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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
No more spirit to play after so many nerf...
Back in the day when our teleport had hyper upgrades I picked the luminous-style invincibility one because telecasting doesn't work at 600 ping. Take it from me, the class isn't any stronger than pre-GLA when you're not telecasting. I can't speak for Arwen, but when I say I'd like to see bits from the old Battle Mage come back I'm talking about the first rendition. Body Boost, Twister, Reapers, etc. It's clear that a lot of people do enjoy the telecasting playstyle (you see it on reddit more than here) so ideally they should bring back the rock revamp and make a new class branch out of it.
My 2c from a BaM vet.
As for what Arwen is complaining about, it just seems like a case of nostalgia clouding them from seeing what BaMs really are. (My favourite part is when they said that Battle burst is a useless skill, when it is very much an essential movement skill, while wanting the old dark shock - which was actually completely useless outside of 3rd job - back).
We really don't need skills like Body Boost or GLA back. Looking back on them, our complete reliance on those two skills crippled us if we ever died and they weren't already off cooldown. Not to mention GLA in itself actually did change one part of the BaM playstyle - sharing auras with party members. Anyways 5th job union aura is essentially the replacement to these skills, without making us overly dependent on them for DPS, as were are still very capable without it active. The old reaper was literal trash even when training, and twister spin would have to be like phantom's tempest to even be useful. I wouldn't be against making a separate class branch with the scrapped BaM revamp (which really only got scrapped beacause of bandwagoners and their "muh BKB" -_- )
On a side note: pls KMS give us new blow animations already -_-
Reapers were trash in low density maps and most bosses, but in high density spawns their damage output was great. For example in commerci if a boss spawned right after an endless wave you could get similar bonus damage to what the current one gives. All they had to do was make it a chance to summon [i]on hit[/i] instead of on kill and it would have been fine.
I hated GLA because it removed our core party play, I'm glad it's gone and hope they never try it again. Same with union aura, the whole point of having multiple auras is to stance dance, not cheap out and get every buff at once. I'm really disappointed to see it returning.
The whole point of body boost having a cooldown was so that it couldn't be on all the time. When they increased to duration to be longer than the cooldown its only down time was when you died. You're supposed to time your usage of the skill for maximum effect, like waiting until after Hilla's damage reflection wore off.
But at the core of the issue, the emphasis on telecasting is what killed the class for me. It makes up a huge amount of the class' damage and I simply couldn't do it reliably playing from Australia. I haven't had a go since they supposedly reduced the lag but even still, I mained the class for the follow up attack play style (kinda like blaster but without the charge attack nonsense) and the stance dancing, and I'm really annoyed that both have been been removed.
First, Raging Blow was never really nerfed EXCEPT for the extra +10% damage we could receive if being in Enrage Mode, that was before Reboot patch. But got compensated for dealing 2 extra lines on Enraged mode then Hyper Stats system.
2) Shout is nerfed, but WAY stronger, but don't forget Hyper Skill Rising Rage got buffed a lot for faster casting and lower cooldown from 30 to 10 sec.
3) Guess I don't care much of attack animations. Enrage look is very nice for me.
4) This can be boring, but I like play simple plus with Hero mechanism.
5) Again, Idk why KMS did some weird class buffing but not getting Hero stronger o-0 But note that Hero does constant damage.
6) Can be a good skill if we find spot to release the summon so it can hit stronger and for very long time.
7) I find Hero ruse very good, GREATER distance compared to Paladin and DrK and it's fast at hardcap attack speed ( i hit hard cap myself)
8) Again, more constant damage than DrK and Paladin. Panic darkness status last 40 sec on boss and Puncture DoT lasts 30 sec, they are also nice dmg boost.
9) In old time, having fewer lines means lowest DPS if capping.
In old time, AFA and crit damage were bugged and doing 6 lines. Now, AFA works very good and crit damage too. And now doing 11.5 hits (10 from enraged raging blow + 75% chance of 2x250% from AFA) Even with Enrage nerf, critical damage fix doesnt change DPS, it INCREASES A LOT IF GETTING A TON OF CRIT RATE!!
Even in commerci, since the reaper duration was low enough they could easily not even be able to attack a boss after a mob wave. Not to mention their dumb AI...
The thing with union aura was that we first had it when we could use all our auras at once anyways, so stance dancing wasn't even a thing anyway. As for the 5th job union aura, it is more like the original body boost - a temporary significant boost - than it is the original union aura.
Which btw, where are you getting that stance dancing was removed? Considering that we've been able to stack auras ever since one of the very first BaM changes after introduction iirc and until the current iteration of BaM. For current BaM, aura swapping is essential to gaining optimal damage output, at the very least, more than ever.
and here i was bummed out that my (DK Job) Dark Eye's time got cut from 5min to 3min
so now all my other buff are at 5min except that one