i know it feels like its pointless to have security software as there is so many around but it will be worse without it and it dose the job good enough
just last week nexon got over 1m (1,000,000+ milion) acc ban for hacking/botting
and about 100k+ avg each week
its sad to see so many hackers around and its not all nexon fault (even if nexon manage to ban 95% of them those 5% will still keep destroy the game as bad as that 95% )
it is what it is maplestory wont be same as it was even KMS gets worse and strugle with them
and its not just nexon/maplestory
all other games dose same...especially the free to play "competitive" games are full with cheaters (free to play as not to pay x amount of $ to download/play not the nexon tricky definition of f2p )
example :
fortnite one of bigest FPS game its slowly geting destroyed by hackers
Stop hacking man, complaining here does nothing. What do you plan to achieve here?
its one of few place where actual false ban players can come and open awareness
ticket system mostly goes by what autoban system says without full chek and gets you ban if you continue insist
for recent example
suicide kanna where nexon was baning all for hacking,3part program use and all that nonsense
when they did nothing of that and refused to explain in ticket system whats actuly wrong for like months
there is still some that dont know about this even after nexon made statement that is exploit...
matter of fact they didnt unban those who got caught before nexon made the statement or ban all other who did it ...
(talking about all who did legit farm and suicide without any programs or things like that)
but yea sometime this way gets abused aswell or maybe just mistake with server worlds tag