purpose in life. Except maybe Bill Clinton. Why so presumptuous? Just because I said women want an alpha doesn't mean that's all they think about. Geez there's more to me than Trump and sex. I can't think of any but there is. Also I'm a virgin. Sort of.
He said he would have extreme vetting. That is a fair criticism and frankly I don't think it's feasible to ban Muslim immigration nor do I agree with that plan. But I agree on his plan for refugees, don't bring them here, set up safe zones for them in nearby countries. I'm pretty sure I read or heard that his plan was that he would stop immigration from people who are from Muslim majority countries. Although that would also stop Christians, yazidis, kurds, Jews and atheists from those countries who are heavily oppressed by Muslims. Of course most Muslims don't like Trump. They're voting for Clinton because she's connected to the Muslim Brotherhood just like them. You know which group is heavily for Trump? Former Muslims. Former Muslims who have seen and know the horrors of that barbaric religion and don't want it brought here.
No he doesn't. He never said he wanted to kick all Muslims out, he said he wanted to stop future ones from coming in. Big difference. He has said many times that Muslims need to work with us in defeating terrorism. Ever notice how liberals can make up all sorts of false accusations but when a conservative slips up even once with their facts, liberals freak out like "HAHAHAHH stoopid conservative git yur facts strait."