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Maple Memo: Global Migration Update


  • Member Kuroll
    Reactions: 1,185
    Posts: 93
    edited November 2016
    AKradian said:

    Your math is a little off. You say you've been playing 11 years, then you say you played 4+ years before EMS was created 9 years ago?

    Anyway, I don't know enough about how different EMS was from GMS before this migration. I don't know how OP all the stuff you bring from 11 years of playing global would be there. It might not be fair to let you transfer.

    But maybe such server transfer is necessary if Luna is to survive. From what I'm hearing, a lot of Europeans are going to go to Reboot. If no "new" players go to Luna, then after a very short time Nexon might decide it is not cost-effective to keep a MapleStory server in Europe at all.
    Remember El Nido? They made it an East Coast server, and then after a short time (I think it was less than a year) they physically moved it to California because it was not very populated and was too much of a bother/expense to maintain, far away from all their other servers and staff.
    my math is perfectly fine.. i play more than 11 years pretty much since maplestory came out, and even if EU ms came out 9 years ago.
    its not like.. oh wait.. in first day lets throw everything and start new server.
    about the " op things i will bring" nothing at all. i quit because of the lags and gave away most of the items but i do still have my NX items which is aloooot.
    ofc i still have some decent and ok items. but not ones that would harm the balance.
    i mostly care about the nx items. as for El Nido. i know that one very well. because i moved from Broa to El Nido in order to have better pings.
    and i was very sad when they changed it to be just normal server. so i transfered to Windia. from El Nido to windia.
    after that i made account in EU maplestory but the i saw how buggy it is. then i took a break gave some items away and now
    3 days ago because i read of the merge i came back. now tell me. we are EU players who been loyal to global maplestory and to Nexon team.
    we supported the game and paid real money like everyone. why dont we deserve to play on a server that provide EU pings?
    nexon should care about us aswell.. these "items" that we might bring very very fast will become meaningless because everyone could get them.
    and if you think EU dont have good items you are wrong. EU was even more pay to win than america .
    and most people there are probably stronger than me.
    so regardless of anything the basic is allow players from EU change to EU world once they make one.

    *Edit : besides. theres no right to talk of balance and items and all that in a pay to win game. where there will never be balance between players. look at global servers broa windia scania do you see balance? because i see some people do 200k damage and some people do
    max damage. anyone who pays real money on cubes and special scrolls can make "op items" balance is not something you look for in maplestory or any other pay to win game. maybe in reboot you can find it.
    so now i dont cry about the pay to win. im fine with it only because its not a PVP game. i play maplestory because its cute and fun in pve
    and i dont need to care about other people being op .
    but i say in such game i cant change the balance because there isnt balance because of the pay to win.
  • Member July
    Reactions: 2,720
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    edited November 2016
    AKradian said:

    @July @Kuroll why didn't you switch to EMS 9 years ago, or any time between then and now, if ping is so important to you?
    That sarcastic comment pointless.

    It doesn't matter what we should have done years ago, only the present and the future.
    Me and many others from EU who play on NA servers would love to have the option to move to a new EU servers, specially cus of new content such as Damien which is a pain to play on those NA servers with our high ping..
    It's only a suggestion.
  • Member Kuroll
    Reactions: 1,185
    Posts: 93
    edited November 2016
    July said:

    AKradian said:

    @July @Kuroll why didn't you switch to EMS 9 years ago, or any time between then and now, if ping is so important to you?
    That sarcastic comment pointless.

    It doesn't matter what we should have done years ago, only the present and the future.
    Me and many others from EU who play on NA servers would love to have the option to move to a new EU servers, specially cus of new content such as Damien which is a pain to play on those NA servers with our high ping..
    It's only a suggestion.
    im going to say that it is a suggestion indeed, but also a request. right now we cant fully enjoy the game when bosses 1 hit you
    and every moment of react is important. most hard bosses i cant do because of my pings.
  • Member, Private Tester RikNL
    Reactions: 2,605
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    edited November 2016
    I as an EMS player and the most of my buddies in EMS made already some documents with IGNs.

    But I think the gab between EMS V118 (GMS V173) and GMS V177 is kinda big with missing events and stuff like that will there be some events for Luna only that we missed or some events over agian for all servers? And I would realy like to play the AoT and Sao events they looked really good what I saw. Can they come back in a later stadium.

    I would also like to see our old events return like Dutch Kingsday or Piazza di Spagna, German beerfest such like that. Maybe revamped with better rewards because I really enjoyed them.

    And will there be a Reboot server in Europe or some channels hosted in Europe? (in KMS they have since the V update 30channels as a maximum so they may can host some in EU because old Demethos Servers will not be used anymore I guess)

    Can someone tell us what will happen with all the channels? in Kradia and Demethos we both had 14 Channels based of the old system were we had (EUROPE1, EUROPE 2, NEDERLANDS 1, ENGLISH 1, ENGLISH 2, DEUTSCH 1) Will we get 20 channels as Luna or what will happen?

