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Last Active
November 16, 1990
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  • How do I ACTUALLY solo bosses?

    What minotaur? And you have to actually go to the place the boss entrance is.
  • Server Change

    HuskyDM wrote: »
    After all the chaos the world leaps caused its very unlikely they'll come back anytime soon. It would be better to follow the above suggestions, or stop playing altogether if you feel you won't be happy in either situation. Given that grinding up to 120+ is easier than ever and that you would be going to one of the most populated servers right now jumping off and starting over doesn't seems like a bad idea, specially if you already have friends who can help you out.

    I can definitely empathize with him. Had I not, back at the end of 2015, been so established on grazed I may well have jumped ship to reboot. But I had a solid 15 months invested into that server at that time, so it was difficult for me to walk away from.

    That said, from a realistic standpoint, there doesn't seem to be an "everybody goes home happy" outcome to this for him.
  • Erda Spectrum

    You appear to be mistaken, friend. No one was able to move the balls with their normal attacks because that's not how it works. You use normal attacks to spawn the balls, and then your interact key to move them. I've done erda spectrum for the past three or more weeks, across a dual blade and pathfinder, and had zero issues spawning balls with normal attacks and moving with my interact key.

    As an aside, you can normal-attack on classes that bind a skill to the attack hotkey by holding down and attacking.
  • Equipment Suggestions [Video Attached]

    Well for starts, it's a party quest, you'll have to find three others to go with you. Should be no problem given you're in a guild+alliance. I'm not sure about the 50 million you paid for something, it's been an age since I did the prequests last. They start at chief tatamo with "the dragon rider's identity 1", going into "the dragon rider's identity 2", followed by "towards the sky 1" and "towards the sky 2". For towards the sky 2, you'll need dragon moss extract from chief tatamo, which you can get by talking to him and selecting the lower option. That should get you the proper soaring skill needed to enter and clear the whole thing.
  • Equipment Suggestions [Video Attached]

    How do I get better access to potential scrolls? I know there are the ones provided by MuLung Dojo, but takes quite a bit of points to get one.
    I heard there was a questline that unlocks potential scrolls for sale; do you happen to know which questline that is?
    • The questline you're thinking of is likely yu garden. You know that red portal in six path crossway? Go through there and go to the right. It's nothing major, but amounts to another set of dailies to do. Shop has a rotating stock and is only available at a certain time of day that, for the life of me, I can't remember.
    • Legion coin shop gives three 50% scrolls per week
    • Elite boss boxes can give them as well
    • Event shops, of course
    • Possibly monster collection exploration rewards from certain tiers of box

    There may be more than this, but this is all I can think of off the top of my head.
    Also, bonus potential? How do I get in on that action?

    Bonus potential does not exist on reboot. So while you're losing out on some extra stats, you're also being saved basically having to go through the whole "cubing an item" process twice per item.
    Is there a consistent way to get these cubes?

    You're on reboot, you can buy craftsman cubes(and silver potential stamps) from the potion shop in most towns.
    I knew that'd be a trigger point; lmao. I have 150 gollux coins, so after I do him today I will replace that ring with a superior.

    Good to hear. Just remember that it's one buy per character. And you're on reboot, so if you blow that ring up or in any way lose it, you're screwed. Yes it's stupid, yes people have been making a stink about it since reboot day one(December 2015), no nexon hasn't decided to do anything about it.
    Thank you for info on the nodes! It seems really difficult to find any up to date info. One issue I'm having is that I can't seem to figure out how to switch nodes out. For example, I have the 4 nodes on top "active". How do I replace one of these 4 active nodes with another one?

    Sounds like maybe you were trying to do it through the node master npc's UI? What you actually do is open your skill window, go all the way to the last tab(marked as V), click the big blue "v matrix" button at the top. From here you can double click nodes to equip or remove them, as well as unlock up to two extra slots with mesos and distribute matrix points as I mentioned in my other post.

    To explain the two slots thing in case you don't know. I'm going to assume you're at 205 by now. You unlock a new nodestone slot every five levels, so your next two will be at 210 and 215. You also have the choice to spend mesos to unlock the next two nodestone slots from wherever you are. So if you're at 205, you can pay to unlock the 210 and 215 slots, and once you hit 210 you'll still have the 215 slot unlocked but you'll also be able to unlock your 220 slot. And so on and so forth.

    Another point on nodes, your ideal boost node is, as I said, any two configurations of quad star, showdown and assassin's mark. Past that, it's up to your own discretion. You'll want your three job-specific skills to be sure, but you may also want last resort at some point(Has two stages, press the skill key again while the buff is active to hit stage 2, tooltip can explain better). Alongside that, I would recommend decent sharp eyes and decent speed infusion for, respectively, 10% crit rate/8% crit damage and an extra attack speed boost(I believe it's one attack speed level, same as green monster park potion). There's also decent holy symbol which, at its base level, gives an extra 20% exp and I think like 10% drop rate. You may also want shadow walker for another source of burst damage at some point too. Don't bother with venom burst, it's not worth it.