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June 27, 1996
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  • Where the star fell

    Talk to Chief Tatamo in Leafre.
    Enter Sky Nest II, Sky Nest 3, Valley of the Antelope 2, The Area of Black Kentaurus, Battlefield of Fire and Darkness, or Battlefield of Water and Darkness.
    Attack any monster in any of those maps.
    Complete the quest [Star Force] Equipment Star Power. (Located under the lightbulb icon on the left-hand side of the screen, to my knowledge)
    Talk to Chief Tatamo again.

  • i reported hacker?

    EnriquePD wrote: »
    In conclusion one of the two has to leave the city, because if we go to a Cyber.net, shopping center, or any other wifi area, we will detect it as inappropriate.
    Either you change city or I do it, but one of the two has to do it so that the same thing does not happen anymore.

    An internet cafe or change in wifi shouldn't trigger a full ban (though logging in from a different computer on a different wifi connection might result in a temporary tradeblock). I've successfully logged in from several different cities and airport wifis, for example. If this is what happened, a GM may have flagged it as suspicious, but I have not heard of anyone being autobanned for playing on different internet connections.
    Actually Maplestory has some benefits you can receive for going to a PC cafe, as it's a popular passtime in Korea. It was deemed to not be as popular in the states or Europe, so the benefits were largely removed from GMS, but you can still sometimes see leftover text baked into certain game assets.

    This is different from using a proxy or VPN, however.
  • Your channel

    Since I first started playing, I've always picked channel 3 to log into. I never really leave it unless necessary.
  • crazy arcade bnb pc game comeback

    Please do not spam the forum. You already had an open thread on this topic and you created 4 more.
  • Get all 5th job skills and level up them

    Mobs in Arcane River drop items called Nodestones.
    Nodestones are use-tab items which give you random Nodes.

    A Node is equivalent to a 5th job skill. You can enhance Nodes by sacrificing other Nodes of the same skill. There are three types of Nodes:
    • Boost Nodes: A Node that boosts the damage of three of your earlier skills. The skills which get boosted are random. Generally the only confusing aspect of Boost Nodes is that the order of the skills matter: A Node that boosts skills A, B, and C in that order cannot be sacrificed to enhance a Node that boosts skills B, C, and A in that order.
    • Skill Nodes: A Node that grants a new skill. Skill Nodes are either available for all classes, are class-specific, or group-specific. For example: Rope Lift (the skill you described) can be equipped by all classes, Venom Burst can only be equipped by Thieves, Freud's Wisdom can only be equipped by heroes, and Luck of the Draw can only be equipped by a Phantom.
    • Special Nodes: Nodes that give a special ability, like "Counterattack" which increases your damage by 100% for 10 seconds every 20th hit. Special Nodes are always time limited, so unless you're hurting for damage it's probably best to disassemble them.

    Nodes take up no space in your inventory.
    You can equip Nodes by opening your skill tab, navigating to the fifth job tab, and selecting the blue "V-Matrix" button. Then simply drag+drop or double click on the Nodes listed at the bottom to equip them. After they're equipped in the V-Matrix, the skills will appear in your skill UI, and you can drag and drop the skills onto your keyboard layout as usual.

    You can enhance or disassemble Nodes by speaking with a Node Master NPC, either NPC Archelle in Nameless Town, Lyon in Chu Chu Village, or Hirrel in Morass:
    • To disassemble, right click on the Node and select "Disassemble", or if you want to disassemble multiple Nodes at once, select the blue "Disassemble" button on the right-hand side of the screen.
    • To enhance a Node, right click on the Node and select "Enhance". Then select the Nodes you want to sacrifice and select "Enhance".

    Disassembling Nodes gives you Node Shards. Node Shards can then be recrafted into Nodes you actually want by speaking to a Node Master NPC as before and selecting "Node Crafting" on the right-hand side of the UI. The Nodes you can use are listed first. Click on the one you want, then select "Craft".
    You can also craft random Nodestones which are tradeable in the Auction House.

    This guide is outdated (doesn't list all available skills for all classes), but still valid.
    Here is the wiki's take.
    This guide also appears to be outdated, but still valid, with pictures.