Hi everybody,
Perhaps some of you ever had a chance to look for the help from customer support of Maplestory. Well, how do you feel that? Was your problem resolved or it is still going on with non-resolution date? Here is my short story and suffer from this customer support.
I have been playing Maplestory since year 2005 and I started playing EMS since 2015 Oct. till now. Well, too much to say, hard to describe so many things that I have gone through. But my unfair treatment started when l lost my item which was 17th of Dec. 2017. Below is what happened.
After DMT, there was an update which was on 17th Dec. 2017. What happened to me? The item is called superior gollux ring with double Legendary potentials (main potential has 30% dex) and 5 scolled + 12 stars. During DMT, l spent more than 500$ on cubing and this item did cost me a lot of cubes for getting bonus legendary potential and so on. I bought it from one of my friends as clean item. And when l was doing the starforce for higher stars, it boomed. Then l bought a new one from auction house and replaced with the boomed crystal. Then, this item was lost, in the beginning l thought some of other characters had it, but after checking all characters, l concluded that the item was lost for no particular reason. How absurd it is!!
Since it is high value item anyway, so l sent a ticket to the customer support with all what l know about this item provided, such as item stats, main potential line stat, bonus potential line stat and also the starforce and scroll usage, and most important information is when the item was lost approximately. So the ticket was sent, and l started waiting patiently. After few days, l got reply saying l have to wait more days, then l wait. And after one week, l was told the same to wait and wait. Then after one month, l talked with support team online for my suffer, and they said they would escalate this issue to the game item to look for my item, so l believed. And l have again provided all the information about my items to other, and they told me to wait patiently, so l did (This is what l can only do, wait and wait, l hate that). Then another month was gone, and yesterday l chatted with online customer support again, guess what happened? The same story rolled back again and l was told again to wait. What customer support has explained is that this issue is very complicated, it takes time to resolve. When l tried to explain about my concerns, the chat was closed saying that too many queries have been asked. Then another customer support, the same answer, then closed due to my queries. Then 3rd, 4th and 5th. All these people said the same stuff, it has been 2 months on this issue, how long do l have to wait any longer? They told me that the estimated time of resolution is unable to be provided, what l can do is to wait. Then l asked again, is it possible to resolve this issue till end of April? Guess what they said, they said that the issue is very complicated, and we can not provide you the fix date? What the hell? 4 months can not handle a single case? Are you guys snail or tortoise? Sorry, the snails and tortoises are actually faster on this matter. Can you imagine for single issue, you are asked to wait for such long time? This customer support can not even promise you to resolve this issue in another 2 months, which totally 4 month time? How do you feel about that? If you work in an company, is this your attitude towards what you do? Dont you feel guilty for what you are doing? All the online customer support just copy and paste the same thing over and over? Does it make any sense? What are you guys doing in this company? You are paid and you should get your work done. And what you do is to resolve the player issue. Since when players are such worthless to you? Cant you all see how many players have quitted this game? Look with your eyeballs. Is this the way how you treat your clients? If one issue takes 4 months, then for 10 same issues, it will take years to resolve it? Are you fking kidding me? Look at the prices in fm and auction house, look at all the hackers destroying the game, what do you guys do? Just sitting in the office and drink coffee and gossip about your new boyfriend or girlfriend? Is this what you do? Dont you feel bad for yourself? Is there any meaning in your life to really do something? But l believe in some the company, it may have below screen:
Please maplestory higher authority look deeply into this issue, we players need respect, we dont need these programmed customer support like robots repeating doing the same thing and still getting paid. We need humans, alive person to take actions and pay attentions to players' concern, otherwise this game will collapse one day for sure.
PS: this post may sound harsh for a little bit, but it is what we really feel. It is our voices not shouting, please start doing something to bring back more players and harmony in this game. We all should be responsible for what we do so that our value as a human is embodied