other bosses that dont you need to go where the boss is
like zakum you can go to el nath and talk to job instructors in the one building to be teleported to … (more)entrance map
and npc at that map will teleport you back
most other bosses req you to actually travel to them
after that its a matter of your damage range/output and knowledge of the boss mechanics
you can get nice range boost by maximizing your set effects
superior gollux set (2x pendent) so you can use another belt
tyrant cape/gloves/boots/… (more)belt as pretty much no matter how you go about them they add huge range up
and from looks of it its reboot server
so carries for tyrant are rare but shouldn't be that hard to find alternatively you could go for the lower tier of superior gear for a nice boost (superior gollux carries are nice to)
as for rest of rings farm gollux tokens with last daily entry the kill and literally scroll tiers of rings going from highest to lowest
badge i want to say ghost ship exorcist (but as we cant get thos anymore no clue...
but yea strongly recommend trying your hand at having someone carrie you for superior gollux items and tyrant
or trying your hand at easy magnus for the other superior gear (less)