Hello dear friends, old and new players
My name is E. , Im 24 years old from Israel , aka (IGN'S) Mission/Rekt Most of you probably don't know me because I have been inactive for many years
And I wanted to share my story with you
Almost a decade ago I was a very active player in Maple Story and if I may say the strongest on the Scania server and in the whole game
I loved helping people and I met a lot of Israelis and good people along the way, but only with one of them did I really have a real connection
I met Ben, aka (IGN) OwnUrFridge through The Maple Story
Ben was my best friend, we met at the age of 14-15 a relationship that started as friendship in a virtual game
which turned out to be a real family over the years, for me he was a brother ,Blood, we grew up together, we gained experiences and moments that I will never forget in my life
we even had moments in the army after the we got released from serving we worked together and also flew to festivals around the world
Things that only brought us closer and strengthened this connection we had that I really can't describe in words
And we were always torn by this illusory part that we actually meet each other through a computer game and that it feels unreal
Two months ago, Ben drowned on his big trip in Laos and I was left crushed, a dark period fell on me and on the entire close environment that accompanies me until now
Ben was an amazing person, a real warrior, he served in the K9 unit was insanely good with Dogs , a black belt in judoka
An exceptionally smart person with a lot of dreams and ambitions, one from whom you can learn a lot
And all this crazy friendship started in this game and forum and I really wanted to share it with you
What led me to write my last post here in the first place is because I wanted to share with you guys my idea of making his character an NPC in Henesys near the spot we used to sit so he can stay there alive in the mapleworld for ever. I would like to get all of your support I appreciate each one of you .
I wanted to share with you guys this story so you know you can find friends&friendships and things you couldn't think of like this too
And that you can meet people today (since many years) easily through the internet and games and that in my eyes is amazing
I personally did not get to know a similar story
And I wanted to share with you my story, which changed my life and good things came out of this game
I am thankful for every moment I played, I met amazing people along the way and gained crazy experiences and basically this is how the chapter ends
I hope that everyone will take this as a learning experience and I hope that better days will come upon us
Thank you Maplestory for the best years of my life and for the opportunity to know Ben , This is the Closure for me
Ben Shaul Zafarani HaLevi, rest in peace brother.
May his soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life. Loved brother @OwnUrFridge @GMKelsath
Pics from better days
From left to right : Me , Ben (In the Middle) , Boom Festival 2022
Link to the article :
very sad to hear ben is not with us anymore ,im sorry for ur loss my friend.
your story is amazing ,you can never know where you gonna meet people that becomes part of your life,you find it in maplestory ehich is crazy.
your idea is amazing,i could never think of any better way to memorialize a friend you met in maplestory in the actual place you met eachother!
nexon ,its time to show how much you care about your community
I really hope nexon will make an npc with ben's character.
hope for better days, keep it up!
I hope you get your request,
May Ben Rest In Peace.
That said, i don't think creating memorial NPC's is a precedent Nexon should take on, since it would inevitably lead to too many people requesting memorials for various reasons. This in and of itself is not a problem, but Nexon would have to allocate resources to verify these requests, and ultimately pick and choose who gets a memorial and who doesn't. I could see this leading to a lot of hurt feelings and various other complications.
Might i suggest looking into Project MOD: Maplestory Worlds? I'm not sure the status of its availability, but from what i understand it allows users to use maplestroy assets to create their own version of the game. This might be the perfect tool to allow you to make your memorial for your friend.
I wish I the best
Wish you the best of luck with implementing his charachter as a NPC
I hope Nexon will respect your request
Take care of yourself