these suggestions every week. No need to be alarmed if you don't see my post. As I've mentioned quite awhile back, we're watching this thread!
question my aran already exist is the skin option going to be available already created characters( I have all the aran nx on her including the new hair and the REAL maha in game weapon which is untradable and the aran pet); so would it be possible to use skin coupon from cash shop to get clay aran skin since I already have my character setup and all I need is skin please be yes >.< (less)
I would love that chick pet and for new throwing stars I would like to suggest two possible ones heart one and chcolate one when the heart one hit lil heart go everywhere and when … (more)thechocolate one hit it melts into a chocolate splat also I would love to see chick slipper on sale and prema heart short form cs in a last chance sale plase the chick slippers are those woren in the middle and is the pink heart shorts I want
omg i think it would be cool if the start selling glove boxes ( like premium style boxes but with only gloves in it) and shoe boxes like that also XD tho idk if ti would happen still … (more)would be nice ^^ also my big brother wants nue hair also damien hair so much want for all the shiny nx in this thread (less)