Some familiars were removed alongside thier mobs (lupin for example) and some no longer appear in-game (Coco) so I see no point of these sets to be honest.
There are three badges you can obtain ONLY with boosters and I suggest not to invest so much nx just for a slim chance of getting 1%attack
Well well well...
Made wolfunderling, a previously marvel machine exclusive, familiar which was quite valuable in the eyes of MANY players into being a useless codex entry....
Then you made the rigged system of whomever pays for it gets it (jr.boogie abuse) just so a level 5 player can get TWICE THE EFFECT for free...
So... how much are you paying for this misdoing? Will you erase it? Replace it? Compensate with tens of thousands or NX? This whole system is glitched and not to speak about how the recent patch made sure that ONLY players with high drop rate will get the BASIC OF BASICS let alone the end game sets.