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Potential Badges


  • EikaheEikahe
    Reactions: 1,355
    Posts: 55
    edited June 2020
    KMS wanted the Black Mage badge to be the most viable one without realizing that 99.5% of the entire playerbase of the game will ever even get to the point of clearing out Limina, let alone doing the actual fight and getting the badge itself. Even with the pottable badges, they would still most likely never reach that point. KMS is completely out of touch with what our community is like and the realistic amount of people who will reach endgame bosses like Lucid and beyond. Making people weaker so they have to play longer doesn't work when a vast majority of the playerbase isn't even going to get that far at all, so it makes no sense to make everything harder to get or to remove pottable badges entirely. It wasn't hurting anyone, and now it unfairly benefits legacy players while making newer players feel like they've missed out and can never hope to catch up in terms of damage.

    Trust me, that feeling of hopelessness is incredibly strong when it comes to whether or not people will remain playing your game. If they feel like their effort has no point, they won't make an effort and they'll simply leave.
  • jijijijijiji
    Reactions: 560
    Posts: 18
    edited June 2020
    So basically players with the badge in GMS wont want the badge back because they take the advantage to have better stats and uniqueness which seems unfair.
    Nexon should realize how much difference the badge pot makes on stat. players suffer and spend hella time, effort and money to raise even like 5% stat. And that one badge can have like 30%+ mpot and even more on bpot. Not right at all.

    Either bring back the Sengoku event or get rid of it would be the fair option for all players.
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
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    edited June 2020
    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    Pottable badges were restricted due to orders from KMS not wanting us to have better badges than the KMS meta. Why go for the Black Mage badge when we have Ghost Ship Exorcist, and all that. I agree that it was a poorly thought out decision, but honestly the only way I see them returning is if KMS makes them the new meta.

    Black mage gives genesis weapon, thats more than enough motivation to kill the boss.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited June 2020
    Black mage badge isn't even bis don't accept this argument.

    All badges should be potential badges.
  • EikaheEikahe
    Reactions: 1,355
    Posts: 55
    edited June 2020
    darik wrote: »
    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    Pottable badges were restricted due to orders from KMS not wanting us to have better badges than the KMS meta. Why go for the Black Mage badge when we have Ghost Ship Exorcist, and all that. I agree that it was a poorly thought out decision, but honestly the only way I see them returning is if KMS makes them the new meta.

    Black mage gives genesis weapon, thats more than enough motivation to kill the boss.

    While that's true, how many people do you realistically believe will ever reach the point where they can even look in the Black Mage's general direction? In short, pottable badges weren't hurting anyone at all and there was no reason to remove them anyways because they'd be gunning for the Genesis weapon anyways, as you said.
  • StallbenStallben
    Reactions: 1,245
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    edited June 2020
    Were potable badges really removed because of some decree from KMS or is that just what people have been saying? I've been trying to look for for sources about that, but I always turn up with nothing. I know lack of evidence leads people to make their own conclusions, but is there any concrete evidence of this aside from the Black Mage badge supposedly being the best in the game, therefore GMS had to remove Sengoku Hakase and Ghost Ship Exorcist badges because KMS didn't want our badges being better than the hardest boss in the game? Though I would say that example is still based on lack of evidence because it seemed to be too coincidental that when the Black Mage badge came out potable badges were removed.
  • EikaheEikahe
    Reactions: 1,355
    Posts: 55
    edited June 2020
    Stallben wrote: »
    Were potable badges really removed because of some decree from KMS or is that just what people have been saying? I've been trying to look for for sources about that, but I always turn up with nothing. I know lack of evidence leads people to make their own conclusions, but is there any concrete evidence of this aside from the Black Mage badge supposedly being the best in the game, therefore GMS had to remove Sengoku Hakase and Ghost Ship Exorcist badges because KMS didn't want out badges being better than the hardest boss in the game? Though I would say that example is still based on lack of evidence because it seemed to be too coincidental that when the Black Mage badge came out potable badges were removed.

    There's no solid evidence of any of these claims because Nexon is so notoriously closed with their ideologies that the best people can do is form educated guesses based on past moves and what their current goals appear to be. With their emphasis being clearly placed on slowing the game's progression down, making previously better gear either far more difficult/impossible to get (Gollux and pottable badges respectively) and gleaming information from what the director of KMS is doing with the game GMS is "technically" replicating, the conclusion most come to is that they wanted to make the Pitched Boss Set more alluring compared to the easier alternatives, thus trying to make Hard/Chaos bosses more commonly fought. Gollux is still technically best in slot due to how it's virtually impossible for normal players to get Pitched Boss Set, but the difficulty in attaining it is more in line with just how strong it actually is now. Pottable badges being removed, however, still makes absolutely no sense. The only other alternative is Crystal Ventus or Monster Park badges, and even THEN, the gap between Crystal Ventus and Genesis is so laughably mediocre that it really just exists to be a fill-in to get the set bonus if you're even lucky enough to get it in the first place.

    There's zero point in their removal outside of making characters weaker so they progress slower, keeping player retention higher and increasing the potential profit they make off of that longer playtime which is completely unnecessary. As mentioned previously, people would be running Black Mage for the Genesis Weapon anyways, so there is still a massive reason to keep doing it beyond the badge. They simply did it to squish the damage of any new character being made post-Singapore.
  • BeefBeef
    Reactions: 2,560
    Posts: 219
    edited June 2020
    Add Meister Badge and Meister Heart in Profession thx, also make it part of the set effect and expand the set effect
  • RchrRchr
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 3
    edited June 2020
    Bring back potential badges
  • blackguy9000blackguy9000
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    I agree bring them back
  • PugLifePugLife
    Reactions: 770
    Posts: 10
    edited June 2020
    I'm glad that many others agree =). Hopefully this can be passed along the right channels and those in the position to implement this change can consider it!
  • RchrRchr
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 3
    edited July 2020
    Let's not forget about pottable badges
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited July 2020
    Eikahe wrote: »
    darik wrote: »
    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    Pottable badges were restricted due to orders from KMS not wanting us to have better badges than the KMS meta. Why go for the Black Mage badge when we have Ghost Ship Exorcist, and all that. I agree that it was a poorly thought out decision, but honestly the only way I see them returning is if KMS makes them the new meta.

