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Worst Patch Preparation Ever?


  • WzerWzer
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 54
    edited November 2016
    Yuuzen said:

    All the arguments of 'glitches/testing/etc' would be acceptable is Nexon were a startup company,

    The problem is, any and all patches/updates generally lead to fixing one problem and creating 4-XX more issues ... from a company 13 years into their own game and still, causes more problems than repairs.

    Over time, you are supposed to get better at your trade, not worse.
    It's 13 years for KMS and they do their job well. For GMS, it's been 11 years and they do not do their job well. Remember that KMS is where most of the features come from.
  • YoloYolo
    Reactions: 975
    Posts: 52
    edited November 2016

    Yolo said:


    Yolo said:


    It's as if the concept of things happening one way in a testing environment, then going completely pants-on-head bonkers weird once it's pushed live is unheard of to some people.
    BringBackTespia# MakeMapleGreatAgain#
    I doubt they'd bring back a test server if this has any merit to it.
    AkihikoT_ said:

    The reason GMS doesn't have a test server anymore is people would take advantage of it, find the glitches but not tell about them to exploit them in the real game. This happened to the point it wasn't trustable anymore.
    Why not? They would be able to test the patch before it goes live, In turn we'd get shorter maintenance times and less bugs,
    Because people would ABUSE the power(find a glitch that gets you fast levels? Find a dupe exploit for your OP gear? People might not tell devs)...even though I would honestly do Tespia type stuff...with a full resume and even a really poorly written cover letter from Middle School....
    Well yeah they do not need to add EVERY bonobo to Tespia,

    They could also add certain restrictions such as these examples~

    1: Account still in good standing
    2: Meet a certain level or amount of characters on account (So if people do find exploits and abuse them it would be on their main account)
    3: Accounts made within the last few months cant apply for Tespia (possible newly made account's for the express purpose of finding said exploits/glitches)

  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited November 2016
    ...the forums are lagging, ignore this.
  • YuuzenYuuzen
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 38
    edited November 2016
    Wzer said:

    Yuuzen said:

    All the arguments of 'glitches/testing/etc' would be acceptable is Nexon were a startup company,

    The problem is, any and all patches/updates generally lead to fixing one problem and creating 4-XX more issues ... from a company 13 years into their own game and still, causes more problems than repairs.

    Over time, you are supposed to get better at your trade, not worse.
    It's 13 years for KMS and they do their job well. For GMS, it's been 11 years and they do not do their job well. Remember that KMS is where most of the features come from.
    So in 2 more years, GMS will iron out all the problems... 11 years just isn't enough time to know how things work ?
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited November 2016
    Yolo said:


    Yolo said:


    Yolo said:


    It's as if the concept of things happening one way in a testing environment, then going completely pants-on-head bonkers weird once it's pushed live is unheard of to some people.
    BringBackTespia# MakeMapleGreatAgain#
    I doubt they'd bring back a test server if this has any merit to it.
    AkihikoT_ said:

    The reason GMS doesn't have a test server anymore is people would take advantage of it, find the glitches but not tell about them to exploit them in the real game. This happened to the point it wasn't trustable anymore.
    Why not? They would be able to test the patch before it goes live, In turn we'd get shorter maintenance times and less bugs,
    Because people would ABUSE the power(find a glitch that gets you fast levels? Find a dupe exploit for your OP gear? People might not tell devs)...even though I would honestly do Tespia type stuff...with a full resume and even a really poorly written cover letter from Middle School....
    Well yeah they do not need to add EVERY bonobo to Tespia,

    They could also add certain restrictions such as these examples~

    1: Account still in good standing
    2: Meet a certain level or amount of characters on account (So if people do find exploits and abuse them it would be on their main account)
    3: Accounts made within the last few months cant apply for Tespia (possible newly made account's for the express purpose of finding said exploits/glitches)

    Those are almost the same requirements for old Tespia...6 month account creation, certain level chars...good standing :T
  • WzerWzer
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 54
    edited November 2016
    Yuuzen said:

    Wzer said:

    Yuuzen said:

    All the arguments of 'glitches/testing/etc' would be acceptable is Nexon were a startup company,

    The problem is, any and all patches/updates generally lead to fixing one problem and creating 4-XX more issues ... from a company 13 years into their own game and still, causes more problems than repairs.

