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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
No more spirit to play after so many nerf...
Thought I'd mention that BMs effectively received a nerf, and indirectly got a nerf as it is one of the many few classes that DIDN'T receive a damage cap increase.
Now, let's go over the old Bowmaster changes shall we? These include direct and indirect nerfs. Just so you're aware, the only buff we've gotten that is remotely worth noting is the arrow blaster DR ignore, and the ability to move during hurricane.
1) Removed Dragon Burst AND Power Knockback. In other words, we can't attack close range AT ALL without using the reverse jump shot method
2) Biggest one that irritated me. Arrow Rain animation change. Was slowed down to literally 2~3 whole seconds per move, doing 1 line only.
3) Accuracy change. Archers no longer were unique in their insanely high accuracy. Used to be able to train at vikings level 41. No longer possible
4) Every other class got critical. Archers and thieves no longer were the unique critical classes.
5) Nerfed hurricane damage
6) Arrow rain got buffed to 3 hits, but that didn't matter because 3 hits per 2.5 seconds was practically useless.
7) Inferno (renamed Roasting shot lol) got slightly buffed as Arrow rain became a useless mobbing skill.
8) Removed Arrow Rain because it became such a useless skill.
9) RED happened, I consider this a moderate buff (but not as big compared to all the other explorer classes)
10) Nerfed hurricane damage (again)
11) Final Damage no longer proc'd on arrow blaster (effectively a 20~33% damage nerf depending on how you look at it)
12) Arrow blaster got a damage nerf
13) Arrow blaster duration reduced by approximately 40% duration
14) Arrow blaster now gets an attack speed decrease in exchange for a measely 10% hurricane damage buff that makes 0 difference when you hit cap
15) One of the few classes to not get a damage cap increase
Now since you brought up the topic of DPM, let's go over that as well. BM was sitting at 28th (out of 40) of KMS DPM chart 2015. Now it's at 35th post 5th job and changes. We've only gotten nerfs, and nerfs, and nerfs, despite being so low on the tier list. And well, they decide to nerf us again despite being low tier. Oh, I should also mention that according to the most recent KMS DPM chart, Heroes are sitting at 8th place with 10026542.92% DPM whileas Bowmasters are sitting at 35th with 6983119.10% DPM. That being said, take that with a grain of salt as I should remind you that DPM charts aren't very accurate due to many factors that influence a boss fight. For the most part though, BMs is significantly lower than that because our DPS skill is a single-target only, whileas most other classes utilize a skill that can hit many lines AND a decent amount of mobs as well; in other words, bosses like Chaos Zakum and Chaos Vellum SIGNIFICANTLY decrease our damage as they block the hits with their arms and tail respectively.
Point being said, you shouldn't be judging other classes without knowing what they've gone through/the actual facts/information about them, nor should you be throwing out baseless claims about them.
And no, BMs are not fine. We've been on the low end of the DPM tier for ages, and all we receive are nerfs. Why aren't we complaining about them? Ask any veteran BM around. We've practically accepted that Nexon hates us Bowmasters. That's how bad it's become. I still love this class, and that's why I continue to play it. However, most people who've played this class long enough know that it's literally gotten the short end of the stick every single time.
That's besides the point though. If he was referring to Battle Mage, oh well. Either way, case and point.
I still find it pretty ridiculous that people who play top tier classes complain about it.
I want the old Dark Shock
and I want the Twister back , they can remove the Battle Burst, none used it.
For example the dark shock, it has like 1000% dmg before and we had a hyper skill to make the cool down of this attack to 0 (no cool down). This really help when I did bossing. Using Dark Shock and Finishing Blow. And i really hate how Nexon nerfed us alot.
Then Lumi...They shortened the Teleport, one of Luminous Unique skill. And Luminous is very slow..their attack has delay attack. People now use it for binding only, for them who has not really godly equip.
I write this, not because I want a skill that can kill the boss like 1 hit only. But I hate to see how they remove and nerf the unique skill from every class. If they wanted all class should be the same, why didn't just make 1 class only?
