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Remove the Sol Erda Cap


  • Member Descrow
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    100% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Member Zennykins
    Reactions: 840
    Posts: 25
    edited November 2023
    Nexon never fails to disappoint, and they will never stop, just give the game to a company that gives even a single F
  • Member Phyaze
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Please remove the cap.
    We have enough timegates as is, we don't need another one, ESPECIALLY one that doesn't exist in other versions.
  • Member MaplestoryPlayer
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Why are u killing the game, my friends want to quit because of this change to 400 sol erda cap a day leaving me alone in the game.. please make it uncap
  • Member Triple
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Remove the 400 Sol Erda Essence cap!
    Revert oz box nerf!
    Make Frenzy Totem work with instance maps!
    Make Sol Erda Fragments tradeable in Regular Server!
    #DontSpend #NoNXNovember
  • Member Tagatso
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 9
    edited November 2023
    Remove the Sol Erda cap and revert the Oz boxes changes. There was no need for these changes at all, it killed the whole motivation to grind for 6th job.
  • Member Imp4cts
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    remove cap
  • Member TheMapleMelon
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    Excuse me? Mr. Nexon? What the heck man. Capping the amount of sol erda makes absolutely no sense and only makes the entire game experience worse.
    The Korean server doesn't have this so why do we?
  • Member FearMyHatred
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    I find it absurd that there's a cap on the sol erda and the nerf to white jade boxes. I don't know if the Jade box description from tespia was a text error, but if it isn't, I don't know how you could justify giving 1-4 rings for defeating black mage and higher bosses.
  • Member DangerArchie
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    I don't understand why they would put a cap on Sol Erda. The nodestone system for fifth job already makes it harder for new/casual players to max those skills but capping Sol Erda will make new/casual players feel like they will NEVER max their characters after hitting level 200. Those of us with multiple characters that are ready for sixth job will have to pick which character they want to main if the Sol Erda cap is account wide. In a game with so many different classes why would you want to limit player progression to ONE character over the course of a couple years?!? And with more skills being added to sixth job over time we'll be forced to invest even more time to max our skills. On top of that if you miss your dailies or can't complete some bosses for whatever reason (under leveled, can't solo, can't find people, etc.) it could very well take longer than a few years to max a single character. I personally don't know of any games that currently have a character progression system that takes YEARS for one character. I think for most players the time investment for maxing a character is so daunting that they'll inevitably move to games that are more rewarding. The cap in my opinion also discourages players from starting new characters because once you hit sixth job on an alternate character you CANNOT progress your skills if you're already progressing your main. The cap also seems counter intuitive to the legion system. The legion system rewards you for having multiple characters at as high of a level as possible where the sixth job sol erda system kind of punishes you for having multiple characters at sixth job. Maplestory is arguably designed to keep players grinding and if the goal is to increase the player base, player retention, and profits for Nexon this is NOT going to help them.
  • Member ryanV
    Reactions: 615
    Posts: 4
    edited December 2024
  • Member edsmileyface
    Reactions: 330
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    Seeing the leaked new age changes, I'm really curious what the reasoning behind not staying in line with the Korean version of maplestory and I look forwards to have that reasoning communicated. Personally hope the changes were in error and reverted but an explanation as to why they are being implemented is the minimum.
  • Member GeoStav
    Reactions: 1,010
    Posts: 4
    edited November 2023
    "Door in the face" tactic. There need to be an all-or-nothing fix. Nexon will comply and only fix part of their horrendous update to make them perceive like they are doing us a favor. Fix all the issues or don't fix any and let the game die.
  • Member InlineWithKMSKEKW
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    imagine putting a paywall on a job advancement. this company will always get worse.
  • Member Jib
    Reactions: 800
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    This change is unacceptable. Does not make sense that we are getting a watered down version of what KMS received. I thought the plan was to become more 1:1 with KMS. Please undo this change, it will only hurt the game if it is kept.
  • Member Grief
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    This Sol Erda cap is an egregious nerf that further misaligns us from KMS for absolutely no reason and needs to be reverted.
  • Member Bw2Slayer
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Having a daily cap to Sol Erda Energy removes one potential outlet for people excited about the game to channel their excitement.

    There are so many time gates in the game that there's no point in investing energy and time beyond dailies - and at that point, why are we playing the game. What is there to be excited about when you can't do anything meaningful with excitement.

    The 6th job progression system is a way for us to channel our excitement and love for the game. Capping Sol Erda means there's little point in playing. And that is not a fun game to be a part of.

    Please remove the daily cap of sol erda, or make it meaningful enough so that people that want to grind 4 or more hours (e.g. on weekends) can capitalize on progressing through the system.
  • Member Suju
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    why with the unnecessary changes, GMS Nexon team seem so out of touch. Listen to the community and there is potential for this game to actually grow but its just constant sadness :( please make new age like KMS or at least give an explanation as to why the horrible change like WTF
    #DontSpend #NoNXNovember
  • Member FrostAd
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 4
    edited November 2023
    Remove sold erda cap and give us KMS oz boxes
  • Member Mapou
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Why are we having nerfs compared to KMS? You had to ACTIVELY put the changes into the system because KMS had no cap and white boxes were levels 3-4. I was planning to buy a VAC pet to farm sol erda but I guess I won't be doing that if changes aren't reverted.