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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Closed ChairStory V: Design-A-Chair Contest
World: Windia
Title - V-Cube
Each cubes will have it own special glowing color! (Very similar to Maple of Heroes Cubes Chair!)
Show off your achievement after promoting to 5th Job!
An unknown fragment fill with mysterious energy were discovered by the Empress Knight's researcher teams. In order to identify the mysterious energy being emit from the unknown fragment. The Empress Knights call for help from all maplers to collect the unknown fragments scatter throughout the maple world!
Each cubes represent the power of five different classes category and not only this chair symbolize the power of 5th Job but also display the power of unity as well!
Extra Note
The special V cube will be display after completing a certain quest assigned by Empress herself as bonus! In order to obtain this chair, you must defeated the following bosses with a party of 5 different classes after promoting to 5th Job!
How to Obtain the First Five Cubes
Accept the following quests and defeat the following bosses with a party of 5 different classes (Warrior, Archer, Thief, Pirate, and Magician) in any modes! (Easy, Normal, or Hard) to receive the following cubes!
1) Empress - Pirate Cube (Accepted the quest called "Pirate's Nemesis"
2) Arkarium - Bowman Cube - (Accepted the quest called "Bowman's Precision"
3) Magnus - Warrior Cube (Accepted the quest called "Warrior's Willpower"
4) Hilla - Magician Cube (Accept the quest called "Magician's Knowledge"
5) Von Leon - Thief Cube (Accept the quest called "Thief's Swiftness"
How To Obtain the Hidden V-Cube
To obtain the hidden V-Cube, you must accept a quest called "Unknown Fragments". The quest will ask you to obtain 2016 Cube fragments and convert it into a mysterious cube fill with V-Energy! The fragment can be found throughout the maple world! (The number 2016 indicate 5th job release year for GMS)
Cube Fragment
Hidden V-Cube (Cash Shop Item)
The hidden V cube will be display along with the 5 other cubes after obtaining the item called "V-Cube"! It can be turn On/Off.
So.. what are you waiting for? Team up, show off your V power, and take down the powerful dark forces within the Maple World!
World: Reboot
Obtained: This chair is obtained by your first job instructor after getting 5th job.
When I think about chairs on Maplestory I think about the crowded/"noisy" chairs and the "abstract" chairs, so I tried to make one that fits in with that and think a little bit outside of the box.........also Slimes are GREAT!
Info version:
The slimes represent the 5 "main" classes in Maplestory: Warrior, Mage, Thief, Pirate and Bowman.
I had in mind that the slimes bounce a bit up and down to be more "alive" (like slime idle animation).
Warrior slime > slashes his sword.
Mage slime > Talks and hold staff up (Talk = moving moustache)
Thief slime > He's too cool for anything other but standing
Pirate slime > shoots his gun
Bowman slime > shoots arrow at Lucid's hat, making her cry
The player also hovers up and down slightly, just like the V logo.
Clean version:
(praying the images work) Since the biggest part of the update is 5th job why not make a chair based on the V matrix and V core gemstones which are strongly linked to it? The V matrix has a lot of hexagons which are floating around a moving V core gemstone that doubles as a sitting spot. There's also the bottom part of the 5th job adavancement animation flashing under the gemstone forming a V cuz why not.
The two middle hexagons move in opposite directions and the V core gemstone floats around the blue light in the middle of it. The 5th advancement V appears and disappears too.
You could get this chair by using a certain amount of V core gemstones after getting to 5th job or something similar. It could be a representation of how you mastered the matrix and worked hard to get where you are since people will probably grind hours for gemstones (you get V cores from them).
The backround could be made to be space too to link it even more with the V matrix.
All in all i tried to make something hopefully "epic" to celebrate V
IGN : Halogenes
World : Khaini
Edit : the images hecked up here's the imgur link http://imgur.com/a/EGvVv
Character name:GreenDrill
Chair name:V Electricity
Chair Description: Super simple design that I made in 15minutes or so while waiting for bossruns to reset. I think it should be a drop from some V related boss (or token shop) since it's not super big and complicated like the NX chairs.
World: El Nido
Who doesn't love Pink bean chair! why not celebrate the V event with your favorite Pink bean and its cousins! Let all get together to party and enjoy the firecrackers the mischievous Pink bean cousins have prepared for us.
World: Broa
I have no idea how to do V Theme design soooo, I was thinking about having a Group chair like a Concert chair, so my idea was a Pink Bean Snowball Fight
1st will be you'll have a snowball fight with PB because you're on your own with the chair in the beginning with a small Fort
2nd person with the chair sit together with you and your team Fort becomes bigger, player1 & 2 vs PB
3rd person joins in and the opposite team Fort becomes bigger, player1 & 2 vs PB, player 3
4th, player 1,2 & 4 vs PB, player 3
5th, player 1, 2 & 4 vs PB, player 3 &5
Well if anyone doesn't have the chair can sit as well but will be caught in the crossfire
Server: Reboot
Chair represents the 5th job (even tho lower jobs can use it) looking over the world because he/she are the strongest in the world. Sitting on floating hands, that are holding the world, this hero watches as practically a god.
