Thanks for the questions. That is a good in depth questions.
Regarding 8 worlds, after i think about it, to put 8 Police watch is too many. Probably on several worlds that is crowded. As in the future, if there are more worlds getting crowded, i think it is worth it for maple to get more Police watch
how it works? My reason to put level minimum so that no troll is happening. So that every report is legit. As if players reporting false, if it is happening more than once, The Police Watch can suspend them for 15 mins or more for repeating offense. Let's say if maplestory decide to put minimum level 200, obviously it doesn't take only 5 mins to reach lv 200, but more than that. It takes some effort and time. So, it is not so easy to have the privillage to report to police watch. And trhough time, Police Watch will know which players are actually legitly reporting hackers/botters and which players are only a fraud / Troll. And Even the Police Watch can build a communication with players especially with those who are willing to help combat hackers / botters.
What if others come to report while the Police watch is on his way to a " crime scene"? A good question. As i think it over, then the Police watch should have at least 2 computers and 2 accounts. One char to stay on the spot while the other one can go mobile. it can be operated by 1 person. What if there are more than 10 reports at once. Well, there will be a lot of reports when early release of this Police Watch. But as time goes on, Hackers will be reduced because they know that hacking is harder and might not worth the time. The hackers might even quit playing. But this is better for the community. So the Police Watch can tell the players the situation and ask to wait. At least it is better than having no place to ask when there are hackers around.
Most hackers gets huge advantage by hacking and leaving their computer online and hack for long hours. So by suspended their char, it will give an obstacle for them to hack. At the end it will reduce the amount of hackers coz the police watch will keep an eye out on them with he help of the community. Hackers will have more chances to stop when they keep getting suspended or even banned even after just started it for 30 mins. For them to make a char to, lets say lv 200, and then getting banned / suspended, might make them think over it. It will not worth the time and trouble. You kill the rats/the ants before they eat your food. As these "rats" fail over and over again, this hacker rats will think over it and might stop and quit. it is because the cost they spend to hack, will not balance the gain they can get. Hacking 30 mins - 1 hour and to get suspended, won't give them much advantage, sooner or later hackers will quit. The one that makes hackers flourish is hacking for 24 hours+ without getting caught and earned billions of mesos and items. Only several would be willing to hack for 30 mins - 1 hour with at the end getting caught.
Using Live chat hours, GM can't determine whether the account who report it legit or just a troll. But by having Police Watch that actually on the game, can interact more with players especially to players who have more dedication on fighting hackers. To go to live chat, you need to open maple site, login, go into the live chat, and report it. not many players would do it. But by giving an easy access, player can just just teleport to the place and report. Or probably just locate it on "easy to access" map like Ardentmill, FM or PQ entrance.
When the Police Watch first release, it will be very busy. But after a while, it will force more hackers to quit, hence the Police Watch will have more time to focus on each report.
As Destroying the cracks or the nest, i have heard from several forum user that it is impossible to tackle. Because hacking and botting is so hard to tackle. And it is proven up until now, no Nest destroyed or Cracks have been repaired. The Nest is getting larger and there are more cracks appear everywhere.
I agree that we still have to keep pursuing the Auto-Ban System.
"So Nexon is now trying, in addition to patrolling GMs, to create smarter solutions in the form of the auto-ban. So far their heuristics (the logic the auto-ban uses to determine whether someone is hacking) are a little lacking, but I believe this is the direction they need to keep pursuing."
I absolutely agree with this.
"Meanwhile, they do need more patrolling GMs (it's pretty ridiculous that people are still able to bot to 250 despite being reported multiple times), and they need more knowledgeable Senior GMs to investigate claims of false auto-bans. "
Also agree with this.
As addition, i have mentioned this on my previous suggestions, but will just write it again in short.
on Auto Ban, they also need to put, auto hack prevention. It is somekind of soft prevention. Example if certain players getting ridiciolously fast levelling, disconnect them. Or getting ridiciolous amount of mesos on short time, disconnect them. It is just soft action, not banning them. But will create barrier for hackers to easily getting huge advantage over a long period of time. If they can only get advantage for like 1-2 hours and getting disconnected, probably hacking won't be as bad as now.