    Over time, you are supposed to get better at your trade, not worse.
    It's 13 years for KMS and they do their job well. For GMS, it's been 11 years and they do not do their job well. Remember that KMS is where most of the features come from.
    So in 2 more years, GMS will iron out all the problems... 11 years just isn't enough time to know how things work ?
    No, I'm saying KMS improved over time and knows how to do their jobs. It's been 11 years for GMS and they still do not know what they're doing.

  • YuuzenYuuzen
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 38
    edited November 2016
    Wzer said:

    Yuuzen said:

    Wzer said:

    Yuuzen said:

    All the arguments of 'glitches/testing/etc' would be acceptable is Nexon were a startup company,

    The problem is, any and all patches/updates generally lead to fixing one problem and creating 4-XX more issues ... from a company 13 years into their own game and still, causes more problems than repairs.

    Over time, you are supposed to get better at your trade, not worse.
    It's 13 years for KMS and they do their job well. For GMS, it's been 11 years and they do not do their job well. Remember that KMS is where most of the features come from.
    So in 2 more years, GMS will iron out all the problems... 11 years just isn't enough time to know how things work ?
    No, I'm saying KMS improved over time and knows how to do their jobs. It's been 11 years for GMS and they still do not know what they're doing.

    My apologies, I misinterpreted what you meant. It seems we agree, sorry.
  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited November 2016
    Wzer said:


    i'd rather a day long maintenance with probable compensation that fixes bugs introduced with the patch than one that is pushed out to meet a deadline and all the bugs are ignored until later.

    i always expect patches to be extended, no matter what mmo i'm playing. it's just something that you have to expect - things happen, especially with big patches like this one.
    Really you would say that? Were you not here earlier when they extended the maintenance for an hour and a half and the game was unplayable upon going live? You expect patches to be extended just tells how bad of a job Nexon has done in the past to make you not trust them in doing their job properly. People like you who always stick around saying "whatever, extended as usual" makes Nexon more ignorant towards players. Change is essential at this time and you know it.

    Nothing is expected to go according to plan. Even if it has been planned out properly and has been implemented into other regions without error doesn't mean that it'll go flawlessly. An example of this is recently in MapleSEA where they accidentally reset player prequests.

    What's important is getting to the bottom of things when unexpected things happen such as these scenarios. It is much better to be prepared for the unexpected than to plan out on paper for hours without actually doing anything. As much as I am bias towards Nexon for many sort of things, I can't agree with you of them of not doing their job in terms of bug fixing as a whole. Taking down the game for an unscheduled server maintenance for many sorts of issues in the game that came right after the patch which breaks the game itself is reasonable and is doing their job.

    On the other hand community and company interactions need some improvement. There needs to be a bit more crowd control so people don't overreact or spill FUD on the forums on not doing anything. Otherwise that's just being an entitled prick without considering that the outcome won't always be according to plan.

    I get where you're coming from, but you need to take it down a notch.
    Yolo said:

    Why not? They would be able to test the patch before it goes live, In turn we'd get shorter maintenance times and less bugs,
    Players have more likely abused the Tespia/Test Server rather than actually reporting such instances. If we were to have a test server it would have probably need to be between trusted players or popular streamers/video makers in order to be effective adding on a NDA with a less likely chance to fail.

    However even with that, the MWLB (Maple Watch Leaf Brigade) and the recent MLC (Maple Leaf Council) was a failure due to the fact of certain small number of people appointed to those positions abused their powers such as breaking their NDA and leaking out classified information.

