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Remove the Sol Erda Cap


  • Member pagan
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    I was excited about the coming update, but have been dissapointed of the details that have come to light. Some friends have quit, all have voiced a negative opinion about the Sol Erda and Oz box changes. Also not spending any more money on your game.
  • Member Cislunar
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    MapleStory has been very fun lately. Probably the most fun it's ever been. It's sad to see Nexon shooting themselves and the game in the foot with changes like this.
  • Member ThunderLord
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Such a shorted sight decision. I'm disppointed in Nexon.

    I'm going to wait for the Youtube videos that will document the downfall of GMS which all will inevitably cite this change as being the main
  • Member NormalQ
    Reactions: 900
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    I don't post at the forum at all if any, but this is absurd and I will be happily logged in to cast my vote and voice my concerns.
  • Member Fried_Rice
    Reactions: 735
    Posts: 9
    edited November 2023
    Please remove sol erda cap from GMS! Also Kronos or reboot, is the only GMS server that needs instanced maps. Keep FZ alive! until 300
  • Member Zolrac
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    Just when I finally reached the higher levels (260+) and thought to myself... finally a reason to grind. Now we get hit with this!? Like if that wasn't enough, you're now making these sacred maps instanced where FZ will not be applied? Do you guys realize how tedious dailies are? Remove the cap and instanced maps, apply the right Lv Oz rings on bosses. Make maple great again!
  • Member Mayetala
    Reactions: 1,520
    Posts: 61
    edited November 2023
    The daily cap on sol erda does not make any sense whatsoever and is completely absurd.

    Nothing like this happened whenever the V update came for fifth job and that turned out fine, why did this one have to be like this?

    My mind can't comprehend why new content that gave New Age the most hype, the thing that would make people play the game for longer lengths of time, is time-gated in any way, shape, or form.
  • Member GodYeXiu
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Until you come out with a message that it was a bad joke of yours, I will not purchase any of your products .
    I know you decided to reject JOB6 Until after the Black Friday sales because you knew your sales would suffer because of that bad decision
    cancel soul edra cap and use same rate as KMS dont touch oz boxes rate and let them be ring 3-4 and let frenzy work as now !
  • Member niceguy901
    Reactions: 800
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2023
    I completely agree with what Kappa has said, I mean to be quite frank it's very obvious what the players want and I feel like Nexon as a company is known for it's poor decision making, which is also nothing new, but come on now this is ridiculous at this point. I've been playing this game all throughout my life from when I was a kid to now a young adult and still seeing that Nexon hasn't changed their ways in the slightest is just disappointing on monumental levels.
    Nexon, you know what we want, we've already told you so many times what we want, and the more you keep making decisions regarding the balance and life of the game that us as the players don't want, is just gonna make us not wanna play your game even more, and we sure as all heck won't want to support the game either because of it as well. And to make it clear if it wasn't clear enough already, once again, I won't be supporting the game anymore at this point until the correct balance changes are made.
    Make the game right, and make the game enjoyable to play, not just for one version of the game but for every version of the game.
  • Member seand04
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    One of the worst decisions that nexon has ever made. Remove the sol erda cap, but lets not forget about the rest of the horrible bullshit changes they made at the same time. Revert the oz box changes to be minimum lvl 3 rings, give us 100% icogs and bonus bright cubes in event shop, remove instance maps from reg servers, make sol erda fragments in reg server tradeable like its supposed to be. Theres probably so many more things that nexon refuses to tell us about and its absolutely disgusting that they consistently hide information and lie to their community.
  • Member Keegz
    Reactions: 205
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    I was actually going to quit the game (at least momentarily) back in July/August (thinking about it earlier), as I was liberating, and I didn't think that I cared to try and progress more as I had felt that I had done everything I wanted to do. Then the 6th job announcement came out in KMS, and it reinvigorated my drive and my passion for the game, I've been super excited ever since then.

