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  • This better not represent GMS' community..

    At this point Sorrow, I doubt they ever will. It's pretty difficult to balance something like that. Generally for a large portion of Maple's existence, if you are strong, being solo awards more exp than being in a party. So it is inefficient to party with other players, especially if they are weaker than you are (and even if they are stronger, they are getting more kills, doing more damage, 'taking' more of the exp). If they were to make party play truly viable, they'd have to hit the nail right on the head. Otherwise it'll be stronger than farming alone and everyone will just mandatorily group together arbitrarily and then proceed to play solo, just all together on the same map. It's difficult to get something like that correct, and Maple honestly never really has. No arguments here though, I just accept it as part of the game. I prefer party play more anyways. Every second solo where you are taking a drink or itching, or adjusting your position in your chair, you are wasting exp, and I hate that feeling. In party play, you (as the other member(s)) get the liberty to do all those things, and so do I. Much better for a grind-focused farming session in my opinion.
  • Worst Patch Preparation Ever?

    Honestly you people clearly have no concept of what exactly goes into releasing something like this. Maplestory targeted children with it's style so there is bound to be some brats out there but good lord. Many of the remaining players (and players bashing maintenance) really need to grow up. You can check, double check, and triple check every variable, and something can still go wrong. Then you have to set about finding the one random thing that just so happens to be not functioning correctly.

    People here have no concept of what goes into a troubleshooting process and cry because they can't play the game. If the initial maintenance had gone this long, the frustration would be warranted. But it wasn't. The game came up, something was wrong, and now they have to fix it. Such is life.
    Just my 2 cents.
    Well your "2 cents" needs some reassessment because the maintenances they preform are constantly going overtime and it's not just with a major maintenance like this, the routine sever checks get extended. This is an on going issue and to be honest, I think Nexon has no concept what goes into releasing a major patch like this, because they obviously aren't planning their updates when like I said, a routine server check gets extended. And until people like you stop trying to justify this kind of stuff and defending them, because this is ridiculous for a company to be this sloppy and this will continue to happen, because every time someone tries to bring up issues they get mobbed by 'nexon fangirls' and the issues aren't taken seriously. From what I heard from a former Nexon Employee, you get very limited training on the job and they are severely understaffed and it definitely shows. And I know people hate it when other people compare two companies, but Blizzard has maintenance during the day like Nexon, and from what I heard Blizzard RARELY has to extend their maintenance. Extending the maintenance almost every single time you have one is not something to excuse.

    First, i'm going to point to the fact that i'm not defending nexon, so much as the process of troubleshooting issues, as I stated in my later post. If you don't do it, you just won't get it. Theres no nicer way to say it than that. Plus, the easiest card I didn't want to pull but you seem to be missing it, so I will. It's a free game. Cut. Dry. A free game that owes you and everyone else absolutely nothing. Do we like hearing that? No. But that's the way it is. Every single player could never pay a cent again, and the game would run, until it dies (because that's the nature of these things) but you'd never pay a cent.

    You aren't going to make some stand by coming onto the forums and saying nexon sucks for extending maintenance. They aren't choosing to. This isn't some disconnect between the players wishes and the wishes of nexon. They'd have it up right now if they could. But they are working on it. And you, as a free to play player (whether you've spent 0 dollars or 10,000) can do nothing but wait.

    Your point about the Nexon staff is good and valid. So you (figurative you, I mean everyone) should push to try and get some communication on the matter with Nexon directly, instead of just bashing them. Constructive though, not destructive.

    And the comparison to Blizzard is off-base. First on Blizzard, they frequently have huge issues when releasing new expansions (for wow specifically). And second, a company that has been surviving off of a large Subscription player base, several buy to play player bases, and a couple free-to-play player bases dabbled in there is nowhere near comparable to Nexon. A much better comparison is Warframe. Where, when maintenance and updates hit, even humongous game updates you've been waiting MONTHS AND MONTHS for... pushed 1 and a half days on inarguably it's biggest update at that time.
    The biggest difference was communication. The website, and several developers twitters accounts were constantly giving players words of hope. We're working on it! Over and over again, but it at least showed they cared. That's something Nexon doesn't do. That is what is inexcusable about how Nexon handles things. But maintenances, updates, etc run long, and as a free to play game and player, you should accept that fact. It is not about 'enabling' Nexon in the future, it's about the way it is and no amount of protesting or however else you spin it will change that.
  • Worst Patch Preparation Ever?

    Honestly you people clearly have no concept of what exactly goes into releasing something like this.
    Then explain to us what it takes to release something like that.

    I'm certain you're not one of those reddit users who act smart but in fact dont know anything.

    Also, i'd like to ask your profession/job and age.

    Gustavo Almeida

    Never expected this thread to get so long, just checked it.
    In good sport I wanted to answer you Gustavo.
    Firstly i never have nor never will use Reddit. I'm 22 years old and currently in charge of installing, repairing, and general maintenance of the technology that runs 6 restaurants in my city. And a large part of that is troubleshooting. Hence why I'm defending, not Nexon specifically, but the effort it takes to troubleshoot issues. And I don't even deal with coding. That's a whole other monster entirely. But from my understanding Nexon doesn't either. Even so, technology is such where any miniscule discrepancy can cause big issues. My point is that I see thread after thread bashing Nexon because the game is down. When in fact most people don't know how difficult fixing (xyz specific issue) can be when you aren't even sure what's causing it in the first place. I agree Nexon's communication could be much better, and 'until further notice' is way worse than giving us at least a guess of a time frame. But if the game is down, then they are working on it. :)
  • Worst Patch Preparation Ever?

    Honestly you people clearly have no concept of what exactly goes into releasing something like this. Maplestory targeted children with it's style so there is bound to be some brats out there but good lord. Many of the remaining players (and players bashing maintenance) really need to grow up. You can check, double check, and triple check every variable, and something can still go wrong. Then you have to set about finding the one random thing that just so happens to be not functioning correctly.

    People here have no concept of what goes into a troubleshooting process and cry because they can't play the game. If the initial maintenance had gone this long, the frustration would be warranted. But it wasn't. The game came up, something was wrong, and now they have to fix it. Such is life.
    Just my 2 cents.
    DanthemanvanHeroDjinnNovasiriWhirlwhindAggraphinetoothflushIts2Sharp4UDreamWeaverwillywolfyKazutoKatsuragiand 1 other.
  • How Far have you gone for Maplestory?

    This is a great story!
    Hehe ty ^_^ Maple was my first MMO so it will always have a special place in my heart.