    The only instance where I found this to be working in another Nexon community is Combat Arms with their #MakeCAGreatAgain campaign where they're going to launch Operation Janus for a big overhaul for their graphics update, UI, and getting-into-game queue system.
  • YoloYolo
    Reactions: 975
    Posts: 52
    edited November 2016

    Yolo said:


    Yolo said:


    Yolo said:


    It's as if the concept of things happening one way in a testing environment, then going completely pants-on-head bonkers weird once it's pushed live is unheard of to some people.
    BringBackTespia# MakeMapleGreatAgain#
    I doubt they'd bring back a test server if this has any merit to it.
    AkihikoT_ said:

    The reason GMS doesn't have a test server anymore is people would take advantage of it, find the glitches but not tell about them to exploit them in the real game. This happened to the point it wasn't trustable anymore.
    Why not? They would be able to test the patch before it goes live, In turn we'd get shorter maintenance times and less bugs,
    Because people would ABUSE the power(find a glitch that gets you fast levels? Find a dupe exploit for your OP gear? People might not tell devs)...even though I would honestly do Tespia type stuff...with a full resume and even a really poorly written cover letter from Middle School....
    Well yeah they do not need to add EVERY bonobo to Tespia,

    They could also add certain restrictions such as these examples~

    1: Account still in good standing
    2: Meet a certain level or amount of characters on account (So if people do find exploits and abuse them it would be on their main account)
    3: Accounts made within the last few months cant apply for Tespia (possible newly made account's for the express purpose of finding said exploits/glitches)

    Those are almost the same requirements for old Tespia...6 month account creation, certain level chars...good standing :T
    I think the problem with old Tespia was they had added too many people to the server, I remember reading something earlier today about there being so many people it was split into two separate servers. They need to be able to somehow identify and then punish the people that find and abuse these exploits/glitches.

  • Gio1373Gio1373
    Reactions: 1,405
    Posts: 41
    edited November 2016
    AkihikoT_ said:

    Wzer said:

    Azgaurd said:

    Honestly you people clearly have no concept of what exactly goes into releasing something like this. Maplestory targeted children with it's style so there is bound to be some brats out there but good lord. Many of the remaining players (and players bashing maintenance) really need to grow up. You can check, double check, and triple check every variable, and something can still go wrong. Then you have to set about finding the one random thing that just so happens to be not functioning correctly.

    People here have no concept of what goes into a troubleshooting process and cry because they can't play the game. If the initial maintenance had gone this long, the frustration would be warranted. But it wasn't. The game came up, something was wrong, and now they have to fix it. Such is life.
    Just my 2 cents.
    Guess what Azgaurd? Most of the features are already made in KMS and all GMS does is change it so it fits into the server. KMS runs test server other than official server to test the updates before releasing them out into public (people apply to play on the test server) and I dont think GMS even has that kind of system. We can conclude that GMS lacks preparation for such big maintenance, or rather any other maintenance in general. They need to improve in doing their job. We get that it may be difficult, but from what I hear from most of people who plays GMS; it's obvious that nexon isn't doing their job well.

    Here are what a lot of people say:
    "Extension as expected."
    "It's GMS, what do you expect?"
    "They need to improve."
    "It's been like this for long time, so whatever."

    The reason GMS doesn't have a test server anymore is people would take advantage of it, find the glitches but not tell about them to exploit them in the real game. This happened to the point it wasn't trustable anymore.
    There's a simple way around that, Blizzard found it out. You make a smaller portion apply to keep a closer eye on them (the account gets marked as a "tester" so you're always being monitored for gameplay) and make them agree to a specific TOS that warrants Life Time and IP bans on the account. You cross the line you're out. No question about it; and guess what? You hardly ever see people crossing that line with them. Granted you still do, but their population is a lot larger than Maple's and it's usually the same people that originally got banned trying to crawl back into the game.

    So such a comment is just like saying they're too lazy to do it. It's still viable but it's easier to whine than work hard.

    As to them taking to long and people being upset. It's understandable. Imagine you paid someone to fix your sink and they said it'll take 2-6 hours and then you turn around he's been staying with you for 3 days. It'll make anyone go " wth...?". The problem is If their maintenance time is 8 hours. that's an entire work shift. There's no reason it should take longer than that. If for some God awful reason it does You should probably have a dummy server scripted to the exact mirror of the live server in which you can "prep" the patch then move it to live. Would make their lives a lot easier considering you wouldn't be able to do everything you need to for a patch but you'd be able to plug in the coding and so on which should make their life a lot easier.