    Demethos is like this for the past 3 years.

    I'm still curious to see what will happen to the rankings.
    I guess Pewe and Landen etc. will join the 250 club of GMS in the total rankings.
  • Member KingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited November 2016
    RikNL said:

    Can someone tell us what will happen with all the channels? in Kradia and Demethos we both had 14 Channels based of the old system were we had (EUROPE1, EUROPE 2, NEDERLANDS 1, ENGLISH 1, ENGLISH 2, DEUTSCH 1) Will we get 20 channels as Luna or what will happen?
    I am also curious about how the languages will work, GMS has always been purely English, what makes the most sense to me is having either, a client for each language or a setting that you cane use to change what language the game is displayed in.
  • Member, Private Tester Jetwin
    Reactions: 500
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Scheduled event double experience time and drop that would have?
    Greetings from Spain player EMS.

    This matter concerns the community of EMS for the big time difference.
  • Member KingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited November 2016
    We still have people from Australia so normally there they are scheduled twice a day.
  • Member, Private Tester RikNL
    Reactions: 2,605
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016

    RikNL said:

    Can someone tell us what will happen with all the channels? in Kradia and Demethos we both had 14 Channels based of the old system were we had (EUROPE1, EUROPE 2, NEDERLANDS 1, ENGLISH 1, ENGLISH 2, DEUTSCH 1) Will we get 20 channels as Luna or what will happen?
    I am also curious about how the languages will work, GMS has always been purely English, what makes the most sense to me is having either, a client for each language or a setting that you cane use to change what language the game is displayed in.
    Since 2013 EMS is English only so that isn't the problem but chat filters will they also be in German Dutch e.d. like before. in EMS a common sentence was like *** everywhere.
  • Member KingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited November 2016
    Oh yay, the censor, I hate that thing, there is a huge list of odd things that makes talking next to impossible.
  • Member gamechanger
    Reactions: 3,460
    Posts: 506
    edited November 2016
    AKradian said:


    I have several questions about this that I consider to be important, and answers would be much appreciated.

    1 - What about AO and flames for EMS players? We (GMS) have been told that we are not getting flames and AO. That's fine, whatever I'm not trying to argue for them. But the memo didn't state that they were being removed for EMS players? Will flames and AO be removed for EMS players or no? If yes, will they also be compensated? If not, will GMS players be allowed to make a character on Luna and use flames/AO on that server? I ask because I didn't see flames/AO in the maple memo.

    2 - Will the EMS staff be working for GMS now or will they be put on other projects? More specifically, will we be getting the EMS GMs? More GMs is always nice to have, and I'm sure it makes your workloads better since it can be slightly more spread out. Hopefully if they do start working for GMS this means that we could have more frequent GM events (ideally we would get to a point where they could be semi random. A GM with some free time would just pop in game unnanounced and start summoning bosses in Henesys/Leafre or something I guess).

    3 - New forums were mentioned. Was that these forums or will we be moving to new forums again?

    4 - You mentioned that after internal discussions you found it better to merge Demetheos and KradiaEMS into Luna instead of just migrating them over. Does that mean that GMS may be receiving some world mergers in the near future? Or is this option at least on the table? I know that it has come up on the forums pretty often for a while now but to my knowledge NexonNA never said anything on the subject.

    5 - Bug fixes. Kind of out of place I know, but I imagine that rather a lot of work was put in at Nexon to prepare for this merger. Does that mean that after it goes through and settles that Nexon will have more manpower to put towards fixing bugs/implementing oft requested features into Maplestory?
    I'll answer to the best of my knowledge, because I doubt anyone from Nexon will revisit this thread and respond. (I'll be happy to be proven wrong about this)

    1 - As far as I know, EMS already lost their flames, when they got GMS v173 a few months back.
    Their items that had AO kept those stats, but new items that drop don't have AO, and with no flames there is no way to add AO or reroll them.

    2 - Since the whole purpose of the migration was to cut operating costs in the West, I seriously doubt NexonNA will somehow end up with more resources to put into GMS. If anything, they'll be spread thinner.

    3 - I think he's talking about these forums. Would have been nice if he'd included a link to them in the notice (at least its Euro version).

    4 - I'm curious as well. But if server merges "have to" involve guild and bl dissolution, I don't want them.

