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Maple Memo: Global Migration Update

Member OneLetter
Reactions: 6,380
Posts: 129
edited November 2016 in Vault
Hello Maplers,

On November 10th, Nexon America will begin to service our European MapleStory players in addition to our existing players around the world. This migration brings a lot of benefits to all of our players and we want to make sure you understand what is happening and why.

For current Global MapleStory players, you will now have the choice to create new characters on the Europe world, Luna. These new worlds are located in our European datacenter so depending on your location, you may find your connection to these servers better or worse than the current North America servers. You will also be able to interact with a new population of players migrating from the European MapleStory service.

For our European players migrating over, there’s quite a few exciting changes for you. We'll go in depth on some of the main changes and include the complete list of changes below.

Immediately following the migration, you will be prompted to download the full v177 client that will provide you access to all the latest GMS content, including Heroes of Maple, Mushroom Shrine Tales, and the recently released Strange Stories content. With this migration, European players will now experience all of the current and future events occurring in Global MapleStory. Please make sure to accept both the service migration and the MapleStory game migration in order to begin playing on November 10th. If you miss your chance now or wait until after November 9th to migrate, you'll have to wait for an upcoming maintenance in order to access the MapleStory world in Europe.

Next, the existing Demethos and Kradia worlds in Europe MapleStory will merge into one world, Luna. Previously, we planned to migrate the two worlds over, so we asked our European players from each server to vote for their new world names. But after further discussion internally, we decided to combine the two worlds to provide our Europe MapleStory players with a larger population to play with immediately following the migration. Out of all the votes between the two servers, the name Luna received the most.

Other additional changes as a result of the world merge and service migration include:

- The amount of character slots you will have in Luna will be the higher value of either character slots or characters created in either Kradia or Demethos.
- If the total number of characters in both worlds exceed the maximum amount (40), all of your characters will transfer to Luna. If you delete characters that are over the maximum amount, no character slots will be freed until you delete characters below the maximum amount.
- The amount of Storage slots you will have in Luna will be the higher value of either the number of items in the Storage or the number of Storage slots in either Kradia or Demethos.
- Character Card settings will be maintained if you've only set it up in 1 of the worlds. If you have set up character cards in both worlds, your settings will be reset.
- Quests that shared between both worlds, will keep the data of the furthest progression.
- Burning character settings will be reset.
- Cash Shop settings such as Cart Inventory will be reset.
- Cash Shop items that are tradeable as a result of using Avatar Scissors of Karma on it, will be reset to untradeable.
- Your community data such as Friends list, Blacklist, Guilds, and wedding information will be reset.
- Your Monster Life progression will be reset.
- Macro settings will be reset.
- Any rewards you still haven't accepted from the Reward System notifier on the left of the screen, will be lost.
- Following the merge, support for restoration of characters will be extremely limited.
- All Cash Item gifts will be adjusted so that the sender's name is "Gift"
- In-game rankings such as Mu Lung Dojo, Donation King, and Tower of Oz will be reset.
- Friendship and wedding rings will be deleted.

Although there is data that unfortunately will be reset as a result of the migration, we plan to compensate players for the loss and reward our loyal players for sticking with us as we complete this migration process. Details for these rewards will be revealed soon.

In addition to the worlds merging, you will also be able to create brand new characters on our North America servers. Although this will technically be available, we strongly urge everyone to choose the server closest to their location to get the best gameplay experience. You will also be able to interact with a wider community on our newly relaunched forums as well as on our social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Twitch.

This migration has been in discussion and planning for a long time and many teams around the world have worked tirelessly to ensure the process is as smooth as possible. Having said that, we know there may be some unforeseen issues that arise as a result of these changes. A large project like this will always have a few kinks even after launch. But we are committed to making sure your experience is as smooth as possible, so we will work hard to resolve issues as fast as we can.

We are all extremely excited to see the launch of the new combined service and we hope you all enjoy the new Global MapleStory service.

Thank you,

Dennis "Savage Ace" Bernardo
Production Manager - MapleStory


  • Member The Blue Corsair
    The Blue Corsair
    Reactions: 1,915
    Posts: 103
    edited November 2016
    Thank you for your continued hard work and to everyone else across both teams who have worked tirelessly to ensure a great experience for North American players, European players, and everyone else.

    I'm looking forward to playing with my friends and hoping this goes well. Best of luck to everyone.
  • Member, Private Tester OdysseyTwo
    Reactions: 2,850
    Posts: 227
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    How would EMS's Rebirth Flames and Additional Options be affected by the Migration?
  • Member Kuroll
    Reactions: 1,185
    Posts: 93
    edited November 2016
    you should let people who lives in EU but play Global to transfer to to Luna to enjoy decent pings too.
    there are many people who lives in eu countries but play maplestory global because they started to play long before there was EU maplestory
    and some because EU maple was in chaos.
    we are also a players. we should enjoy the game with good pings like everyone.
    so you should also take care of your players in global from eu countries and let us transfer to Luna so we wont need to
    throw away years of work and alot of real money we spent on items,
    i want to transfer from Windia to Luna. because i live in EU and play maplestory global .
  • Member Dor
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 22
    edited November 2016
    Your community data such as Friends list, Blacklist, Guilds, and wedding information will be reset.
    Does this affect GMS players or only migrated players?
  • Member The Blue Corsair
    The Blue Corsair
    Reactions: 1,915
    Posts: 103
    edited November 2016
    Dor said:

    Your community data such as Friends list, Blacklist, Guilds, and wedding information will be reset.
    Does this affect GMS players or only migrated players?