    Then again.. that's moving into practicality and common sense... my bad i forgot 99% of people have thrown that out the window.

  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited November 2016
    Gio1373 said:

    There's a simple way around that, Blizzard found it out. You make a smaller portion apply to keep a closer eye on them (the account gets marked as a "tester" so you're always being monitored for gameplay) and make them agree to a specific TOS that warrants Life Time and IP bans on the account. You cross the line you're out. No question about it; and guess what? You hardly ever see people crossing that line with them. Granted you still do, but their population is a lot larger than Maple's and it's usually the same people that originally got banned trying to crawl back into the game.

    So such a comment is just like saying they're too lazy to do it. It's still viable but it's easier to whine than work hard.

    As to them taking to long and people being upset. It's understandable. Imagine you paid someone to fix your sink and they said it'll take 2-6 hours and then you turn around he's been staying with you for 3 days. It'll make anyone go " wth...?". The problem is If their maintenance time is 8 hours. that's an entire work shift. There's no reason it should take longer than that. If for some God awful reason it does You should probably have a dummy server scripted to the exact mirror of the live server in which you can "prep" the patch then move it to live. Would make their lives a lot easier considering you wouldn't be able to do everything you need to for a patch but you'd be able to plug in the coding and so on which should make their life a lot easier.

    Then again.. that's moving into practicality and common sense... my bad i forgot 99% of people have thrown that out the window.

    Sign me up =3=" Seriously...How2startCareeratNexonplz
  • toothflushtoothflush
    Reactions: 685
    Posts: 7
    edited November 2016
    Wzer said:


    i'd rather a day long maintenance with probable compensation that fixes bugs introduced with the patch than one that is pushed out to meet a deadline and all the bugs are ignored until later.

    i always expect patches to be extended, no matter what mmo i'm playing. it's just something that you have to expect - things happen, especially with big patches like this one.
    Really you would say that? Were you not here earlier when they extended the maintenance for an hour and a half and the game was unplayable upon going live? You expect patches to be extended just tells how bad of a job Nexon has done in the past to make you not trust them in doing their job properly. People like you who always stick around saying "whatever, extended as usual" makes Nexon more ignorant towards players. Change is essential at this time and you know it.

    i said i expect patches to be extended for any game, not just nexon. funcom, ncsoft, etc., etc. it's not some special problem only nexon has (though, i will say nexon's maintenances end up being longer than they really should be, but that's a whole other thing).

    like i said; i'd rather a long maintenance rather than one that's the expected amount of time but released with bugs that are possibly gamebreaking. i don't really see why that's a bad opinion to have?


    i'd rather a day long maintenance with probable compensation that fixes bugs introduced with the patch than one that is pushed out to meet a deadline and all the bugs are ignored until later.

    i always expect patches to be extended, no matter what mmo i'm playing. it's just something that you have to expect - things happen, especially with big patches like this one.
    It comes down to a simple matter of things working differently between testing and production environments. We all saw on the stream, everything worked perfectly(if you adjust for the lack of knowledge on the part of the streamers). But then it goes out to the live server and suddenly things are going arse-over-teakettle.
    very true - i assume that's why playtest servers are made for other mmos. patches that are seemingly fine when played with a small amount turn into a mess when played with a large amount.

    in a best case scenario, we could have tespia. but, that's unlikely due to reasons mentioned.
  • WzerWzer
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 54
    edited November 2016

    Wzer said:


    i'd rather a day long maintenance with probable compensation that fixes bugs introduced with the patch than one that is pushed out to meet a deadline and all the bugs are ignored until later.

    i always expect patches to be extended, no matter what mmo i'm playing. it's just something that you have to expect - things happen, especially with big patches like this one.
    Really you would say that? Were you not here earlier when they extended the maintenance for an hour and a half and the game was unplayable upon going live? You expect patches to be extended just tells how bad of a job Nexon has done in the past to make you not trust them in doing their job properly. People like you who always stick around saying "whatever, extended as usual" makes Nexon more ignorant towards players. Change is essential at this time and you know it.

