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What one thing would you change about your class?


  • Member Okhura
    Reactions: 4,185
    Posts: 594
    edited November 2016
    Demon Avenger: Make it so my shields ignore 1 1 1 1 1 1 again.
    I hate I can't kill the arkarium summons with it anymore , along with spamming it elsewhere.
  • Member, Private Tester Xenomata
    Reactions: 2,595
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    edited November 2016
    Dark Knight, but this goes for all 3 Explorer Warriors really.

    Give Magic Crash the ability to destroy enemy buffs, including Damage Cancel and Damage Reflect.

    It's not like it would be too OP, Phantom and Kinesis already do the same thing, and they are leagues above the Explorer Warriors.
  • Member Psychpillow
    Reactions: 400
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    edited November 2016
    Give Evan Dragon Soaring back without needing to go on the mount.
  • Member JenAskar
    Reactions: 1,010
    Posts: 48
    edited November 2016
    Xenomata said:

    Dark Knight, but this goes for all 3 Explorer Warriors really.

    Give Magic Crash the ability to destroy enemy buffs, including Damage Cancel and Damage Reflect.

    It's not like it would be too OP, Phantom and Kinesis already do the same thing, and they are leagues above the Explorer Warriors.
    It would be amazing if Magic Crash could do that :O

  • Member, Private Tester Saelynnie
    Reactions: 915
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    edited November 2016
    Wind Archer.

    Please make more of the buffs PASSIVE. They are way too reliant on several different buffs and in total it takes around 5+ seconds to fully buff. That is a nightmare in Evo Lab rice cake farming, and in Magnus it makes it nearly impossible for me to properly contribute to the battle. We seriously don't need that 10% damage as an active buff.
  • Member Valryia
    Reactions: 990
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    edited November 2016
    Class: Any

    Change? New skill: Kill lag.
  • Member BlargleDerg
    Reactions: 730
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    edited November 2016
    Demon avenger - Let execution hit more than two targets again! Even if it was just increased to 3 i would be happy. I get that you want that to be our single target bossing skill but a lot of bosses like horntail and zakum are a bit awkward to use it on.
  • Member, Private Tester Temptation
    Reactions: 1,575
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    edited November 2016
    Mercedes: make part of the buffs passive, it takes forever to cast all the buffs, it is almost impossible in gollux w/o getting out of the map...
  • Member, Private Tester Nishijima
    Reactions: 1,010
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    it needs a little more BAM and KAPOW and a little less PEWPEW you know? Like FOOPAO! and BLAP! RATATATATAT! and a little less whoosh
  • Member Kingopirates
    Reactions: 1,620
    Posts: 24
    edited November 2016
    KerBansot said:


    That damned pink maple leaf/aura. Before, it would transform you into either a blue/yellow saiyan with a blue/yellow glow around you. Now it just slaps you with a pink leaf. To make things worse, you have no other skills in pink. Octopunch? Yellow. Bucc blast? Yellow. Unity of power? Yellow. Dice? Yellow. Dragon strike? Yellow. Even maple warrior is yellow. There are hardly any other skills that aren't yellow. IIRC only low level skills and crossbones. No other pink skills.

    The damned leaf also gets in the way of visibility. I find myself hitting empty space just to use up the charge.

    And seriously, PINK??? I have nothing against the color but it's the least pirate-y color there is. Makes me wanna go YARRR-GGGH.

    I wish they'd just given us a yellow glow or at least allow us to customize it or something.
    I totally agree, however I do not mind the shape or color THAT bad, I really really would want a way to stop the aura at times you don't want it INSTEAD OF ATTACKING AT RANDOM 500times. Hopefully 5th job fixes this
  • Member Kingopirates
    Reactions: 1,620
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    edited November 2016
    If I could change one thing, I would give it a jumping skill to go up, or let us use the octopush from below(Buccaneer)
  • Member gamechanger
    Reactions: 3,460
    Posts: 506
    edited November 2016
    Xenomata said:

    Dark Knight, but this goes for all 3 Explorer Warriors really.

    Give Magic Crash the ability to destroy enemy buffs, including Damage Cancel and Damage Reflect.