    5 - I wish. As I see it, they'll be fixing bugs and putting out fires in Europe for months to come, still.
    SavageAce said:

    Having said that, we know there may be some unforeseen issues that arise as a result of these changes. A large project like this will always have a few kinks even after launch. But we are committed to making sure your experience is as smooth as possible, so we will work hard to resolve issues as fast as we can.
    "As fast as we can" ... you know, like all the bugs introduced in v177 and the subsequent maintenance that they haven't even commented on, much less tried to fix, yet.
    I hope that the guild and BL wipes were related to merging systems, and not to merging two servers together, as I would like to see server merges in GMS but I also do not want my guild and/or BL wiped. And yes I expect fires to come for a while, but hopefully after they are all put out it will free up a lot of resources at NexonNA to work on bug fixes and implement often requested content
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited November 2016

    And yes I expect fires to come for a while, but hopefully after they are all put out it will free up a lot of resources at NexonNA to work on bug fixes and implement often requested content
    You're such an optimist.

    Once the fires are put out, we'll be in the same situation we were, say, a year ago, before the migration was initiated. Did they have the resources to fix bugs or implement oft-requested content then? No. So why do you think they'll have them now? All resources freed up at NexonEU will be let go. As I said before, I believe the whole purpose of the migration is to reduce operating costs in the West, not keep the same costs and make happier users.
  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited November 2016
    RikNL said:

    I as an EMS player and the most of my buddies in EMS made already some documents with IGNs.

    But I think the gab between EMS V118 (GMS V173) and GMS V177 is kinda big with missing events and stuff like that will there be some events for Luna only that we missed or some events over agian for all servers? And I would realy like to play the AoT and Sao events they looked really good what I saw. Can they come back in a later stadium.
    CM already said that those crossovers are not coming back due to the contracts for those IP's running out, but other crossovers are not off the table. *crosses fingers for RE:Zero crossover*
  • Member OneLetter
    Reactions: 6,380
    Posts: 129
    edited November 2016
    As a note, working on getting all of you answers/confirmation to the various questions that you've asked since this was posted. Should have them tomorrow, just waiting to hear back from some others on the team so I'm not providing incorrect information.

    Also, yes, the forums that the posts talk about are these new shiny forums. :)
  • Member Leyaroo
    Reactions: 750
    Posts: 6
    edited November 2016
    Are you going to be fixing the 2 second lag we get from coming in and out the cash shop in the next maintenance?
  • Member Vinsane
    Reactions: 2,210
    Posts: 87
    edited November 2016
    OneLetter said:

    As a note, working on getting all of you answers/confirmation to the various questions that you've asked since this was posted. Should have them tomorrow, just waiting to hear back from some others on the team so I'm not providing incorrect information.

    Also, yes, the forums that the posts talk about are these new shiny forums. :)
    Always good to hear a respond ontop of what will be explained on what given day.
    i get all optimistic when i see communication is in play :)
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited November 2016
    OneLetter said:

    As a note, working on getting all of you answers/confirmation to the various questions that you've asked since this was posted. Should have them tomorrow, just waiting to hear back from some others on the team so I'm not providing incorrect information.

    Also, yes, the forums that the posts talk about are these new shiny forums. :)
    Thank you, @OneLetter .
    And one more semi-related question: where's KThxBaiNao?
  • Member, Private Tester RikNL
    Reactions: 2,605
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016

    AKradian said:


    And yes I expect fires to come for a while, but hopefully after they are all put out it will free up a lot of resources at NexonNA to work on bug fixes and implement often requested content
    You're such an optimist.

    Once the fires are put out, we'll be in the same situation we were, say, a year ago, before the migration was initiated. Did they have the resources to fix bugs or implement oft-requested content then? No. So why do you think they'll have them now? All resources freed up at NexonEU will be let go. As I said before, I believe the whole purpose of the migration is to reduce operating costs in the West, not keep the same costs and make happier users.
    I think, that obviously there going to be less internal resources required from JMS and KMS to help translate and execute two clients instead of one. I would assume this means the teams will be better positioned to help each other.

    There has been no news report of everyone being fired or let go from the EMS teams. Somebody still need to maintain regulatory and servers in those countries.
    For the other merged games the GMs of the European server were still GMs afterwards.

    If NexonNA doesn't want the EU GMs they have to stay all up at night for Luna so I guess they still will be GMs.
  • Member, Private Tester RikNL
    Reactions: 2,605
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    OneLetter said:

    As a note, working on getting all of you answers/confirmation to the various questions that you've asked since this was posted. Should have them tomorrow, just waiting to hear back from some others on the team so I'm not providing incorrect information.

    Also, yes, the forums that the posts talk about are these new shiny forums. :)
    Will there only be an English forum or will a Dutch forum come as well just like on the EMS forums?
    And will Samanthacart (EMS Forum mod) also be a mod over here?

  • Member Okhura
    Reactions: 4,185
    Posts: 594
    edited November 2016
    There are a couple of questions from the EMS forums that haven't already been asked yet.

    Will Brazil still be able to play Maplestory once the migration is complete?
    Could the storage slots be explained a bit more, with some examples?

    Thanks ^^
  • Member Kuroll
    Reactions: 1,185
    Posts: 93
    edited November 2016
    could EU players who plays maplestory Global have their account transfered to Luna?