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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Familiar card drop rate is insane
after lv 200 it seems impossilbe to finish these badge on main character even i have 200% drop rate + wolf underling. Plz change level difference familiar drop
Anything past say level 100 mobs and I notice they have nodestone like droprate. Once you get to 160 it's maybe droplet rate. At 200 I've never seen a familiar card drop, but that's also assuming they actually do drop.
I think the things they should reconsider are the fact that mobs required for badges don't even exist. (Lupins, zlupins, malady, Florina beach mobs, etc...).
I have finished the Rien monster badge 5 mins ago. I can confirm they do ALL drop. However, just at a REALLY REALLY low rate. Took me almost 40 mins just to get 5 cards. Some dropped instantly and some did not drop until 20 mins into the hunt.
Mushroom Kingdom does drop, just really rarely. I got the first 3 familiars but have amassed over a 5k kill combo on the 4th (Tired Viking). I only run Large Meso/Items, Item Aquisition and DSE though. This is worse than my 4.6k combo I did for 3 mutant pigs before the update.
Reina Strait is a really easy set to finish. Every monster there except for the theme boss drops like candy. Theme boss took me 5 kills, but a guildy did around 80 before he got his.
I shouldn't care being one that farmed boogie jr, but that's only going to kill the game for new players who didn't abuse a "BUG". keep it real, keep it fair, i was able to farm boogie jr every minute before the revamp and would use it to sell for profit, now i cant get one every 40 minutes.
5-10mins common 3
30mins rare 1
60mins epic 1
yea... really small sample size.
if they say "the drop rate was not intended" then they should rollback everyone that farmed, since "abusing a bug" is considered a TOS violation if im not mistaken. The drop rate was fine as it was. Before and after revamps they were same drop rate, they even mentionned in patch notes "drop rate will stay the same for familiars" not in those exact words but that's what they said. So just revert back to what it was, people will farm like mad a couple of days, ks wars blah blah blah and then once everyone has their ideal familiars in a few weeks, it'll all be fine and good few every player. Right now the players who abused it received a MAJOR buff to their dmg range, those that didn't, only got their dmg range nerfed from losing 30% ied from the codex removal with no way to really get it back in any kind of reasonable time. Especially that you just took it away from us and making us grind for something we already took the time to acquire.
Nexon never ceases to amazing me at how much they can screw up.
I don't know dude...everyone was farming Boogies as soon as the word got out. I think anyone/everyone who had 30% ied from the codex, previously, would have farmed it. So unless you were too lazy or didn't care, you would have had gotten the Boogie familiar cards before the nerf.
or weren't able to play during that 1 day time lol don't try to defend some stupid nerf they did just cause you're one of those people who went and farmed jr boogie doesn't mean what they just did isn't break the whole familiar system. Even getting badges now is absolutely ridiculous. Why would you want level 200+ people spending hours upon hours killing lvl 10 monsters? makes no sense to have such a low drop rate. Besides people miss one day and you call them "lazy" and say they didn't care about it? please at least put some effort into your arguement
Nope, I was playing with my burning character all day.
Also, I think it was clear that Nexon had this revamp to sell their familiar packs in the CS, and the insane drop rate from boogie coupled with the easy epic potentials hindered that.
You literally had the whole day to farm them, but if you had other things to do, then I don't know what to tell you lol. You sure were quick to make note of the spawn nerf right after the maintenance was over though. So...it sounds like you're just satly you didn't farm enough boogie.
Firstly, they are creating an environment where high level players compete with low level players for low level maps in order to farm a certain familiar.
Secondly, they are destroying the fun by getting high level players do low level content. (just to add, my phantom farmed at boogies in the lumiere ship from level 129 until it level to 130 - that's how ridiculous the content is.)
The concept of revamping the familiars were okay, but the drop rates of these familiars do not make sense, because you are ruining the fun of high level players which were meant to do high level content, but instead we are grinding level 1- level 2 mobs at beginners area. Seriously, did Nexon get this idea from Southpark - world of warcraft episode, where the characters farmed at boars until they were level 60?