Like I said before many people did prefer the LUL EZPZ BaM but I disliked it a lot because Battle Mages aren't supposed to be like that.
Also who doesn't like the current partner we have for Battle Mages? The little reaper is cute as hell.
Sure the class is hard to play with high latency but they are far from being the lowest in DPM.
TLDR; Battle Mage are still amazing, in fact better than any version of Battle Mages and will get a lot stronger in V Update.
new lumi (kms lumi) better.. better dps. yea the teleport change sucks but that how it was in kms from the first day they added luminous..
ofc i do prefer to have KMS lumi in GMS with keeping the GMS lumi teleport.. =/
need to get used to the lame teleport.
The Unique thing of BAM had been ripped off along time ago by Nexon when They removed Twister, changing Dark Shock and keep adding the CD and delayed attack to BAM. OFC . and they nerf the dmg of Dark genesis.
Hayato is truly bad, a lot of his skills are bugged especially Shimada Heart unless that's been fixed from the last time i played my Hayato mule. Hayato is a good mobber though, but they're bad at bossing. I've heard on reddit that there is a 2mil-2mil Hayato in reboot, but he can't solo Hard Magnus. Also Hayato is one of the few high skill ceiling classes because of combo linking, which doesn't really have a lot of reward due to low % damage in his kit.
Since he is a region exclusive class, when there is a huge balance change from a previous KMS patch, GMS Hayato's won't get changed unless GMS follows what JMS will do. How long did it take for Hayato and other JMS classes to get their level 100 emblem kek. Do you honestly believe Kanna, Hayato, Beast will get 5th job at the same time as everyone else in GMS?
Ask any Hayato main, and even they will admit that there is a damage disparity between Hayato and above average classes once they're funded. Fun class, good mobber, good mobility. That's about it.
and its also not that hard to get 100% status resistance clean on luminous, since they have around 45%!
25% from cygnus links, 20% from trait and 10% from hyper stats = no need all cure potions.
While we're talking about nerfs let's talk about the buffs when the revamp happened. Combat Teleport is easily one of the best teleport in game because of how it works. Dark Genesis DID NOT GET NERFED, it went from 1075%x2 to 520%x8 that's almost doubling in damage. You're now able to teleport while in animation for Finishing Blow while you couldn't before. Our Bossing now is better due to our mobility and how well our skills work together as a whole. The reaper turn into something way more useful for everything and you get it from 1st job and it only keeps improving as you level further. Also one more thing that's been buffed, that would be our Aura range with party members. I'm a sucker for team play and that helps with team play a lot. They have few active buffs now and a lot of toggle skills which is great since you can just cast Staff Boost + Maple Warrior and not much time lost to buff (or just Staff Boost because Maple Warrior lasts 15 minutes). The whole revamp just improve Battle Mage class as a whole and I can't stress that enough.
Do you think previous Battle Mage with many skill delays will be able to compete with our current Battle Mage? I don't think so and allow me to show you a Battle Mage's Chaos Vellum Solo from Korea's V Update.
This is near or at peak performance, previous Battle Mage version can't match the damage of the current Battle Mage. Sure this may not be looking all too fancy for other classes but this is very impressive for Battle Mage.
They're a mage that fights upfront with little delays in skills.
But hey if you don't enjoy the class, simply don't play it.
This class still feels like paper, plus takes a lot more investment to increase dmg output. Still like it, since I have to use several skills. We actually need no cooldown on the attack skills so we can chain them better and with more combos.
Hurricane damage was significantly nerfed when it was moved from a 4th job skill to a 3rd job skill sometime after RED happened. They reverted it back to 300% (now 330%) sometime afterwards as they moved it back to 4th job.
>It never actually activated on Arrow Blaster. AFA was broken for several skills before, which included the installed Arrow Blaster while you were using it together with Hurricane. They removed the AFA activation from it after they fixed AFA because the properly working AFA with Arrow Blaster was too strong. It changed absolutely nothing as it was broken in the first place.
It's probably as you said. That probably wasn't something that was intended to happen in the first place. Even so, it didn't change the fact that we lost a huge percentage of our damage output because of this change.
