Well, I am gonna try this.
A brief description of why you'd like to become a VFM.
I have always wanted to give back to the community. When I was younger I wanted to be a GM. I even applied for Arwoo’s job when it came up. This is my chance to, I suppose. Although I tend to be a light-hearted person on the discord and forums, I can be pretty serious given the need for it. I also have a lot of ideas I want to communicate across. I hope my burning passion and love of maplestory will be an asset to the team.
What do you hope to accomplish as a VFM??
Well I need to represent Reboot, for starters. I am very passionate about the game, and particularly my home server Reboot. I also want to maybe bring a little bit of my lighter side to share with the VFM team. I also would like to bring awareness to issues that come from inside the Reboot community, and express the desire for Zero in Reboot. (you guys knew that was coming). Besides that, I really just wanna bring the community together. I also want to share my unique creativity and come up with great ideas for either the game or the community.
Do you have any experience moderating for other communities?
I have moderated a few private forums and own my own small discord server. I doubt it counts, but I also was head admin for a Minecraft server, often dealt with either selecting staff members or dealing with unruly players.
In-Game Character Name: Luminalas
World: Reboot
Discord User Name: Lumi the Lumi#1062 (welp im out of the closet now)
- Must be in REBOOT or have a strong understanding of the server's unique setting
I am a Reboot main.
- 18 Years or older.
College Sophomore and proud of it.
- Must be active and on the official MapleStory forums & Discord.
Well people have seen me a lot on the discord, and I have done a lot on the forums too.
- No history of using exploits or illegitimate programs.
Why the heck would I?
- Moderate and participate on the Maple community forums &Discord.
I hope being a little light-hearted won’t hurt in the discord, since I like to make people either smile or laugh.
- Be courteous and kind towards other forum members.
Of course!
- Uphold the Forum Code of Conduct and enforce the rules fairly.
I will do my best to make sure the rules are enforced, and that I personally uphold them.
- Assist planning ideas for creative and fun contests.
Well I have a ton of ideas for that…
- Provide a helping hand on community temperature reports.
Will do.
- Must be levelheaded when addressing difficult situations.
I think I can keep my cool if the situation arises.
- Must possess excellent written and communication skills.
I would say I can write pretty well, although on the communication side I can be a bit shy at first.
- Value providing constructive suggestions & feedback
I try my best, although I tend to keep my feedback short and to the point like this application.
- Must not be a supporter of the Black Mage.
Wait, what? Well uhm….no! I don’t support the Black Mage! N-not at all!
If you guys wanted some background info on me, I started playing the game in either 2011 or 2010. I loved the unique graphics and playstyle, and hence fell in love with the game. I unfortunately quit after Bellocan merged with Nova as to me, it ruined the economy and the population was too big for my liking. I returned for the release of the Renegades world, which is kinda where my real maple career took off. i joined a guild and made some amazing friends. Eventually our guild leader passed the guild down to me (i kinda had to because he disappeared, RIP LotusXOrchid, we still miss you). We had a good few years running, until a friend of mine pulled me into Mabinogi, resulting in another quit. I came back once again for Reboot and Heroes of Maple. Reboot was different from other servers. I was very content with the server's mechanics due to my own financial strains. I have yet to take a long quit for more than a month since this time.
Outside of the game, I study biology at a local university. I like to make people laugh since I was raised on my mother's humor. I enjoy games, cats, and ginkgo trees, among many other things.