    Nothing is expected to go according to plan. Even if it has been planned out properly and has been implemented into other regions without error doesn't mean that it'll go flawlessly. An example of this is recently in MapleSEA where they accidentally reset player prequests.

    What's important is getting to the bottom of things when unexpected things happen such as these scenarios. It is much better to be prepared for the unexpected than to plan out on paper for hours without actually doing anything. As much as I am bias towards Nexon for many sort of things, I can't agree with you of them of not doing their job in terms of bug fixing as a whole. Taking down the game for an unscheduled server maintenance for many sorts of issues in the game that came right after the patch which breaks the game itself is reasonable and is doing their job.

    On the other hand community and company interactions need some improvement. There needs to be a bit more crowd control so people don't overreact or spill FUD on the forums on not doing anything. Otherwise that's just being an entitled prick without considering that the outcome won't always be according to plan.

    I get where you're coming from, but you need to take it down a notch.
    Yolo said:

    Why not? They would be able to test the patch before it goes live, In turn we'd get shorter maintenance times and less bugs,
    Players have more likely abused the Tespia/Test Server rather than actually reporting such instances. If we were to have a test server it would have probably need to be between trusted players or popular streamers/video makers in order to be effective adding on a NDA with a less likely chance to fail.

    However even with that, the MWLB (Maple Watch Leaf Brigade) and the recent MLC (Maple Leaf Council) was a failure due to the fact of certain small number of people appointed to those positions abused their powers such as breaking their NDA and leaking out classified information.

    The only instance where I found this to be working in another Nexon community is Combat Arms with their #MakeCAGreatAgain campaign where they're going to launch Operation Janus for a big overhaul for their graphics update, UI, and getting-into-game queue system.

    Honestly, Nexon doesn't seem to care much about the problems happening. So many players have given up caring about GMS doing it's tasks in a good manner which makes them even more careless about this major problem.

    I know they do their jobs, but the thing is. . . It's been happening for too long. You talk about unexpected problems, we call that "unprepared." If the maintenance extend or so, games notify players. Nexon does not. You realize that the most recent news after the game went down again is around 3~4 hours later.
  • JacaruJacaru
    Reactions: 1,265
    Posts: 63
    edited November 2016
    Nexon NA is doing bad customer service right now; both for NA and EU this time.
    Actual maintenance was announced to end more than 6 hours ago - instead, "Maplestory is down for maintenance until futher notice" (...yes, futher notice) remains and not even a pessimistic estimate of the time it could take is given to who knows how many, waiting, expecting customers.
    No, you leave people to wait until futher notice for at least 6 hours.
    Why? The least a company could do is tell their customers about that afterwards. And I highlight that it is the least Nexon NA could do. If they don't, it gives me a really bad image about them. Compensation in-game for customers does not compensate for the time lost waiting and wondering.
    Personally: please do something about yourself, Nexon NA. If boss doesn't care though, as long as minimum amount of money is fulfilled, it's another story entirely.
    In any case this kind of behaviour is disappointing, more or less.
  • AzgaurdAzgaurd
    Reactions: 670
    Posts: 10
    edited November 2016
    Paix said:

    Azgaurd said:

    Honestly you people clearly have no concept of what exactly goes into releasing something like this.
    Then explain to us what it takes to release something like that.

    I'm certain you're not one of those reddit users who act smart but in fact dont know anything.

    Also, i'd like to ask your profession/job and age.

