You can want a feature to be added and hate the way it was implemented. The two are not mutually exclusive.
For example, everyone wanted the drop rates for nodes and symbols and such to be improved, but everyone hates the way it was implemented in kneecapping drop rate potential. People wanted the bots in singapore and ghost ship to be addressed, but hate the way it was implemented in removing the whole damn area. People wanted server instability addressed but hate the way it was implemented in kneecapping kishin.
You see the pattern? Transparent UI elements would not be as big an issue as it is if it were a hotkeyed toggle instead of bound to the in-combat state(which triggers with most buffs)
I'd be willing the bet that whatever licensing agreement enabled nexon to run the sword art online-themed event stipulated that after the event ends they weren't to touch anything, no moving things from one character to another even on request from the player. Would stand to reason, seeing as they'll likely never bring back the associated cash items that came with the event(same for other weeb trash-themed events)
Let's be smart about "increasing the demand", shall we? We've all seen how that worked out for the concept of "old maple"...
Even then, it may not change their minds. The necessary transfer of character data from one database to the other, making sure everything is ported over and integrated properly, it may not matter how many people want it if there's no easy way to do it. NA-side server transfers are one thing, because those servers are all clustered in the same database. We have to assume the EU-side servers are hosted somewhere in mainland Europe for connection quality to not be just as garbage as EU players connecting to the NA side. It's a whole different beast to migrate user data across a regional divide than it is to move things around within a single region.
Also, another "speaking from experience" here, don't inundate the forums with requests/demands/pleas for cross-region server transfers. The only thing that will do is annoy people, lose you whatever support you may've otherwise had, and, if taken far enough, get a "don't make threads about this" line added to the forum rules.
Like the first line says, be smart about it. It's perfectly fine to pull together more support for this, but don't blast a hundred-ass threads about it all over the place.
I went to the open auction house.But I can't see my item.Five cash items... Where did you send it? I want to know.
Relax. They just got the auction house working again. You need to give them time to sort out who lost what and get replacements sent out. It's not going to be an immediate process.