Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hat/Wigs
Item name (English/Korean): All items below are in English
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): N/A
Please release these wigs/hats. They are in your database. They are not hairstyles that you get from royal hair coupons. They are "Hat accessories/Wigs". Thank you. P.S. KMS and MSEA servers both got these wigs.
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Items/Hair/Face
Item name (English/Korean): All items below are in English
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): N/A
I would like a perm Pharaoh Crown and Peacock Feather Cape. I had both as temp cs items back in the day and would love a perm version. Neither of them are available even as temp items in the cs.
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): [BLACKPINK] PINK Damage Skin (Unit)
Website link:
Image of Item:
I know this is a crossover but i just missed the event and its perfect for AB. maybe something strikingly similar/different name? pls i'm so sad i missed it
Hello, would like to add the following 2 suggestions that I'm personally very interested in:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): Plain White Cap
Website link: The last time I can see when it was released was in the June 17, 2020 Cash Shop Update (in the Premium Surprise Style Boxes), so it's been 2+ years.
Image: The white cap in the middle that "Miranna" is wearing
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Face
Item name (English/Korean): Still Eyed Face (Male)
Website link: I see only one instance where the Male style was available (over 3 years ago): Royal Style coupon in Sept 2019
Since Sept 2019 though, Still Eyed Face would often be released with just the female version, like in:
- August 2021
- July 2020
Hoping it would be possible to bring back Still Eyed Face (Male) as a style as well as Plain White Cap!
bump on this
Please add Plain White Cap back onto the rotation! I've been waiting for years for them to come back T^T Or even the goo island event if possible, so that those of us who missed the event can partake in it and obtain the goo caps!
Item type (Hair/Face/NX item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English): Moni hair
Last seen: Never ???
As far as I know this hasn't been released in GMS but I believe the data should exist for the item. It's the same hairstyle as the NPC used in Korean Folk Town
I've been wanting it for so many years now T_T Before the Timely Threads event, it was last available in 2014 surprise boxes, and any other time it's available, you can only get it through extremely good luck in certain events.
Item type (Hair/Face/NX item/Pet): NX item
Item name (English): red hip-hop pants
Last seen: only available in cash shop as a 3 month temporary purchase
Event Name: Cash Inventory Transfer Event
Website link (where the event was last seen):
Can we have another Cash Inventory Transfer Event in the month of February?
We would love to have this event happen sometime in Q1 of 2023.
Item Name (English): Cabana Boy
Website Link:
Image of Item:
Can we please get this hair in the Hair Choice Coupon rotation? this hairstyle is very nostalgic for me and I havent seen it in a rotation in a long time
Thank you!
Item name: Blazing Face
Website link:
Image of item:
Item type: Hair
Item name: Schoolgirl Cut
Website link:
Image of item:
Item name (English/Korean): Soft Face
Website link:
Image of item:
this is my favorite face ever please add it back its been gone for a year ):
other things i think are awesome and missing:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): Fear Eater
Website link:
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): Hangover Make-Up
Website link:
Image of Item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): [BLACKPINK] PINK Damage Skin (Unit)
Website link:
Image of Item:
I know this is a crossover but i just missed the event and its perfect for AB. maybe something strikingly similar/different name? pls i'm so sad i missed it
please bring back soft face soon though
Item name (English/Korean): Princess Ponytail
Website link:
Image of item:
Please add Plain White Cap
Would love these too!
Item name (English): Moni hair
Last seen: Never ???
As far as I know this hasn't been released in GMS but I believe the data should exist for the item. It's the same hairstyle as the NPC used in Korean Folk Town
Item name (English): Baby Doll Linka
Website link :
I've been wanting it for so many years now T_T Before the Timely Threads event, it was last available in 2014 surprise boxes, and any other time it's available, you can only get it through extremely good luck in certain events.
Dear Maplestory team,
I would like to request the following cash items for my fashion story, please :P.
Hitman Hair (Thank you for selecting my previous request)
Last seen:
It was one of the All-star Hair Choice coupons.
If I am not mistaken, both monochrome movie sets were present on 2020 December 23.
Monochrome Movie Protagonist
Last seen:
Monochrome Movie Hat
Last seen:
Thank you.
We need this hair to the royals Nexon, I accidently deleted it.......
Item name (English): red hooded vest
Last seen: 2017 winter box
Item type (Hair/Face/NX item/Pet): NX item
Item name (English): red hip-hop pants
Last seen: only available in cash shop as a 3 month temporary purchase
image for both items:
Would be lovely for momentree or anniversary updates, please!
Item name (English): Round Eye Face
Last seen: Never released
Please I want to make my own Rock Lee from Naruto!!!