    Gustavo Almeida

    Never expected this thread to get so long, just checked it.
    In good sport I wanted to answer you Gustavo.
    Firstly i never have nor never will use Reddit. I'm 22 years old and currently in charge of installing, repairing, and general maintenance of the technology that runs 6 restaurants in my city. And a large part of that is troubleshooting. Hence why I'm defending, not Nexon specifically, but the effort it takes to troubleshoot issues. And I don't even deal with coding. That's a whole other monster entirely. But from my understanding Nexon doesn't either. Even so, technology is such where any miniscule discrepancy can cause big issues. My point is that I see thread after thread bashing Nexon because the game is down. When in fact most people don't know how difficult fixing (xyz specific issue) can be when you aren't even sure what's causing it in the first place. I agree Nexon's communication could be much better, and 'until further notice' is way worse than giving us at least a guess of a time frame. But if the game is down, then they are working on it. :)
  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited November 2016
    Wzer said:

    Honestly, Nexon doesn't seem to care much about the problems happening. So many players have given up caring about GMS doing it's tasks in a good manner which makes them even more careless about this major problem.

    I know they do their jobs, but the thing is. . . It's been happening for too long. You talk about unexpected problems, we call that "unprepared." If the maintenance extend or so, games notify players. Nexon does not. You realize that the most recent news after the game went down again is around 3~4 hours later.
    Yes, they do fix things, but let me expand on your point.

    They care much less for community to company communication link and that does need serious improvement. They usually just ninja-fix or do things without notifying players about fixes or changes until it is too late, then we have to wait for like what, the next 3 years?

    Some issues that can be highlighted is the Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest which was bugged then completely, "removed for a revamp", which never came during Masteria Through Time. We haven't had a word about it since.

    The recent Dragon Rider Party Quest. They fixed the client crash, but you still disconnect to log-in (for Gamelauncher) or server selection (for Nexon Launcher) screen. No word about that since.

    How about the UTC time change where it wasn't a bug but they decided to ninja-change it without asking for player opinion? They shouldn't have changed something that wasn't broken but now most of the resets happen at odd times which are 4 PM PST (7 PM EST) instead of 12 AM PST (3 AM EST).

    Crusader Codex, do I need to say anything about it?

    Phantom with Final Cut?

    Magnus Area-of-Effect where you're outside of his aura? Wasn't mentioned in the patch notes for whenever that came around and still not known if it is a bug or not even know we know that GMS use to be the only region without it.

    Look, there are a ton of more issues but this just highlights the lack of communication that still needs to be resolved. It's ridiculous that players have to go through Customer Support Tickets/Live-Chat and post Bug Reports/Technical Posts without getting the help or resolution they need.
  • BelloPallyBelloPally
    Reactions: 1,905
    Posts: 99
    edited November 2016
    I don't know why some people try to defend Nexon. Finishing the patch in time is what they're are getting paid for. It's their job. They should be criticized if they can't do their jobs correctly.

    Honestly I wouldn't complain if this is a rare occasion, but I see maintenance/patch extension almost all the time.
  • WzerWzer
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 54
    edited November 2016

    Wzer said:

    Honestly, Nexon doesn't seem to care much about the problems happening. So many players have given up caring about GMS doing it's tasks in a good manner which makes them even more careless about this major problem.

    I know they do their jobs, but the thing is. . . It's been happening for too long. You talk about unexpected problems, we call that "unprepared." If the maintenance extend or so, games notify players. Nexon does not. You realize that the most recent news after the game went down again is around 3~4 hours later.
    Yes, they do fix things, but let me expand on your point.

    They care much less for community to company communication link and that does need serious improvement. They usually just ninja-fix or do things without notifying players about fixes or changes until it is too late, then we have to wait for like what, the next 3 years?

    Some issues that can be highlighted is the Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest which was bugged then completely, "removed for a revamp", which never came during Masteria Through Time. We haven't had a word about it since.

    The recent Dragon Rider Party Quest. They fixed the client crash, but you still disconnect to log-in (for Gamelauncher) or server selection (for Nexon Launcher) screen. No word about that since.

    How about the UTC time change where it wasn't a bug but they decided to ninja-change it without asking for player opinion? They shouldn't have changed something that wasn't broken but now most of the resets happen at odd times which are 4 PM PST (7 PM EST) instead of 12 AM PST (3 AM EST).

    Crusader Codex, do I need to say anything about it?

    Phantom with Final Cut?

    Magnus Area-of-Effect where you're outside of his aura? Wasn't mentioned in the patch notes for whenever that came around and still not known if it is a bug or not even know we know that GMS use to be the only region without it.

