Kid trying to get you banned in game? You sound illiterate. Do you know this? I was showing nexon what's going on game. Also that your talking trash by saying Ruth cares so much about my forum & your guild is known for botting for levels? Hmm that isn't supposed to be released in game. Only through support by nexon. But hey again you must be a hacker or duper trying to get unbanned.CindereIIa wrote: »vTwisted1x wrote: »Hey @Cinderalla It's funny how your not bragging about a GM not going to ban you and telling all of Sca to help all these hackers and dupers get unbanned.
Lol, youre funny. Trying to get me banned with these screenshots. The link that I smega in game is an actually link that is supported by Nexon themselves. If you actually took the time to click the second link of the SS that I provided. The advice and the ideas to let this issue be known was provided by at GM himself. So nice try kid.
No this needs to be quoted rofl.CindereIIa wrote: »This needs to be quoted ^^
CindereIIa wrote: »
Nexon, I've been a player of maplestory since beta. That is a little over eleven years. Hearing that you're banning people who even TOUCHED the weapon is just plain ridiculous. You banned a ton of people who have always played fair and truthfully, including three of my friends who just did so much as touch the weapon. That shouldn't be a reason to ban, because they don't have the weapon anymore; they just held it in their inventories for a few minutes and then was rid of it. It isn't fair to those who are still working hard to get the weapon. Why was banning an answer? Deleltion was another option but obviously banning was the easier way of doing things.
Un-ban the people who meant no harm in just holding an exploit weapon. It just isn't fair to them at all.