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  • This better not represent GMS' community..

    Every second solo where you are taking a drink or itching, or adjusting your position in your chair, you are wasting exp, and I hate that feeling.
    Aren't you taking the game too serious??? 0.o Feeling bad for actually not being glued to the keyboard? My advice take a break! ...

    On topic, since the V update it seams like reboot was invaded by a storm of little brats that don't know how to share a map (I only ask to share when the other channels are taken), but cry for cra and other bosses carries. I hope they quit soon and the server population goes back to what it used to be.
  • GM Maplestory Police

    2x exp weekend= unplayable mercedes, my main skill dcs me by the gm police... I usually lv the linked characters and don't even bother with the main.
  • Volatile, Vulgar, Crass.

    Think of Nexon Employees as your Teacher - they may stink at their job, they may just sit there and hand out homework, and they may hand back exams months late (or they may be great) - but they are still your teacher, and they have earned your respect simply by rank/title.
    LOL, gained your respect simply by rank/title? Clearly you were never a teacher, as a teacher I don't expect my students to give me respect if I don't respect them and do my job well...
  • Now that you nerfed the Santa Box

    If it was to reduce the grinding mentality the items would cost lest and coins would be easily obtainable... simple.
  • Now that you nerfed the Santa Box

    Many people dislike grinding and the grinding mentality. Including myself, actually.

    Regardless, as I said, there are more events coming up. If you do not care about upcoming events, then I don't know what to say.
    The major point here is there was no need for a box nerf, nothing in the shop can break the game since there is a purchase limit. They only announce the nerf after the maintenance was done also they failed to refer that they reduced box drop rate by 1/3.
    This seams that was done just to annoy the players. Instead of looking to fix the major issues with the game namely broken bosses and the European accounts they chose to spend their time nerfing an event.
    And guess what Reboot state is still the same, just look at the servers status in SouthPerry.

    Nexon has no excuse in this, there is no point to this nerf, it can't be justified by anything. I don't even know how you can volunter in the forum for a company that doesn't listen to their playerbase. Look at support section= no support. Test the gms in live chat, they don't know anything about the game. The last stream was a disgrace, plus they fired probably the only person in their staff that played the game.

    It is sad that a company tries to kill a decent game. Nexon did with other games, Dragonest, Atlantica, etc. and it is doing the same here. I like maple I hate nexon.