    Only migrating players and their characters.
  • Member Niightseeker
    Reactions: 2,040
    Posts: 138
    edited November 2016

    *Ahem.* It's awesome to hear our European friends will finally be able to play GMS!
  • Member Matahary
    Reactions: 580
    Posts: 25
    edited November 2016
  • Member BIackbean
    Reactions: 3,450
    Posts: 519
    edited November 2016
    ugh this may discourage current EMS players because their guilds, buddies and everything will be reset... this will be very sad
  • Member gamechanger
    Reactions: 3,460
    Posts: 506
    edited November 2016
    I have several questions about this that I consider to be important, and answers would be much appreciated.

    1 - What about AO and flames for EMS players? We (GMS) have been told that we are not getting flames and AO. That's fine, whatever I'm not trying to argue for them. But the memo didn't state that they were being removed for EMS players? Will flames and AO be removed for EMS players or no? If yes, will they also be compensated? If not, will GMS players be allowed to make a character on Luna and use flames/AO on that server? I ask because I didn't see flames/AO in the maple memo.

    2 - Will the EMS staff be working for GMS now or will they be put on other projects? More specifically, will we be getting the EMS GMs? More GMs is always nice to have, and I'm sure it makes your workloads better since it can be slightly more spread out. Hopefully if they do start working for GMS this means that we could have more frequent GM events (ideally we would get to a point where they could be semi random. A GM with some free time would just pop in game unnanounced and start summoning bosses in Henesys/Leafre or something I guess).

    3 - New forums were mentioned. Was that these forums or will we be moving to new forums again?

    4 - You mentioned that after internal discussions you found it better to merge Demetheos and KradiaEMS into Luna instead of just migrating them over. Does that mean that GMS may be receiving some world mergers in the near future? Or is this option at least on the table? I know that it has come up on the forums pretty often for a while now but to my knowledge NexonNA never said anything on the subject.

    5 - Bug fixes. Kind of out of place I know, but I imagine that rather a lot of work was put in at Nexon to prepare for this merger. Does that mean that after it goes through and settles that Nexon will have more manpower to put towards fixing bugs/implementing oft requested features into Maplestory?
  • Member Lilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited November 2016
    I'm happy that europe players gets a chance to play at least the server won't be dead.
  • Member KeepComingBack
    Reactions: 2,960
    Posts: 214
    edited November 2016
    I'm still curious to see what will happen to the rankings.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016

    I have several questions about this that I consider to be important, and answers would be much appreciated.

    1 - What about AO and flames for EMS players? We (GMS) have been told that we are not getting flames and AO. That's fine, whatever I'm not trying to argue for them. But the memo didn't state that they were being removed for EMS players? Will flames and AO be removed for EMS players or no? If yes, will they also be compensated? If not, will GMS players be allowed to make a character on Luna and use flames/AO on that server? I ask because I didn't see flames/AO in the maple memo.

    2 - Will the EMS staff be working for GMS now or will they be put on other projects? More specifically, will we be getting the EMS GMs? More GMs is always nice to have, and I'm sure it makes your workloads better since it can be slightly more spread out. Hopefully if they do start working for GMS this means that we could have more frequent GM events (ideally we would get to a point where they could be semi random. A GM with some free time would just pop in game unnanounced and start summoning bosses in Henesys/Leafre or something I guess).

    3 - New forums were mentioned. Was that these forums or will we be moving to new forums again?

    4 - You mentioned that after internal discussions you found it better to merge Demetheos and KradiaEMS into Luna instead of just migrating them over. Does that mean that GMS may be receiving some world mergers in the near future? Or is this option at least on the table? I know that it has come up on the forums pretty often for a while now but to my knowledge NexonNA never said anything on the subject.

    5 - Bug fixes. Kind of out of place I know, but I imagine that rather a lot of work was put in at Nexon to prepare for this merger. Does that mean that after it goes through and settles that Nexon will have more manpower to put towards fixing bugs/implementing oft requested features into Maplestory?
    I'll answer to the best of my knowledge, because I doubt anyone from Nexon will revisit this thread and respond. (I'll be happy to be proven wrong about this)

    1 - As far as I know, EMS already lost their flames, when they got GMS v173 a few months back.
    Their items that had AO kept those stats, but new items that drop don't have AO, and with no flames there is no way to add AO or reroll them.

    2 - Since the whole purpose of the migration was to cut operating costs in the West, I seriously doubt NexonNA will somehow end up with more resources to put into GMS. If anything, they'll be spread thinner.

