this is EXACTLY what I was thinking, we need to know that our OTHER past purchases aren't going to suddenly be taken back because reasons
just because maybe perhaps not as many … (more)people who bought them still play the game they probably thought oh lets be lazy and delete them..
many of us still do play. this is not acceptable.
even if we got badges, people would just complain about the next thing that they don't have.
i would hate to have such a cancerous mindset killing the joy of the game, and for most … (more)players the bit of increase wont matter if they don't even reach a point in game where that matters anyway. and Perfect 3 Line is not the norm either... that is like whale territory for non reboot, and completly reliant on rng.
even still people have cleared black mage just fine without many BIS gear, reboot has cleared black mage and they dont even have Bpot while also missing a few "bis" gear which is locked behind a paywall which even in regular servers a nice chunk of players don't have.
oh and ven if they returned the badge it would likely be an exceedingly rare drop or extremely hard to get or in something like marvel, the rage would ensue. and knowing that so many BIS items are locked behind rng, because people seemed to have forgotten a lot of them are.. would you really be surprised if they locked a pottable badge behind rng or a huge paywall as well?
*laughs in familiar revamp* (less)
events other regions get that we also get but nerfed? Just comparing the patch notes for the Astral event with MSEA, there are a few things that are restricted that hinders progression.
MSEA has some broken events. its no suprise that some things were changed. (less)