Bug type:
Can't progress further. Broken system for new players. Players requires to keep suicide and killing themselves at level 100-120 before they can get stronger to play at higher level because mesos get limited when players farm at low level monsters 10 level difference and even get 0 mesos. While the damage need on higher level gets a lot higher. It is simply impossible to progress. It gets worse since Singapore deletion. And will get even worse if Nexon decide to delete Malaysia and nerf/remove kishin before they fix the unbalance/ broken/bug in their game play system. A lot of low level players is quitting and leaving the game
Brief bug summary:
Maplestory team need to address the real issue behind everything that has happened regarding Kishin, Singapore and Malaysia. It seems that you (Nexon) didn’t really get it. I want to especially criticise The Maplestory Gameplay Designer Team that is full of brainless idiot who doesn’t even understand their own game. Don’t remove the Malaysia until you provide solution to the “Bottleneck” I will mention more below on the detail part. Otherwise you will break the game. It is very hard to repair when the glass has already been broken. You are moving toward a path that will end your own game. Dead end. I will explain through my writings below so the team will understand the frustration of players, especially Reboot server players since we depend on mesos farming so much. More and more low level/new players leaving the game/quitting the game until hell break lose and all the high level quit too.
The main issue behind all of this is NOT Kishin, malaysia or Singapore. You address the wrong point. The Main point is we have no way to farm enough mesos to progress if you delete Malaysia and Singapore. It is because you have limit the farming to 10 levels. More than 10 level difference, the mesos rate will get reduced until 40 levels difference where it reaches null /zero. It is somekind of bottleneck for new players/low level players.
The one that will get hit the hardest from the removal of Singapore and Malaysia will be new players to mid game players. The nerf or removal of kishin will hit all players.
This what create a broken system, Unless you create a farming ways to players. Otherwise, you kill your own players.
Evenmore, even with kishin, it still requires a very long time of farming to reach end game. Without kishin, you simply forcing out your players to quit the game.
More details:
To understand this, you need to calculate how much mesos does player need to reach mid game. I will divide players strength into 6 stages of improvement.
Stage 1, to reach level 160 and have averagely 400k+ damage range clean to be able to 1-3 hits kill at level 160-200 monsters.
Stage 2, to reach level 200 and have averagely 1 mill damage range so players can 1-3 hit kill at Vanishing Journey maplv 200+.
Stage 3 to reach around 3 mill damage range clean at level 220 so players can 1-3 hit kill at lachlein level 220+ map.
Stage 4 is to reach around 7 mill+ range clean (25k main stats) so players can 1 hit kill Arcana level 230+ map.
Stage 5 to reach Averagely 23mill + damage range clean (40k+ main stats) to join Hard lucid party.
Stage 6 to reach 28mill+ range clean to join into top hard bosses such as hard Will.
My calculation below might be only estimation numbers, but it should give you brief idea on what I meant. Roughly to reach stage 1, Players need to have roughly around 9% main stats. This is impossible to reach without players doing meso farming for around 50hours+. Coz at level 1-160, players will only gain around 20 millions mesos perhour. But I won’t explain much coz to this point, it is still not impossibly hard.
Next, to reach Stage 2. Players need roughly around 15%+ main stats potential with good combination of midgame equip+ end game equips. Lets say to get 1 equip to legendary requires averagely 700millions mesos. To Roughly get around 15%+ main stats, player need total around 800mill mesos. We have total 21 equips that is potable/ can be given potential. So in total, we will need around 21x 700mill = 14,7 Billions to reach Just level 2. I haven’t calculated the need of Drop gear and Mesos gear. If I calculate it, the amount will become tremendous.
Now, we will talk on the situation where players are without Kishin, Malaysia farming map and Singapore farming map. Malaysia and Singapore are considered farming map, because with even the lowest damage range possible and trash equips, players can still 1-2 hit kill and farm mesos at those map and gain average 100mill mesos perhour. Lets say without farming, GM can try to raise a char from level 1 to level 160 without any help or carry or farming. When you reach level 160, you will need around 6 hits to kill 1 monster level 160. That is because players will only have around 120k damage range clean.
At that time, if players try to push through to level 200 with 120k damage range at level 180sh, it is a super hard mission. And Once reach level 200, it will not become easier, instead it will become a lot harder because at level 200, we can farm the lowest on monsters level 190. Below that, players will get mesos reduced or even more gain no mesos at all. And it will bring players back to the main problem, they need to farm mesos and become stronger before they can progress through. Nexon can try test to level up from level 1-level 250 without farming and try to kill normal lucid. It is simply impossible. You design the game the need to farm mesos but you don’t provide/very little means to farm mesos.
At level 160, if player farm with very low damage and without kishin, they will gain around 15-20million mesos perhour. To farm 14.7 billions to reach 1 mill damage range clean with 20 million mesos perhour gain will require 14.700.000.000 / 20.000.000 = 735 hours. My calculation might be wrong coz I only calculate using my own experience + intuition. But I believe Nexon able to calculate
And to farm those, players only have 2 choice. 1st choice to keep farming with main char while it will level up but once it reach level 200+, It will reach bottleneck since monsters will getting stronger and stronger and the situation will become worse at high level with low damage range. And it gets worse since maplestory applies 40 level range to reduce mesos drop. Below 10 levels, Monsters will start dropping less mesos and 40 levels, they drop no mesos at all. So at level 200, you can only farm at lv 190+ monsters. The higher your level get, the longer you will kill. The longer it takes for players to kill, the less mesos they can get. because the mesos increase per level can't be compared with the mesos need to increase the strength of our character
2nd Option is to make new char and farm using other char. But once again, to make a new char, we need to raise its damage using mesos. And there is never enough mesos. Once the char reach level 160, the char will also face the same situation, low damage and strength to kill level 160+ monsters. 1 char from level 1-160 probably will only net players around 100 million mesos. But once they reach level 160, they need billions. Even if players keep making new chars until it has 40 chars with level 160+, they probably will only gain 40x100 = 4 billions.