    3 - I think he's talking about these forums. Would have been nice if he'd included a link to them in the notice (at least its Euro version).

    4 - I'm curious as well. But if server merges "have to" involve guild and bl dissolution, I don't want them.

    5 - I wish. As I see it, they'll be fixing bugs and putting out fires in Europe for months to come, still.
    SavageAce said:

    Having said that, we know there may be some unforeseen issues that arise as a result of these changes. A large project like this will always have a few kinks even after launch. But we are committed to making sure your experience is as smooth as possible, so we will work hard to resolve issues as fast as we can.
    "As fast as we can" ... you know, like all the bugs introduced in v177 and the subsequent maintenance that they haven't even commented on, much less tried to fix, yet.
  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited November 2016

    How would EMS's Rebirth Flames and Additional Options be affected by the Migration?

    I have several questions about this that I consider to be important, and answers would be much appreciated.

    1 - What about AO and flames for EMS players? We (GMS) have been told that we are not getting flames and AO. That's fine, whatever I'm not trying to argue for them. But the memo didn't state that they were being removed for EMS players? Will flames and AO be removed for EMS players or no? If yes, will they also be compensated? If not, will GMS players be allowed to make a character on Luna and use flames/AO on that server? I ask because I didn't see flames/AO in the maple memo.

    flames have already been removed, however the already AO/BS stats on gear before the merge prep patch is a different matter.
  • Member Vinsane
    Reactions: 2,210
    Posts: 87
    edited November 2016
    A question i felt was left out of the maple memo and needs a prompt answer.
    Will the Content from that was originally exclusive only from EMS, such as Hekaton, Guy Fawkes, Europe events (octoberfest) etc.
    Be patched/merged/migrated into the GMS content as well?
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Vinsane said:

    A question i felt was left out of the maple memo and needs a prompt answer.
    Will the Content from that was originally exclusive only from EMS, such as Hekaton, Guy Fawkes, Europe events (octoberfest) etc.
    Be patched/merged/migrated into the GMS content as well?
    I don't know about events, but content such as Veracent was removed when EMS was patched to match GMS. So I'm guessing that isn't coming back.
  • Member July
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited November 2016
    "we strongly urge everyone to choose the server closest to their location to get the best gameplay experience"

    I'm a EU player in Scania. Wish u guys would let us the option to move all stuff from one world to the other one.
    If this was available, I would definitely move all my stuff from Scania to Luna.
  • Member Kuroll
    Reactions: 1,185
    Posts: 93
    edited November 2016
    July said:

    "we strongly urge everyone to choose the server closest to their location to get the best gameplay experience"

    I'm a EU player in Scania. Wish u guys would let us the option to move all stuff from one world to the other one.
    If this was available, I would definitely move all my stuff from Scania to Luna.
    i agree . im EU players in Windia. right now i can barely play the game as meant. with pings of over 350. and few dcs. i cant do bossing
    and get my hair gray from lags. i just spent too much real money on NX and what not and 11 years of playing this game. to throw evcething away and start new.
    i wish so much to move to Luna and finally enjoy the game and have decent ping.s. and i really believe they should care about us aswell.
    and allow us to transfer to Luna. i think alll EU players who plays in Global should write a ticket and ask for the posability to world transfer to Luna so we can finally play with decent pings . and enjoy the game.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    @July @Kuroll why didn't you switch to EMS 9 years ago, or any time between then and now, if ping is so important to you?
  • Member Kuroll
    Reactions: 1,185
    Posts: 93
    edited November 2016
    AKradian said:

    @July @Kuroll why didn't you switch to EMS 9 years ago, or any time between then and now, if ping is so important to you?
    if you dare to say pings are not important go play on Luna. after you play 4+ years in global. spent so much money on the game
    and spent 4 years to make your account. why would you throw it away and make new in new server ?
    did they ever offer EU players to transfer their account to EU? no! so stop trying to be so smart about things you wouldnt do your self.
    my hard work earned money is important to me aswell.
    also have you tried to play the EU server when it wasnt belong to global? im sure you didnt
    but i did. the program its self is bugged and everything stuck there not from lags but from bugs.
    the EU team was bad and didnt care about the game.
    now global maplestory will have a EU server so ofc we want to play in the EU server.

  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Your math is a little off. You say you've been playing 11 years, then you say you played 4+ years before EMS was created 9 years ago?

    Anyway, I don't know enough about how different EMS was from GMS before this migration. I don't know how OP all the stuff you bring from 11 years of playing global would be there. It might not be fair to let you transfer.

    But maybe such server transfer is necessary if Luna is to survive. From what I'm hearing, a lot of Europeans are going to go to Reboot. If no "new" players go to Luna, then after a very short time Nexon might decide it is not cost-effective to keep a MapleStory server in Europe at all.
    Remember El Nido? They made it an East Coast server, and then after a short time (I think it was less than a year) they physically moved it to California because it was not very populated and was too much of a bother/expense to maintain, far away from all their other servers and staff.