>No, it did not. It was the opposite...it was significantly buffed in several patches, going from 125% to 205% with the Reinforce Hyper, unless if you conveniently ignore the Binding Shot passive that gives +90% damage to Arrow Blaster and the +30% Reinforce Hyper which applies to both Hurricane AND Arrow Blaster.
125% to 205%? I hope you realize I'm talking about the installed blaster, as no sane bowmaster today will boss using blaster instead of hurricane.
"Arrow Blaster: At Master Level: Can no longer be installed mid-air. 5 second cooldown added to install. Install damage decreased from 140% to 85%."
Okay, yeah. You're right. I did overlook the following change:
"Binding Shot: At Master Level: Arrow Blaster damage permanently increased by +90%". which was probably intended to balance out the damage nerf to installed blaster. In other words, it got a slight damage change.. until you consider the fact that it was no longer something you could install in the air. Suddenly my cvel runs took almost double the original time. Not to mention, this change occured ALONG WITH the nerf to the arrow blaster, so the 90% increase was practically overlooked.
>No, that's not how it works. The Split Hyper changes it from splitting the base 330% Hurricane into a 65% split to 75%, which is equal from having a base Hurricane damage of 214.5% times 2 lines being buffed to 247.5% times 2 lines. A 66% damage buff to Hurricane. It was an overall DPS buff, even if you include the Arrow Blaster attack speed nerf. And the cap is going away in 5th job either way.
Except I'm talking in current times. Okay it may be a buff in the long run, sometime next year when I expect 5th job to come out, and then some. As of now however, people who hit cap got a arrow blaster attack speed nerf and it's definitely noticeable. That 10% somewhat helps with the damage output, but it still doesn't change the fact that you need some ridiculous amount of range to even hit cap with a bowmaster.
>We actually highly benefit from Chaos Zakum and Chaos Vellum post-5th job. Arrow Rain throws down a rain of arrows for each target within your range...which is absolutely op for Chaos Zakum, and very good for Chaos Vellum, among other bosses. It's a beautiful, perfect counter to Hurricane only being able to hit one target.
Again, this is 5th job. I can't say anything about this aspect, as I haven't seen nor experienced the 5th job advancement yet. Sure, it definitely will help with bosses like Zakum and Vellum, but how exactly does that compare with other 5th job skills in comparison? You still can't deny that it's significantly harder to kill czak or cvel because of the fact that our skills can be blocked/we can no longer install our arrow blaster in the air against the tails respectively.
>And DPS/DPM charts mean nothing when you're considering anything outside of Dojo. You should never, ever look at DPS/DPM charts for anything outside of "how well would this class do if we ignore all the buffs it has, ignore how well the class scales with equips, put it into a perfect scenario, and consider that for all combo classes that the monster is doing absolutely nothing and that you're comboing everything absolutely perfectly without a single millisecond of error?"
I'm glad you ignored my second half of that post. Please reread the post as I did mention that we should be taking the DPM chart with a grain of salt. Nevertheless, it's more or less a form of tier list. Tier lists are never perfect, but they can give you a general idea of what could happen under a perfect condition. That being said, it doesn't change the fact that bowmasters pale in comparison to the top 10 classes when it comes to DPS. That's what it means to be a tier list.
And just in case you miss it again, let me reiterate for the third time that the DPM chart should be taken with a grain of salt.
>You should stop throwing baseless claims yourself.
They may be overexaggerated, but they're not baseless. As for you, it seems as if you're basing your arguments off of flat out numbers, and not off of experience of playing the class to its full extent post-change.
You definitely do have a point in saying that it will be a huge boost for Bowmasters when the damage cap is removed and 5th job occurs. However, we haven't received that patch, nor have we actually played with it enough to actually know how much of a boost it is for bowmasters. Unless you've also played in KMS, what you're basing your claims off of is speculation. As of now though, compared to what the other classes are receiving, bowmasters aren't receiving any big changes at all. We're also one of the few to not receive a damage cap increase in this current patch. Stuff like that really makes me sad.