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Remove the Sol Erda Cap


  • Member SpicyTenders
    Reactions: 120
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    I play Bera, I buy Fz service for Meso and I feel like this instanced map change is going to ruin grinding and DESTROY our market and make a ton of people quit. Multiple people within my Guild have talked about quitting from these changes.

    Please make Fz service still work for instanced Grandis maps.

    Please revert and allow us to grind Sol Erda without a cap!

    I don't want to kill black mage and get a level 1 Oz Ring.

  • Member JenFondue
    Reactions: 1,010
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2023
    The Soul Erda cap is such a tone deaf change, the system itself isn't even meant to operate around a cap. I specifically remember the kms director Kim Chang-seop mentioning how players would have to "hunt" a lot during the initial 6th job reveal, implying that we would be able to freely farm at your own pace.
  • Member Anyone
    Reactions: 705
    Posts: 6
    edited November 2023
    Nexon being completely silent over the past few updates has really killed my trust in this company. If the Community Managers aren't able to convey community sentiment, what's the point of having them? Who is in charge of making repeated poor decisions?
  • Member LaPao
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
  • Member Arror
    Reactions: 1,170
    Posts: 20
    edited November 2023
    Please while we at it can for the love of god give world merge to elysium aurora with scania make 2 big worlds aurora and Elysium are suffering for leak of people we need help
  • Member FafnirEquality
    Reactions: 700
    Posts: 10
    edited November 2023
    Fix all of the awful changes that are being made. Start listening to your community or you won't have a community anymore.
  • Member AndresFer17
    Reactions: 900
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    It is just sad that we have all dedicated ourselves to this game for 15 years and the people who run this sht have so little regard for us to even be able to communicate changes/ideas with the community. This was not a bug, glitch, or unintended. They inserted the cap, the dailies and wanted us to not know until the patch was live. How devious do you have to be to want to treat people that way? This goes beyond everything else that you guys have done. I will not be spending any $$$ anymore in this game, whether the change is reverted or not. I am done investing dollars into a company that gives no fks about its community.

    I am actually sad that this is how things are handled by you guys. Congratulations on continuously finding ways to ruin your own game to the ground.

  • Member Anerzch
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Finally a patch where people mostly are happy with everyrthing that is coming, even though you're nerfing exp for a huge part of your playerbase, and yet you managed to make it overall negative with a greedy move. There's so many other ways to earn meso, but you go for the worst one.
  • Member ilovelaboon
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    How can Nexon be this tone deaf? Community was beyond hyped for New Age and they find a way to ruin it for GMS players.. Listen to your community and player base for once.
  • Member fuzzyblade
    Reactions: 1,010
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    The sol erda energy cap is completely unnecesarry and only hurts the players that truly play the game. Progression should not be limited especially in a MMO that has always been about grinding. Remove the sol erda energy cap, make the oz boxes from harder bosses back to level 3-4 rings, and buff kanna.
  • Member Fabio_M
    Reactions: 940
    Posts: 17
    edited November 2023
    I'm not a very big grinder, I mostly do dailies and hang out, sometimes I do a wap here and there, but even having this in consideration, I just look at this erda energy cap and all I want is to laugh, what the hell is Nexon thinking? Please don't add this to the game...
  • Member ImJust2Godly
    Reactions: 700
    Posts: 4
    edited November 2023
  • Member, Private Tester Kama
    Reactions: 1,000
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2023
    Please remove the cap i want to grind and not be time gated
  • Member ColdKFC
    Reactions: 700
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Remove the cap.
  • Member Arielzhou
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    This Sol Erda daily limit is absolutely ridiculous! Please remove it immediately.
    What a way to ruin the most anticipated update of the year
  • Member, Private Tester UnlimitedPower
    Reactions: 1,185
    Posts: 15
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2023
    It's a very scummy thing to try and hide important details of the 6th job update from us. The Sol Erda daily limit of 400 is nothing but bad for this game. It punishes casual players as much as the hard core farmers. A casual player would just log in to do dailies, but if they miss a day or two there's no way for them to farm to make up those missed days. 720 days to max 6th job is ridiculous and unnecessary. Please do not have a cap on Sol Erda as Korean Maplestory does not have this cap. Remove the 400 daily cap!
  • Member 247blessed
    Reactions: 240
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    When you take away the incentive to grind on a game that is centered around the aspect of grinding it can be clear of one thing; the decision makers at Nexon DO NOT understand basic economics or the demographics of their player base.