World: Reboot
This chair is inspired by the new area, Arcane River, coming with the V update. The player and the amnesiac temple keeper sits underneath the Tree of Memories (or whatever name it got translated to) as they marvel at the glowing stars surrounding them. The tree sit on top of a floating iceberg powered by the V emblem.
I didn't see read too much into the new storyline yet but the ones I saw involved Kao meeting his... unfortunate end so I thought that it would be nice to have a chair that would commemorate him and the friendship build between him and the player. I'm thinking the chair could be obtain after completing all of his quests as a parting gift.
Additional note:
The player pose could be replaced with the default sitting pose but if you could consider adding stuff to make it unique it would be cool!
In-game sizing:
(sorry I could not make it much more professional looking but this was the only way I know how)
The chair, of course, would look pretty big considering that it's a floating rock plus a tree.
The image is only an estimate of how big it can be but a size change is always welcome!
This is my first time participating in these contest and I had a blast drawing this so I hope to be more involved in the future!
edit: the original image link keep expiring but hopefully it will be more permanent now
I thought it would be nice to get a little bit smaller chair, which doesn't take all space in the maps. I think my chair looks very cute, and i would like the character have wink face while sitting on it, it makes you look more adorable! It's annoying to sit in hene with too many big chairs so this wouldn't be too big or too small. It fits perfectly in maple world because you sit on a swing attached to a mushroom! And i think it would be nice to get it from gacha. A rare drop would be good too. I can just imagine this being my chair and i'd look it all day long, because of how cute it is! As you see, i did it with paint and had a little bit trouble with it. But the idea is that the swing would be swinging a little bit and slamming the mushroom on it's face, and which is why it has such a teary face!
IGN: Ichite
World: Luna
This chair is a neon blue V-logo which the maple character sits on and there is a snail on the top left corner. The snail’s shell is shining in the same colors as the logo.
This chair fits well in the Maple World because the snail is a very symbolic monster in Maple World and everybody knows it. In addition the chair harmonizes with the V-logo which makes it a eye-catching piece of furniture. Players would get this chair from the store where you can use the V-coins.
IGN: NukkaNakki
World: Luna
The 5th Job Adv is the largest thing that has happened since the big bang so it's time to dress up and start partying and celebrating.
How to gain the chair : This stage is only for the pro dancers around maple world, so in order to get it you have to win a mini game called Party Dance, that involves you and your character busting some moves(with the help of arrow keys) and see how far you can last on the stage. There are in total 5 small songs where each on has increased difficulty. You can do a maximum of 3 mistakes before you lose the game and you can gain up to 5 coins in each game(Finishing a stage gives you 1 coin). The chair itself costs 1000 coins because they are for the dancing pros. Though be careful because maximum entrance is 10 times a day, so it takes a minimum of 10 days to earn enough coins for the chair.
Description : When you feel like it, do it. This special V chair only belong to the pro dancers of maple world. So go and show all the losers that you got the moves and is not afraid to show them
Story : This stage was specially designed for the people of the maple world that dreamed about becoming dancers. They already have a stage for musicians so it was about time the dancers got a stage of their own. It took Months to design a stage awesome enough to use as a stage for dancers but they finally finished it. The dark structure makes the characters on top seem more awesome as they are covered in neon lights and have the shining V in the back. Finally a stage has been created for the people of the maple world to show everyone that they can bust some moves.
Ign : Pyuuma
World : Windia
I present you the only futured sexy looking Chair Headset from Pink Bean !
The ''Floating NeonBeanSet'' !!!
Link: http://imgur.com/a/8SJ30
May the mapler be as happy as Pink Bean once was, Carry this chair with pride as a reminder of defeating Pink Bean !!!
This chair can be obtained from the
V-Coin Shop.
I thank Nexon, that i can be part of maple, i made this chair not only because just for the prize but also that i had fun making the chair itself and the feeling i can do something in return for Nexon. I am happy that i can be part of maple and that i can help for once by making a new chair for the maplers and hopefully make them happy aswell, i have alot of fun by playing the game and talking alot with people around the game.
I want to thank Nexon i had and still have a very nice time on maple ! "Thanks for everything !"
Here is the gift to you, may the best chair creator win !!!
Ign: Heroharm
World: Reboot
for instance look at page 3 the guy with the meditation core. he took the npc characters fom the korean version of Temple of Time and created new cool chair, and so are you,
don't give up so fast! =3 I think your chair is pretty cool ,eventually You did make some changes and made a chair of your kind and taste^^.
Chair could be called "Teampower". Every mapler struggles in game at some point and friends are always there to help (or could say that shared struggle feels easier). When used alone, player is trying stay strong and to not get crushed by V5 sign, legs are shaking and everything is wobbling. When two chairs are used, posing characters have floating icon between them with such happy smile.
link to chair here: http://orig05.deviantart.net/185b/f/2016/334/9/1/2ww_by_nekuuh-daq4l1l.jpg
Ign: Nekohart
World: Luna