So not sure if it's a "bug" yet, but I think the Auction House search algorithm/logic got reverted/modified with the July 12, 2018 minor patch. The reason I say this is because when I search "Advance Equip Enhancement Scroll" in the Auction House booms are coming up before no booms when ever since (I think) the Ark Patch 4 weeks ago (when they updated the AH search logic) no booms have shown up before booms. Also before today's minor patch, if you searched "Prime Scroll" the order they would appear would be Accessory, Two-Hand, Armor, One-Hand, but now it shows up as Accessory, Two-Hand, One-Hand, Armor (Armor and One-Hand switched order).
Anyone else notice anything else different about the Auction House search algorithm/logic?
Since you seem so keen on mini-modding other forumers, you must know that bumping your thread is against the forum's code of conduct. Please refrain from it.
This issue has been forwarded.
Apologies, then what is the proper procedure if a bug report is completely ignored, since we aren't suppose to make repeat threads, bump, or necro?
*Assumption that a post that isn't replied to is either being ignored or overlooked because it ends up buried too deep.
*EDIT: or by technicality is commenting "Reply please/could we get an update on this bug" different from "bumping"?
*EDIT: And asking for future bug reports, not just this one, since most ppl would probably by reporting it after Monday Hot Week
*Edit: And yes, I realize I bumped in a short period of time, which I apologize for and not planning to do so again.