    The economy of Maplestory will come to a grinding halt. Players will lose motivation, alongside any competitive edge that might have existed, because they are being punished for actually wanting to play the game. You have overreached your hand by being greedy in your efforts to increase the daily login data rates to show to your shareholders. You've severely undermined one logical foundation of any gaming corporation, that when you take care of your player base and put them first the player base in return takes care of you.

    Remove the Sol Erda daily cap and you'll see a more fruitful longevity of this game. Don't and watch GMS quite literally topple in on itself within a black hole of distaste, disgruntlement, and dissatisfaction.
  • Member Zolrac
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    247blessed wrote: »
    When you take away the incentive to grind on a game that is centered around the aspect of grinding it can be clear of one thing; the decision makers at Nexon DO NOT understand basic economics or the demographics of their player base.

    The economy of Maplestory will come to a grinding halt. Players will lose motivation, alongside any competitive edge that might have existed, because they are being punished for actually wanting to play the game. You have overreached your hand by being greedy in your efforts to increase the daily login data rates to show to your shareholders. You've severely undermined one logical foundation of any gaming corporation, that when you take care of your player base and put them first the player base in return takes care of you.

    Remove the Sol Erda daily cap and you'll see a more fruitful longevity of this game. Don't and watch GMS quite literally topple in on itself within a black hole of distaste, disgruntlement, and dissatisfaction.

    Best comment so far hands down.
  • Member Kaguya
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    So many people were so happy and excited about this update, and myself being one of many. How is it that a game many of us have been playing for a majority of our lives or vicariously through the lives of others, decide that they want to ruin their relationship even further after constant forgiveness. All you do is disappoint your player base Nexon, time and time again. Why is it that Nexon, unannounced and inconsiderate of their player base, decide that they wanted to add a terrible implementation of preventing players to play their game. Maplestory is an MMO and within all MMOs is the time that you put in is what you are getting out of it. People play for progression and to have fun, but this recent fiasco has now killed so much of the hype and killed both the enjoyment AND progression that everyone was looking forward to. Do you guys not care about your NA/EU player base? Why is it that only OUR GMS region got this time/fun gate? I find it so unfair that other regions have a great backing and communication from both the server hosts and their communities and changes happen when they voice their dissatisfaction. Why is it that GMS, no matter how much we try to voice our opinions and reach out in multiple forms of media/communication; we are either censored, told to wait with an arbitrary and unclear time estimation, or straight up completely ignored? (Discord Suggestion/feedback, reddit, Nexon Forums, twitch, youtube, etc..) It's gotten so bad that I feel that no matter how much an outrage we give regarding this, I wouldn't be surprised if they still pushed all this onto live servers and Nexon would just expect us to accept it. We are tired and done with all the forceful "Just take it or leave it" mentality. It's no wonder that Nexon has a terrible reputation. But i can speak for many people who are upset, if something is not done; you will be the ones who will suffer (And your shareholders). You never fail to let your GMS community down over and over again and to the people who pay your bills, enjoy your game, and those who want nothing but the best for your game. It feels like the community, who doesn't even get paid a salary, wants the game to be better than the actually corporation themselves. It is truly disheartening and I hope someone at Nexon will read this and make a proper change. First starting with an apology to the WHOLE Maplestory community, (Reg servers and Reboot in AL).
  • Member DarkGoulz
    Reactions: 1,200
    Posts: 7
    edited November 2023
    They want that GMS be like KMS and make this?