I also have a 100 down/up connection and I barely experience latency issues on lab. While using pots and picking up stuff there is a very small delay but it doesn't really bother me (cuz lab rewards OP).
thief (in training) with the shadowmerchants Cadena has to start out somewhere right? Well today I caught Cadena trying to unlock/steal my bicycle. Got to start somewhere when you want to defeat magnus some day right?
So uhm... my bike actually got stolen... Cadena give it back please (less)
This is the first time I'm participating in a Maplestory contest, so please, if there is anything in my image(s) that would disqualify me, let me know … (more).
Also @Arwoo, by real-world setting do you mean we have to actually take the paper variant into the world or can we add a real world setting to the cut-out in paint or w/e as well? As I see a lot of them being made in photoshop and such and very few in the real world.
I figured since Illium is a magician, he needs some form of magical background. Considering it also had to be realistic I chose the crystal caves in Iceland as my setting. They look beautiful, magical and fit with my idea of Illium.
The image (Illium): < will soon be changed.
Since Cadena is a thief (in training) with the shadowmerchants Cadena has to start out somewhere right? Well today I caught Cadena trying to unlock/steal my bicycle. Got to start somewhere when you want to defeat magnus some day right?
EDIT: My bicycle actually got stolen.... Cadena, please bring it back.
I don't think this is a good solution because you will have trolls going around popular training spots transforming legitimate players. Having GM's actually patrol would be an option … (more)though (less)