    To hear that even doing a single WAP of farming per day is pointless as it will take far longer to get the required Sol Erda Energy to level up your HEXA matrix has completely left me feeling deflated and unwilling to log into the game again. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the game. I've loved each moment I've played in it. Before liberating I was thinking that liberating would be the end (for me), and I felt like I had accomplished all I wanted to in the game. 6th job was meant to be a new way to progress my character. A way that doesn't care about RNG, if I farm for x amount of time with y amount of drop rate, I would get z amount of fragments and level up my HEXA matrix a certain amount. This was a huge selling point for me and the sole reason I didn't quit the game. I could farm as long as I wanted to and get rewarded for my time spent. With the cap I can no longer do that. It's gating the same as symbol gating. Nobody asked for this, nobody WANTS this.

    For as long as this remains in the game I shall be taking my departure from it. I will return upon the removal (not increase) of the Sol Erda farming cap. Though if it takes too long then I may not return at all. Thank you Nexon for creating a great game that I've enjoyed vehemently over the years. It really has been a great ride.
  • Member happyNLB
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Please remove this cap, as well as the Oz box change. I will not be playing new age if these changes persist.
  • Member Chaoxdriver
    Reactions: 930
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    We're really asking for the bare minimum here Nexon: we just want to feel like you actually value and care about the GMS fanbase, but instead we're constantly made to feel like we're an unwanted stepchild compared to KMS. GMS is more popular right now than it's been in over a decade, so please don't ruin this good momentum with short sighted greed. Revert these horrible nerfs to Sol Erda, Oz rings boxes, the event shops, and most importantly stop trying to slip stuff like this into patches under the radar. It's frankly insulting to your playerbase to act like we're not even worthy of a proper announcement before you try to pull something like this on us.
  • Member Theface33
    Reactions: 320
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Why even add instanced maps? The entire purpose of them in KMS was to be able to farm for 6th job, which would actually keep your playerbase online longer than 1 hr a day. Insane change I cant even believe my eyes.
  • Member Waundering
    Reactions: 605
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2023
    Imagine being a new player and finding out you can max out your new cool skills if you play every single day for over 2 years since your time doesnt mean anything due to this time gate
  • Member MrIncredible
    Reactions: 210
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    Wb GMS
    Can you Remove the Sol Erda Timegating Cap and Remove OZ Ring Box Nerf!
    ThankYou =(
  • Member Applez
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    This change is of benefit to nobody, and quite literally nobody, not casual players, hardcore players or anyone in between. Nor even the company if I had to guess.
    Please revert the decision.
  • Member Its2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited November 2023
    Uncap Sol Erda, match the rates of the White Jade Boss Ring Box to the one in KMS, release Grandis Familiars, make Sol Erda Fragments tradeable, make better changes for Hayato, Kanna, and Beast Tamer, and remove any other negative aspects that may have not been revealed in Tespia by MapleStory official or Bean Brigade Twitch streams.

    The fact that Nexon knows what they're doing to hurt the player base time and time again shows they only care about lining their pockets with garbage sales and expect us to take the negative New Age changes catered for GMS after the extensive criticism of what we the players want is laughable. Progression to be capped or worse than how it is originally released in Korea is quite the contrary is so sad. There is just so much bias that it is oozing with hatred which might as well respectively have the update name dubbed to Sewage: The Sixth and Final Failure.

    It's not that hard. Listen to your community and make changes that people want for the better enjoyment of the game. What is here isn't quality-of-life but misery is what is being deployed here. If Nexon wants to quit the Global market so badly they should just shut down the branch and not stall out by delivering bad updates back to back.

    Nobody is excited for this update for the poor handling and attempts to silence the negatives. Nobody wants to play or pay in a game that is run by a disingenuous company that intends to squeeze out as much money in a short amount of time and release mediocre content with limits worse than another region's counterpart. Forget the 25 minutes to cap Sol Erda. Nobody will want to play MapleStory Global period because there are other games that value their players time and money by simply giving them what they want.

    If the game continues down this path then it's finally time for me to pack my bags with a sour memory of a bad end: the golden age is over, time to find a new game.
  • Member HolyFrost
    Reactions: 900
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    Was already retiring from the hard grind that was 6th job but would like to see this changed to give players the option to accelerate progression if they choose to grind.
  • Member FoxyFox
    Reactions: 700
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    remove the cap!