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Lagging a lot of the Octobere 27th maintenance


  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Kamekage said:

    Its exactly like this just lasts longer. Playing today, I'd say that the lag hits like every 8-10 seconds and will last about 5 seconds. The pet lag I knew about, haven't used their pickup skill in months. This happens whether I'm training or just standing still.
    I recommend contacting Live Chat (although they'll likely just tell you your computer is not up to spec) or posting in the Tech Support section of the forums. Your case is different from everyone else's in this thread so it deserves its own brainstorming on what the cause could be.
  • KamekageKamekage
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 5
    edited November 2016
    Ugggggh...My luck...
    Well, it was fun while it lasted. Quite honestly this seems to happen entirely too often for me. The game runs fine then after about a month or so, game gets an update, I get hit with lag city and cant play it. Game gets an update, its runs perfectly for a while then next update comes, back to square one -_-

    Usually, when this happens I just stop playing for a few months so that's what I'll do. I'd really rather not spend a week going back and forth with a tech only to come to the conclusion that my specs aren't good enough when CLEARLY I had no problems previously but whatever >_>

    I do appreciate you taking the time to try and pinpoint the problem :)
    I'll be back eventually. Maybe when 5th job comes we'll be back in business.
  • mafloo3mafloo3
    Reactions: 1,160
    Posts: 43
    edited November 2016
    Kamekage said:

    Ugggggh...My luck...
    Well, it was fun while it lasted. Quite honestly this seems to happen entirely too often for me. The game runs fine then after about a month or so, game gets an update, I get hit with lag city and cant play it. Game gets an update, its runs perfectly for a while then next update comes, back to square one -_-

    Usually, when this happens I just stop playing for a few months so that's what I'll do. I'd really rather not spend a week going back and forth with a tech only to come to the conclusion that my specs aren't good enough when CLEARLY I had no problems previously but whatever >_>

    I do appreciate you taking the time to try and pinpoint the problem :)
    I'll be back eventually. Maybe when 5th job comes we'll be back in business.
    told u clearly, nexon dont give a shet about customer satisfaction.
    which is exactly what is killing the game now.
    L>maple to die asap plz -.- had enough of nexon bullshets which will never get solved.
  • LynerusLynerus
    Reactions: 1,130
    Posts: 4
    edited November 2016
    Pet pick up lag is REALLY bad for me to the point that i cant even train really because as soon as my pet tries to pick something up maple will freeze up for a good 5 or more seconds and ill be in another part of the map when i unlag and as soon as i do the lag kicks in again... repeat till i quit moving

    Playing this game without a pet is a no go