The only way is to create around level 100-120 and farm at any maps with around level 100-120 and keep dieing/ suicide. That is a stupid game system where new players requires to keep killing themselves again and again, hundred of times until they gain enough mesos to strenghten their chars. And even worse, if you delete kishin, it will even take longer to get to decent damage. For new players who doesn’t even know the strategy to suicide will find this game so broken and simply quit. What a current stupid and broken gameplay.
That is the main reason why farming at Malaysia/ Singapore is very famous, coz you don’t need damage/ very low level damage to 1 hit kill them and farm there. That is also the reason why player do Suicide farming. Suicide farming is when players keep killing their char in order to reduce their experience to delay their level up or not to level up. Because if they level up, they will reach a bottleneck where players hardly can kill. This is a broken system created by brainless gameplay designer in maplestory Team.
Moreover, when player reach stage 3, where they need 3 mill + range clean, I estimate player will need around 21%+ main stats on all of their 21 equips. That will requires around 20 Billions totals. At this level, players will need to also get drop gear. Otherwise, farming nodes will be a cancer/hell. You can ask all players, to reach max level nodes with normal farming without Drop gear will be super hard. Especially without kishin. Without kishin and drop gear, player will only get around 1 node perhour. You can calculate how ridiciliously long for someone to farm without drop gear and kishin to max nodes level. At this time, if you have the damage and the mesos gear, player can get around 150mill mesos perhour.
To Shorten my explanation, I will skip and explain straight to stage 5-6. This is a point where players need a tremendous mesos farming. Players need to have 30%+main stats on potential (21 equips), possibly 21 stars on all equips.( 14 equips) and good flames. To gain 30% main stats, each equip need around 4 billions. In total, for all 21 equips to reach 30%+ main stats requires 4 billionsx21=84 Billions mesos. To get 1 equip to 21 stars, Averagely requires around 10 billions. To have 14 equips with 21 stars reuqires 10x14 = 140 billions mesos. To reach all of the requirements requires 84+140 billions = 224 billions. This is still not included flaming. At level 230+ with enough damage to 1 hit kill, players can get around 200mill perhour . to farm 224billions will require / 200.000.000 = 1.120 hours of farming. This is still rought estimation. In real, sometimes you blow up equips, the RNG gives you badluck and you need a lot more than what I stated above ( on the last star forcing event, I blew up 6 meister ring and burned 20 billions mesos and I still have 0 star meister ring). Most of time Maplestory RNG is ridicilous. Average most of the time only works for 1% of the players.
But, lets just use the 1.120 hours of farming time. This is only farming time. Not included your time to do Arcane force dailies, event, bossing, starforcing/cubing time, levelling mule and other things. But if someone farming roughly 3 hours a day, it will takes them 1.120 hours of farming. I want to challenge each of the GM/ Nexon team to farm 1.120 hours long per person and let us see how many of you can do it. Double it coz it is only farming time solely, not included other things. And this is only the lowest estimation.
In short:
It is not about Singapore or Malaysia. It is not about Kishin. It is about the need of players to have a mesos farming way since now, we have more need of mesos after flame and star force comes around. But instead you delete Singapore and malaysia, and even worse going to remove or delete kishin, without providing us solution before that. Don’t remove anything before you provide solutions to the bottleneck I mentioned above
Possible Solutions :
1. Provide us a similar or even better place to farm mesos. Or a new ways to farm mesos that can give us more mesos. I believe after that, the storm will calm down. We don’t care about Singapore or Malaysia. We only care how to gain the mesos after we have no more malaysia/singapore and no more kishin/kishin nerf.
2. Remove the 40 levels limiter on drop. No more mesos reduce if we farm on any level monsters
3. Increase the reward from levelling up. Nowadays with all the boost from star force, potential and flame, lvelling up reward us with too little gain. 5 main stats per level while players can have 45k main stats at end game sounds too low, isn’t it?
4. Increase the boost from link skills and legion. Same reason as number 3
5. Reduce dependability on starforcing, potential and flame. Since new starforce and flame comes around, we need more mesos to farm. We depend on star force and flame. Why not boost the link skills/legion instead to reduce the need to farm more mesos? You increase the need of mesos but you put mesos drop restriction and trying to remove farming maps and kishin
6. Reduce the cube cost, starforce and flame cost
7. Provide another means to make our char strong without mesos farming
8. Increase mesos rewards from event.
Steps to reproduce
1. Create level 1 char
2. Try to level up to level 250 without doing suicide. You will stop at level 200 or 210 coz you simply need too many hits before you can kill 1 monster because you are far away to weak. If you try to farm on level 190 monsters, you get even less mesos. even if you try farming at level 160 monsters, you will get no mesos at all.
3. When you reach bottleneck, you can try farm using another char, but after you reach around level 140ish, you will reach taht bottleneck barrier and hardly can progress further
4. You can only get strong by killing yourself over and over
Character name:
Character level:
Character job:
World name:
Date and time of the incident:
Since you limit the mesos drop by near level, followed by Singapore removal and it will get worse if, in the future, Nexon decide to delete Malaysia and remove/nerf kishin