    Look, there are a ton of more issues but this just highlights the lack of communication that still needs to be resolved. It's ridiculous that players have to go through Customer Support Tickets/Live-Chat and post Bug Reports/Technical Posts without getting the help or resolution they need.
    It's quite sad how forums are created to communicate, yet they don't. A person posts in 'HELP AND SUPPORT' section and is told to go talk to customer support. Like. . . what's the point of forums existing at this point or that section in general if nothing is ever solved/posted. They really need to improve, there's too many to even mention on here. Problems everywhere, and yet they add more and more problems over the other making the pile bigger. Then goes "I will do that later" and is never done. No point in siding with Nexon when it's obvious that it's at their fault.
  • Gio1373Gio1373
    Reactions: 1,405
    Posts: 41
    edited November 2016
    Jacaru said:

    Nexon NA is doing bad customer service right now; both for NA and EU this time.
    Actual maintenance was announced to end more than 6 hours ago - instead, "Maplestory is down for maintenance until futher notice" (...yes, futher notice) remains and not even a pessimistic estimate of the time it could take is given to who knows how many, waiting, expecting customers.
    No, you leave people to wait until futher notice for at least 6 hours.
    Why? The least a company could do is tell their customers about that afterwards. And I highlight that it is the least Nexon NA could do. If they don't, it gives me a really bad image about them. Compensation in-game for customers does not compensate for the time lost waiting and wondering.
    Personally: please do something about yourself, Nexon NA. If boss doesn't care though, as long as minimum amount of money is fulfilled, it's another story entirely.
    In any case this kind of behaviour is disappointing, more or less.
    Could you imagine if you're doctor or dentist did that? While you're passed out you get the pleasure of waking up to oh sorry we took your liver for 6 of your teeth too. Buut.. Everythings kinda ok now. Right?! :D

    Not really.. not at all. I also have to love the guys trying to back Nexon like it's ok for them too keep such a low standard of service like this. But I get it's complicated at times but it doesn't change the fact people are expecting X. When X isn't met you have essentially failed at your goal and pushed all the people waiting for X back. When that happens enough X isn't as appealing when it's sitting next to Y so people go for Y. Then X loses value after you invested a lot of time and money into making X happen.

    So by simply patting their backs saying it's ok you tried. It's actually hurting the company because you're making that new outcome acceptable as the new standard. It has nothing to do with being angry, although some people are. I'm perfectly fine waiting but it's just not an acceptable behavior. I mean you wouldn't have drug sitting next to a recovering addict while they're unsupervised. Why would you continue to contribute to the overall degeneration of the games service?
  • AkihikoT_AkihikoT_
    Reactions: 1,315
    Posts: 165
    edited November 2016

    Yolo said:


    Yolo said:


    Yolo said:


    It's as if the concept of things happening one way in a testing environment, then going completely pants-on-head bonkers weird once it's pushed live is unheard of to some people.
    BringBackTespia# MakeMapleGreatAgain#
    I doubt they'd bring back a test server if this has any merit to it.
    AkihikoT_ said:

    The reason GMS doesn't have a test server anymore is people would take advantage of it, find the glitches but not tell about them to exploit them in the real game. This happened to the point it wasn't trustable anymore.
    Why not? They would be able to test the patch before it goes live, In turn we'd get shorter maintenance times and less bugs,
    Because people would ABUSE the power(find a glitch that gets you fast levels? Find a dupe exploit for your OP gear? People might not tell devs)...even though I would honestly do Tespia type stuff...with a full resume and even a really poorly written cover letter from Middle School....
    Well yeah they do not need to add EVERY bonobo to Tespia,

    They could also add certain restrictions such as these examples~

    1: Account still in good standing
    2: Meet a certain level or amount of characters on account (So if people do find exploits and abuse them it would be on their main account)
    3: Accounts made within the last few months cant apply for Tespia (possible newly made account's for the express purpose of finding said exploits/glitches)

    Those are almost the same requirements for old Tespia...6 month account creation, certain level chars...good standing :T
    lol almost the same requirements as being a GM too.