Orbis: Stairway to the Sky I from 70-77ish is also pretty good if drakes are full. Ice Valley 2 is also great from 75-85ish. I trained at both maps today and it went fairly quick. They should be good when other maps are full.
Hey Yonax, I've been using your guide and I really love it! I had to start my account from scratch because I lost my characters/gold in the migration (didn't register in time..) so this has been great to help me get a decent character again.
I have limited funding and I'm now level 150 and not really sure if I'm loving Kerning Tower, you haven't mentioned which map specifically to grind in, any suggestions ? I'm currently in Kerning Tower 3F <1>, finding if I go any higher the spawn rate drops and I'm getting hit pretty hard.
Thanks in advance ^-^
For Kerning Tower, I would say only do the quests there and than move on to the next map. Should bring you about 145 -> 150. You can make a start on the temple of time quests after or if you have enough range do a couple of horntails. Really nice exp from Horntail on those levels.
Thanks for replying !
I couldn't find any quests for Kerning Tower.. but then again I didn't look very hard ! I'm level 151 now so I guess I'll move onto something else, I'm really enjoying grinding mobs so don't think I really want to do any bosses or anything like that P:
The second mantis map on the left in stone colossus is awesome for 150-160. Super small, super high spawn rate. It's way better than kerning tower imo.
The second mantis map on the left in stone colossus is awesome for 150-160. Super small, super high spawn rate. It's way better than kerning tower imo.
Colossus has some maps with nice spawn, problem is only its always full of hackers and therefore I avoid these maps.
Pretty good guide, I felt like I need to share my training spots that I did.
In reboot, this is how all my mules trained, to 140 at least for S rank and it has worked out well as long as you have override set on each mule, you can handle the spots without any funding. Just reboot is little tricky cause you do have a higher reduced damage penalty for level difference over normal servers. I always avoided drakes because it's way too overpopulated.
10-20: Blue Fairys in Ellinia
20-30: Evil Eyes/Curse Eyes
30-50: Gold Beach purple clams best map layout and nicely close platforms.
50-70: Skeledogs in hidden map is nice.
70-85: White Fangs nice map but usually overcrowded, alternate can be aqua road seals before town.
85-100: I did either roids or homos, both flat maps and easy
100-120: Zakum with 2x rune + 2x exp coupon twice daily should get you there, if not, probably try out starforce ghost pirates or blood harps.
125-130: Korean folk town signposts give awesome amounts of exp and mesos to help.
130-145: Cerebes in Cave of trials II is pretty good, usually burning. Cave of trials I is a alternate because it is 100% burning when I go there if cave of trials II is full. Cave of trials III map is really long and annoying to navigate and almost no one goes there.
145-170: I did the starforce floor 2. It's nicely packed mobs and the map layout/spawn is pretty good. I prefer that over mantis imo because they give less exp and I don't really like the map's layout.
170-190: Omega sector starforce I did the first map because it was always 100% in reboot for me, map 2 is mixed with bad layout, map 3 is overpopulated but same layout as 2, I prefered the first one because the platforms and spawn are closer together.
190-200: I did stumps all the way, I used the map with stump/dark stump because it was very small and easy to navigate. The deserted one with 4 platforms is usually never burning because of how crowded it is, so I always go to maps with 100% burning exp. Imo, it's better than fes2 because fes2 almost never has burning effects which means it's worse than stumps.
- Updated recommended levels, maps and some minor changes.
I have limited funding and I'm now level 150 and not really sure if I'm loving Kerning Tower, you haven't mentioned which map specifically to grind in, any suggestions
Thanks in advance ^-^
I couldn't find any quests for Kerning Tower.. but then again I didn't look very hard
Gunner bossing does giving a decent amount of exp, though unless you can quickly find anego / buy a comb off the market, you're better off grinding
Did they fix it so the comb disappears after summoning?
You can still pick up the comb again after you summoned the boss.
Colossus has some maps with nice spawn, problem is only its always full of hackers and therefore I avoid these maps.
Happy to help!
In reboot, this is how all my mules trained, to 140 at least for S rank and it has worked out well as long as you have override set on each mule, you can handle the spots without any funding. Just reboot is little tricky cause you do have a higher reduced damage penalty for level difference over normal servers. I always avoided drakes because it's way too overpopulated.
10-20: Blue Fairys in Ellinia
20-30: Evil Eyes/Curse Eyes
30-50: Gold Beach purple clams best map layout and nicely close platforms.
50-70: Skeledogs in hidden map is nice.
70-85: White Fangs nice map but usually overcrowded, alternate can be aqua road seals before town.
85-100: I did either roids or homos, both flat maps and easy
100-120: Zakum with 2x rune + 2x exp coupon twice daily should get you there, if not, probably try out starforce ghost pirates or blood harps.
125-130: Korean folk town signposts give awesome amounts of exp and mesos to help.
130-145: Cerebes in Cave of trials II is pretty good, usually burning. Cave of trials I is a alternate because it is 100% burning when I go there if cave of trials II is full. Cave of trials III map is really long and annoying to navigate and almost no one goes there.
145-170: I did the starforce floor 2. It's nicely packed mobs and the map layout/spawn is pretty good. I prefer that over mantis imo because they give less exp and I don't really like the map's layout.
170-190: Omega sector starforce I did the first map because it was always 100% in reboot for me, map 2 is mixed with bad layout, map 3 is overpopulated but same layout as 2, I prefered the first one because the platforms and spawn are closer together.
190-200: I did stumps all the way, I used the map with stump/dark stump because it was very small and easy to navigate. The deserted one with 4 platforms is usually never burning because of how crowded it is, so I always go to maps with 100% burning exp. Imo, it's better than fes2 because fes2 almost never has burning effects which means it's worse than stumps.