    Black mage gives genesis weapon, thats more than enough motivation to kill the boss.

    While that's true, how many people do you realistically believe will ever reach the point where they can even look in the Black Mage's general direction? In short, pottable badges weren't hurting anyone at all and there was no reason to remove them anyways because they'd be gunning for the Genesis weapon anyways, as you said.

    thats what i just said mate.
  • pat159pat159
    Reactions: 1,090
    Posts: 38
    edited July 2020
    Cannonize wrote: »
    Vyrtae wrote: »
    I've said it before and will say it again. Nexon always mentions in their memos that they are pushing towards better game balance, while simultaneously doing the complete opposite. Removing something like this from the game while having older players keep it, is giving a permanent advantage to the older players. It's only creating imbalance if anything. I'd like to see the badges brought back, or as others said, make it so that you can starforce and pot the currently obtainable badges.

    I don't perceive it as an advantage, because if you play and earn an in-game item, why should you lose it just because of game balance? You spent your time and perhaphs money on getting it, so you deserve it. Long time ago there was an event for beta-players, where they could acquire cool maple bandanas called "Mark of the beta". Would you give them to every new player even though the beta period is over? Another one example can be "Family system", where you could add to "family tree" a player and gain points for his progression, which could be then exchanged for 1.5 EXP coupons. The family system has been removed, and following your reasoning, we should downgrade those players who lvled up using 1.5 EXP coupons.

    I observed that many players make their gameplay enjoyment dependent on items that boost their damage like there was nothing interesting to do beyond repetitive grinding. Quests have been forgotten and I guess nobody is doing regular quests anymore. As an advice to the Nexon team I would suggest to improve on quests and encourage players to play together and socialize through party quests. I think that the old MS was magical when it comes to playing together with others.

    Your point isn't exactly valid since everything you listed is purely for showing off, the bandana isn't a BiS hat that has better stats than any other obtainable hat at the moment. The exp coupons only make leveling faster, just like 2x events or what not, it doesn't change the fact any player can still reach level 275. As for the badges, there is currently nothing in game that can beat them stat wise and not even remotely come close to those stats. So all the examples you gave are not even in the same category as potable badges. The reason why people make it all about boosting damage, is because without that boost in damage, end game bosses are next to impossible. Compensating for a possible extra 39% stats, i don't think you realise how big of a gap that can be... plus the stats from starforce as well. It's not just new players suffer from this, even old players that start a new character can't have access to them either.
  • JackBanditJackBandit
    Reactions: 625
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    edited July 2020
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Easy solution that KMS can agree with most likely. Just give all badges potential.

    Nexon THIS <3
  • RikuSamaRikuSama
    Reactions: 700
    Posts: 4
    edited July 2020
    The solution is, don't spend money until they bring it back, its simple, accept this thing of stop the events of potable badges WITHOUT remove the potable badge from actual owners is totaly unfair, any new character will stay behind of any old character, cuz the old character will have plus stats % and not just because the time played, if you simple invest 10000000000000000000 dolars in the game, the old player still have more stats than you, them want to fix the potable badge problem? Ok, recall ALL potable badges from the game, "but someone have invested money in this badge", ok, give maple points or nx to this player has rewards, or give him the "amazing black mage badge", the point is, i don't care if have or not potable badges, but if don't have, remove the existing ones, and yes some of my characters have, but and if i want to create a new one? If i love adele, or hoyoung, or just any other new class post sengoku/GSExorcist?

    Think about, what is fair to you?
  • PugLifePugLife
    Reactions: 770
    Posts: 10
    edited August 2020
    RikuSama wrote: »
    The solution is, don't spend money until they bring it back, its simple, accept this thing of stop the events of potable badges WITHOUT remove the potable badge from actual owners is totaly unfair, any new character will stay behind of any old character, cuz the old character will have plus stats % and not just because the time played, if you simple invest 10000000000000000000 dolars in the game, the old player still have more stats than you, them want to fix the potable badge problem? Ok, recall ALL potable badges from the game, "but someone have invested money in this badge", ok, give maple points or nx to this player has rewards, or give him the "amazing black mage badge", the point is, i don't care if have or not potable badges, but if don't have, remove the existing ones, and yes some of my characters have, but and if i want to create a new one? If i love adele, or hoyoung, or just any other new class post sengoku/GSExorcist?

    Think about, what is fair to you?

    I completely agree! end game it is a 3-4k+ stat difference between having one vs not having one. I think if they want to remove them they should remove ALL of them or if they want to keep them for old players they need to offer newer players and characters the option to go for the same equip. Right now it's ridiculous that such a huge stat boosting item is only available to some and not others. They removed 40% boss epic familiars because they lowered the tier stats so why can't they either remove badges or add them back for everyone?
  • iArrowZiArrowZ
    Reactions: 1,710
    Posts: 159
    edited August 2020
    false equivalency at its finest
  • BlackCrushBlackCrush
    Reactions: 110
    Posts: 2
    Bring back Sengoku high event! With or Without Potable Badge, we want the totems too!
  • JackBanditJackBandit
    Reactions: 625
    Posts: 22
    edited August 2020
    Still waiting for Nexon to address the despairity between players with potential badges vs players without them. Either get rid of ALL of them and compensate those players or bring them back for EVERYONE.