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  • Fav Character?

    Night Walker, always and forever.
    Love the the darkness theme and FOR THE EMPRESS!!! F5
  • character transfer from one account to another

    Personally think Nexon would never approve cause that'd only encourage character selling.
  • Tips for my Dual Blade Character?

    Just skimmed, didn't fully read, but Root Abyss (RA) set's don't come from the boxes (iirc), you need to run (either solo, get carried, or party run) Chaos Root Abyss (CRA) to get "shards" to exchange for CRA set (Eagle Eye, Trixter, Royal, Fafnir).

    For the honors/Inner Abilities, there's quests through your quest notifier (light-bulb on the left) that you need to do to unlock (iirc, the quests are like "First/Second/Third Inner Ability" or something along those lines).

    Links/Legion bonuses do really help.

    What most people don't realize is high damage doesn't usually come from gear, it comes from good potential (the lines of stats [usually main stat%]). (Given, yes, good gear also helps with that.) So if you're a (at least semi-) pay to win or are funded in mesoes, buy some red/black cubes and try getting some good potential on your gear (on at least the gear you're planning to keep on the long run and not switch out).
  • Sweetwater Weapons

    I've done so many voyages in Commerci but I've never gotten a single sweetwater drop. Am i just unlucky? Also if anyone is selling sweetwater katara in Khroa hmu

    Just really unlucky. Think I ran Commerci for close to a year (not joking) before I got my first SW drop.
  • About the ark coin and the ark coin shop

    Hi guys, so they says the ark event shop will be open till 21th so i thought i can claim coin from the coin bar before 21th, but now they remove it. Is there anyway to claim those coins ? I really need them.

    Probably not, should have checked the dates on the Discovery Events since Ark points were related to them. (While Ark Coins are related to the shop.)