    It's not like it would be too OP, Phantom and Kinesis already do the same thing, and they are leagues above the Explorer Warriors.
    You want to put poor explorers on the same level as other jobs? You must be crazy, explorers need to have weaker skills and be worse in every regard /s
  • Member BlargleDerg
    Reactions: 730
    Posts: 28
    edited November 2016
    Ok after playing another 50 hours on my DA i know what else i want changed now. Let us cast our shields while using other skills >.< having to stop attacking every 5 seconds to throw them out on bosses is really annoying and its something you have to do or else its a dps loss. Or maybe how about making the shields a proc while using execution? Would make using the skill more worthwhile since you keep lower the amount of targets it can hit q.q
  • Member Invulgo
    Reactions: 4,620
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    edited November 2016
    Calwyn said:

    I've always been curious as to what the community would think of this.
    You state your class, and you are allowed to make one change to it. What would you choose?

    Personally, I main Mihile, and if I could make one change, I would buff the Blind duration on Soul Assault to 20 seconds, as I'm so used to the pre-revamp Blind mechanic with Mihile.
    I would want the insanely op teleport back on my Luminous :3

    And the ability to toggle forced light/dark mode on and off.
  • Member AkihikoT_
    Reactions: 1,315
    Posts: 165
    edited November 2016
    Night walker
    to get it's HP drain back from before it got nerfed.

    Demon Avenger
    increase the cooldown on the skill that lets up not use up HP, but give a +0-2%(raises with level) damage buff while it's on cooldown

    Beast tamer:
    change kitty treats to be %HP/MP bonus instead of a flat 275-625(going off memory for the exact numbers) to make it something like +5%-+20% (I think it was a 15 point skill) Or take it out completely and just lower the required levels of everything else in the cat mode.

    Kanna/slayer and other non MP based classes:
    have the MP buffs given from cards be given as a +% of the mp as the source used like have 1000mp worth 10 points of kanna's power, or 10 more fury for a demon slayer.

    limit the amount of skills that can be held at a time, but let them all be use-able (maybe 1 skill from 1-10 and 2 from 11-20) and keep this for each of the advanced versions.

    Let me have the only one in reboor: ? :O :O Yes?
  • Member Showstopper
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2016

    Change it to have similar skills to what it originally had and not whatever this thing is
  • Member DSpellGuy
    Reactions: 1,195
    Posts: 84
    edited November 2016
    Ice/Lightning Mage - would love the Freezing Breath skill to work like Shade's Spirit Trap skill - sorta like a summon where you can still continue to attack, as it stands its only useful when in a group against Magnus.

    @Maryse - I agree, it'd be nice to have stackable auras on BaM again.
  • Member Maryse
    Reactions: 6,640
    Posts: 531
    edited November 2016
    DSpellGuy said:

    Ice/Lightning Mage - would love the Freezing Breath skill to work like Shade's Spirit Trap skill - sorta like a summon where you can still continue to attack, as it stands its only useful when in a group against Magnus.

    @Maryse - I agree, it'd be nice to have stackable auras on BaM again.
    But only yellow and blue with any other auras because they're pretty OP.
  • Member Shirt
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 9
    edited November 2016
    make it so combo training can't be disabled
  • Member, Private Tester Rezerba
    Reactions: 830
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Just a couple things from KMS for Thunder Breaker:
    - Allow the use of the 3rd job skill Ascension right after FJ for both directions
    - Allow them to Jump attack cancel. I think that's what it is? It looks like Castlevania jump cancelling.
    -The rest would be bug fixes.

    -Maybe give them air time that Arans have but TBs are basically able to link infinitely so they'd be in the air forever.

    For Mihile:
    1. Allow Royal Guard to block all hits that occur within the same window of time and each hit blocked will give one stack of Royal Guard's attack buff.
    At its current state it can only block one hit. So say Red Pierre does his 3 hit attack. Mihile is only able to block one of the hits while the rest will go through. In the case of multiple enemies it's the same. He'll only block the first hit but the rest will go through before the invincibility will be activated.

    2. Give Radiant Cross: Spread's install summon its own command key. For example holding the down key and using the Radiant Cross will activate the summon. Currently it the summon will be reset and be replaced whenever you use Radiant Cross.

    3. Have Soul Asylum gain more duration with each stack you accumulate with Royal Guard. Sort of like Shade's Hyper Skill where the duration increases whenever you pick up a liver. Maybe have it be like +15 secs for every stack starting from level 3 with an upper limit of 45 secs.
    Unfortunately ping problems in GMS makes using Royal Guard more riskier than it was originally designed to be. Reverting Soul Asylum back to 100% passive might be a bit too much with the added invincibility time for each successful Royal Guard

    4. A clearer description of Sacred Cube. I still don't know what it does to Royal Guard.