For Ban Appeal, requires players to send video appeal showing player face, so GM can know the face. Hackers can hide under annonymous name, but using videos they can't hide anymore. Gms can sooner or later sort it out who are the repeat offender. Some people asking me about the legal issues. There is no legal issues here on asking your customer identity. It is not like you are asking their private matters. It is also not like you bring a weapon to ask them for their identity.
Obviously it is normal for any company to ask for their customers identity. They have their choice to give out the identity or not. In any other countries, asking for identity is not against the law. When we want to apply for work, when we apply for bank account, when we reporting something to the police, when we are applying for school, when we are applying to the court, when we are applying for Health Care, when we are applying for plane ticket, when we are buying something online, and such, all of them require us to submit identity and it is not against the law. You can just ask them to send you short videos stating their identity such as names, birth date, and city/country.
If some argue they can't make videos or don't have video recording, it is a lie. Even my 7 years old niece can make a video, and post it on our family whatsapp. She can even forward message and videos. if you don't have phone to make video record, go borrow from someone for a while. I don't believe someone who can own a computer to play Maplestory doesn't have at least someone he knows who have a phone.
This identity video is actually the best solution to smash the ant nest. Don't let hackers hide under annonymous name, otherwise no matter what GMs do, they will never find the nest, coz the Nest is hidden under annonymous name. The nest will getting bigger and bigger. It will cost you millions to solve it in the future. You don't even know whether it is an Ant Nest, bees Nest or a rats nest. You don't even know what bite you. haha. This has to be done to protect your loyal / legit players/customers. Sacrifice few hackers to save millions of your loyal customers.
I want to reccomend for Maplestory to add feature for a guild house. This Guild house will have a lot of feature where all of the guild members can go inside. Can also adds another feature where guild members can invite other players non-member to also come inside as Guild Guest. From this feature, maple can sell more cash shop item for the guild house such as Decoration, Guild House upgrades, Guild Photos, Guild Storage (for normal server), etc. The Decoration itself can include wall decoration, wall colours, Chair, Desk, Flowers and stuff. You can make it with expiry because this is just additional feature, doesn't relate to game play. Guild House can also be upgraded into Mansion where several members with certain contributions can have their own rooms. There will also be living room, game room, Dining room, bath room, meeting room etc. Or can also adds Garden and other stuff.. It will be fun for guilds to have their own houses while Maplestory itself can earn more Cash. It doesn't give a lot of benefit to players on terms of game play, but it will give places where guild mates can hang out together.
Google it. There are some guides how to spawn elite boss. It is actually not that hard if you know how. There are several ways to do it. Ask other players and learn from others. Long time ago i was thinking that this event was impossible. But after i learn from others, it is now a lot more easier.
Wow this made me so MAD. I have been waiting for so long for this lidium permanent heart for my NIght Walker. Today i woke up and open up my Demon Avenger. I have just woke up and i click the gift box and wow a nova gift box. Then without thinking, i click the nova gift box. WOW. after that i realise i am not on my Night Walker. It doesn't ask whether i want to claim the gift box. and i can't cancel it. wow. After that i pray the box to be tradeble within account. BUt it is not. WOW. i clicked the box and found the android coupon and it is also UNTRADEABLE even within account through storage. WOW. THIS IS DRIVING ME MAD. What a great day to start NOVA day PISSES ME OFF SO BADLY. Why do you even make it untradeable even not on the same account. I already have it on my Demon Avenger. For God Sake. I have been waiting for this permanent heart for so long. OMG. PISSSSSSSS ME OFFFF SO BADDDDLYYYY T_______T. This is soooo madddddd. PLs make the android coupon to be tradeable through account. I need it on my other char. OMG T_T PLSSSS. Wow what a good start to start nove update. RIPPP T_T
Redavengerz / RedNightW
lv 223 / 221
Reboot Server
The problem here is not about which one better, world merge or world leap. It is technical issues that was happening while world leap right? Even doing world merge might have techninal issues. So i think don't mix em up.
If you don't want a dead server and want an active server, you should come to REBOOT server. It is one of the most populated server. Simply because it is free to play. 90% of free-to-play-players are playing there. I am also very happy to play there, coz with effort, i can climb up and be the best. Good thing is, noone with simply just dollars can become the best here. You need effort and time.