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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
GMS-Raising Star Cap, Rebirth Flames & Neb Revamp?
Or, I could make one dedicated for stars, and another one for nebulites (assuming you guys still want to fix something even though we are getting a "replacement" for it.) I hope to see you guys and your brainstorming in the next thread and future topics like this.
Also, when flames come, should we call it Additional Options/AO or Bonus Stats/BS? When Anna said are introducing Bonus Stats to GMS, she is aware we call them Addition Options. Should we refer to the system as Bonus Stats or Additional Options since Bonus Stats sounds confusing when we have Bonus Potential and shortening the name leads to some funny results (Bonus Stats becomes BS.)
There are a few Neb system revamp threads, I made one a while back, Neo also made one a while back and a few other people also made some, I say we get some support behind one of them.
flames and Bonus stats are not a replacement for nebs, they are 2 different systems, its like saying boss souls replace flames.
Also people only call them "Additional options" cause max mistranslated it as such (because the word for stats is also the word for options). the proper translation has always been Bonus stats (because you do not scroll equipment with "options") and the short term people will likely use after the awkward phase of calling the system by a mistranslated name will probably be "Bstat"much like we don't call Bonus potential "BP" or "AP (additional potential)" in conversations, we naturally sway to "B pot" normally.
and I'd say before making new posts and campaign for stars, just wait until we get our fox valley patch, we may get what JMS got.
coz you don't have any good ones
you sound like the people that complain about lvl 200 being easy now compared to 10 years ago, or the people that complained about pet skills just because they bought perm pet items, or the
peoplemerchants that complained about Emp equips being lower in value due to people being able to clear her and get her gear easier, or complained about Emp equips being lower in value due to RA gear being better.nexon never promised you that the gear you have now will always be the best endgame gear.
if they come, you wont be compensated, but you will have very good gear to get you to the new best gear, or transpost your tyrants to SW which will actually be better with 25 stars.
also it's not proven that we wont get 25 stars in the update where we get fox valley.
That's good news! Hopefully this will be based on MapleStorySEA and EMS (when it was managed by Nexon Europe) so restriction with scissors of karma count will not be added once rebirth flames are actually used.
Well, EMS and MSEA had it so flames cannot be crafted which is not a good feature. KMS minus scissor count or EMS/MSEA + craftable flames is the ideal system for GMS since players don't want their gear untradable forever and Accessory Crafting is something that is inferior to Smithing at the moment.
If that's what you wish to believe
MSEA has Nerfed flames ( Eternal / Rainbow flames go up to tier 5 ( and 5 is rare to get so usually you aim for 4 ), which is Extremely Underpowerd, i prefer to have KMS' Flames with a Scissors count ( as long a we get Tier 7 Flames / Bonus Stats )
*Unless GMS would get KMS' Flames ( up to tier 7 w/ crafting ) and without a scissors count ( which is the best )
Dropped equipments and normal Rebirth Flames will usually begin with a Stat Level 1 to 3, occasionally Level 4 for MSEA.
(Usually Level 3 to 5, occasionally Level 6 for KMS)
Powerful Rebirth Flame (Master Craftsman's Accessory Crafting)
Has a higher chance of Bonus Stats being a Level 4 instead of Level 1 to 3 for MSEA (Level 3 to 5 with a chance of Level 6 for KMS)
Eternal Rebirth Flame (Meister Accessory Crafting)
Bonus Stats will be guaranteed at least Level 2. While the item may state that it provides the "maximum possible Bonus Stats", it actually only ensures that all the lines are of Level 2 or higher and does not make all Bonus Stats lines automatically at max level, Lines will be usually Level 2 to 4 with a small chance of it being Level 5 for MSEA. (Level 4 to 6, with a small chance of Level 7 for KMS)
- Taken from StrategyWiki ( Replaced Additional Options with Bonus Stats, added images and changed the names for better clarity )
flames looks fun, free stats, less money spending, i'll be happy
If they release 25 stars they will firmly shut the door on transposing to sw from there lol. Then all the people who transposed b4 they close the door on transposing become the future highest end player no one else could catch up to lol
they will not end transposting, quit making assumptions based on nothing but your own fear mongering.
But "blue stars" are MEE ( and mee are pretty much Superior Stats ) it would pretty much give every transposed tyrants, Free 24 / 25 Stars ( assuming it's transposed from 15 stars ) 10 Star MEE = 20 or even 21 Regular Star Force Stats.
they should somehow limit Only Sweetwater Transposed with tyrants, to have Regular 15 Stars, because if they limit transposed sweetwater, it means that regular ( or sweetwater transposed by non tyrants equips would have 15 stars as well )
*MEE is an easier 25 Star Force ( Superior Stats ) it's the worst option that transposed sweetwater can have.
It might make you lose a tonne of stats by failing a star though... I'm unsure how starforce and MEEs interact if you tried to get the 15th star after transposing.
also, equips would be capped at 14 MEE ( because we don't have MEE scrolls, and you can't use Star-Force / AEE / EE scrolls to get higher stars )
And 14 Mee have similar if not Better stats then a 24 / 25 Star Forced item ( so actually making sw have MEE stars is even worse then letting it have normal 25 star force upper limit )
*Also would be capped at 14 ( Assuming the tyrants were transposed with 15 Stars, -1 for each star below 15, cause transpose removes 1 star. )
JMS disabled the ability to even transpose tyrants onto sweetwater , it was a bad design from the get go, either way this doesn't mean that GMS should not have 25 stars, because even if sweetwater transposed with tyrants is op, doesn't mean that it's easy or even efficient to get ( it is untradeable, well... psokable once,
but that's hardly a good thingi guess that's better then nothing, but after you psok once, it's FOREVER UNTRADEABLE )Best solution: make Sweetwater Transposed with Tyrants ONLY, Have an upper limit of 15 Star Force, while making regular ( or sweetwater transposed with anything but tyrants have an upper limit of 25 Star force if 25 stars ever make their way onto GMS that is.
What's most likely to happen: All equips at level 127+ get a star cap increase to 25. ( which i'm still fine with BTW developers )
having more options towards gearing is better then Just having tyrants, even if Transposed Sweetwater with tyrants, would be better then 22 Star Arcane Umbra, Arcane still wouldn't be such a bad choice ( It Is psokable even if it would maybe have a 10 scissors limits cause of flames, that's still better then a 1 PSOK on Transposed Sweetwater.
TL;DR: Do not! give tyrants, MEE stars, 25 regular star limit would be better, giving tyrants MEE stars, essentially gives you a Free 24 / 25 Stared Stats equip ( assuming tyrants were transposed with 15 Star Force ) 1 MEE = 11 Star Force, 12 MEE = 23 Star Force ( Stats )
*Edit: also if what are saying ( that the stats are based on Pre-transpose, MEE stars might work If they won't give extra stats like they do in KMS, IF nexon could somehow manage to just put in the Star Limit of MEE and not the stats increase, that could work.
Giving an item MEE stars doesn't mean the item gets MEE stats, an example being when Starforce was released in GMS and several equips were glitched and had blue stars. This didn't change the stats on the items, it just makes it un-starforceable.