I find it funny that the main reason to nerf these boxes is "to reduce the grinding mentally" when this game is nothing BUT one big grindfest.So why would you rail on reducing the grinding mentality (which is purely my own speculation, I might add) if you think the game is a grindfest?
They limited the number of coins you got from a reward box that's absurdly common anyway. That's hardly "spitting in the players' faces".
That's fine you dislike grinding, I get it. But in turn, do you actually LIKE having an event destroyed with restrictions such as this? They took it to insulting extremes. They could have done this more tastefully is my ultimate point. What they did was spitting in the player's faces, and I know I'm not alone with that feeling.
While speculation is tolerated, please refrain from asserting bad things about individual people, including KThxBaiNao or any particular person at Nexon. I've already had to warn one person for doing this.
I'll just say if I wasn't confident in my point about teleworking I wouldn't have brought it up, especially it being such a common place in today's employment. For him to get fired like this abruptly with the most ambiguous closing letter, would have to be 3 things;
-He stole something
-Insubordination/creating poor work environment
-Wasn't doing his duties, for awhile too
Otherwise he could probably fight back, and if it was a lay off I'm sure he'd have no problem saying it. Based on the game activity I witnessed before he was selected for the position, his twitter, and his personal streams, I feel as though the second one is more applicable.