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  • [Mapler Held Contest] During 'Journey... Pensalir'

    Haven't watched any episode after first CHorntail, will try to watch them sometime and comment.
    Of the three bosses you listed, I'd probably vote for CHorntail, mainly because mechanic/difficulty wise, it seems the easiest for me. Personally think E Cygnus and N Mag are highly luck based/high mechanics dependent.
  • black screen?

    Almost everyone is, between entering/leaving AH/CS/ML, ccing, sometimes even between after putting in pin and before seeing char ig.
  • Server instability megathread

    the ones that complain are usually the ones that cant live without the game,

    Maybe, or there are people who just want to try enjoying a game for like 1hr and end up staring at the loading sequence repeatedly for 2hrs instead.
    just simmer down, technical issues are common, after all it's man made and as all men are fallible, so are their creations.
    Yes, but you rarely see a game with an irl pay shop have such poor server quality. And it's not like GMS is the biggest mmorpg out there that's why it's hard to maintain server.
  • YouTube: Journey from lvl 205 from 250 in Pensalir

    *Not going to quote the whole reply to save length:

    Dw about it, and semi-sorry for the harshness (especially about the typing, which I will admit I went overboard). It wasn't as bad as I semi-made it out to be. I just have the bad tendency to sound a lot more mean than I mean to be.

    3. Good to hear about the trying to aim for a consistent length. Mainly pointed this out because once (or if) you start to get more subscribers/viewers, if video lengths vary too much, even if they come out weekly, viewers would be a bit dissatisfied, especially if they wait a week and then only see a short 8 min vid. (Elsewise, on the other end, if it's too long, viewers might have planned to watch in one sitting but then have to split or spend more time if it's too long.)
    [On that note, not sure if you're doing much editting but if you end up with a boss run/something that's taking too long, you could try running the recording at x2 speed or something to reduce the overall video length]
    4. That would be nice. Or you could start each video with any changes, kind of like an intro. It really stood out when you had +200k for like the first 4/5 episodes, but then in one you dropped to like 170k or something and I had idea why/how that happened.
    a.*To clarify, Huigin only procs DR if you stand in a certain range....which unfortunately, I don't think DB has many skills which can reach it. Basically, if you go anywhere completely past the marble on the left Wiseman's base, Huigin will try to proc DR. That's why if you can, you're suppose to hit it from there or stand there and repeatedly jump back and forth from hitting it.
    f. The other thing I semi-noticed is you're doing boss runs with full invent. Have you tried moving stuff to a mule character using the storage system? You can store your recipes on another character and then free up invent on the character you're running bosses on.

    Happy to semi-help, and again, sorry for the meanish-harsh tone, glad you looked past it and focused on what you can improve. *golf clap* =)

    Unfortunately, I'm only on Scania. Maybe I'll visit Zenith one day and let you know ahead of time! =L
  • Why do you play?

    Mainly what most other people say: nostalgia factor, maybe more so for me than most people (self-assumption) cause I was first exposed to the "wonder" that was known as Maplestory maybe when I was in early grade school? (Korean here and older cousins were playing on KMS and I was lovestruck [is that possible? with a game? o.o {or maybe it was just because it was the first mmo I've ever seen in my life, theoretically}]