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[Unscheduled Maintenance] Nov. 30, 2016


  • Member gameplayer70
    Reactions: 750
    Posts: 64
    edited December 2016
    DrayvenX said:


    DrayvenX said:

    No hate, I am chilling I used to be a WoW player and then if it was extended you didn't get anything all you got was a sorry and hey keep paying your sub or else. I have more patience than most think I'll roll demon slayer looks the most fun to me.
    In my opinion, they're one of the best classes to choose from. I've been a DS fan since it came out and it's awesome just beating on monsters with unrelenting attacks. Your HP is pretty high compared to most classes and your speed makes grinding a bit quicker. And some of the passive abilities are kinda OP too
    Thanks for the advice appreciate that, sounds right up my alley then. Now.. to wait then grind like a madman..
    I forgot to mention two other great things lol... You don't use MP to do active skills, but you have DP (Demon Points) which recharge as you're attacking enemies. Instead of a charge move to get across the screen, you can just use your wings to fly across. It's slower than the charge but it has no cost
  • Member Eucille
    Reactions: 550
    Posts: 23
    edited December 2016
    DrayvenX said:

    Eucille said:

    DrayvenX said:

    No hate, I am chilling I used to be a WoW player and then if it was extended you didn't get anything all you got was a sorry and hey keep paying your sub or else. I have more patience than most think I'll roll demon slayer looks the most fun to me.
    to each their own, i geuss. I really like Mercedes and Shades, but I think I might try my hand at Jett soon. I know people talk bad about it, but it seems fun to me.
    I plan on more classes then just Demon Slayer he's just the first that caught my interest, trust me I will dig into others as well different roles appeal to different people all a matter of playstyle and class setups.
    tbh i really hate playing as a mage and for one reason: teleportation and NO jumping. I love jumping around maps, it makes moving super fast. thats why I adore Mercedes, 'cuz there's a skill that lets you shoot up ladders. btw I play in Broa and i'd be glad to work w/ you
  • Member Eucille
    Reactions: 550
    Posts: 23
    edited December 2016
    can we possibly have a chance to create Zero and Beast Tamer characters?
  • Member gameplayer70
    Reactions: 750
    Posts: 64
    edited December 2016
    Eucille said:

    can we possibly have a chance to create Zero and Beast Tamer characters?
    The creation of Zero and Beast Tamer were mentioned in the patch, so hopefully the maintenance fixes character creation like the update said. You need to have a Level 100 char in a world to create Zero though
  • Member ShadyNero
    Reactions: 470
    Posts: 6
    edited December 2016

    I find it utterly adorable how there's so many people complaining and whining. As well as calling the Nexon staff incompetent and unable to do their jobs correctly.

    I'm just gonna call it out as it is. For all those ragers and QQ'ers.... just shut the heck up. Honestly. Y'all are speaking as if 95% of you are the next upcoming programming gods. Well here's the reality for you guys: Unless you guys can do their jobs 100x better than they can with the spoonful of knowledge you THINK you have, it'd be best to withhold your rude and demeaning comments. If you think you're all that and can do it, by all means, send your resume and list of valid backgrounds over to Nexon's office and the decent and respectful players will be waiting patiently for your grandiose acceptance email.

    Nexon said from they beginning that this maint can be subject to varying times and duration's due to the size of the patch and all the contents. It's not like this is the first expansion we've had to wait a plethora of time for. Any maple veteran here will be the first to take a step back and just let Nexon do it's thing.
    You're absolutely right. I may not be able to run laps around Nexon's coding staff. On the other hand, I also don't receive a paycheck from them every two weeks. Nexon's staff has an expectation of being able to do their job competently. I do not. If I did, I would work for Nexon. If you go to a fancy restaurant and the chef undercooks your duck l'orange, you're going to complain, right? Even though you may not personally be able to masterfully cook the dish yourself, you're not cooking it yourself; you're paying someone else to do it, and as such, you expect them to get it right. After all, they do this for a living and are getting paid for it, so they have the expectation of competency. Someone, somewhere, hired them to do the job based on an assumption of a certain level of skill. So yes, customers have every right to complain when any company (Nexon included) displays a consistent lack of competence, whether said customers could personally do better or not. I'm sure it's a difficult job. The easy solution would be to hire programmers who are skilled enough to do it properly and pay more to accomplish this goal if necessary. (It's not like Nexon isn't making enough money.) Their staff has chosen this career path, if they're not up to the task, perhaps they should choose another one. It's one thing to have a few occasional glitches with updates, it's another to have a bug-riddled game that introduces new errors with nearly every patch. The latter should not simply be brushed off as acceptable and is an issue that any customer-focused company would address.

    With that said, that doesn't mean that players can't cut the company a bit of slack. This is a big update with a lot of significant changes, and Nexon has not only addressed, but also adequately compensated players for the inconvenience while they do their best to resolve the issues and get the game back online. I believe that the frustration most players are expressing is based on a long track record of flawed updates followed by unscheduled maintenance periods, rather than this single incident in itself. No company is perfect, but it's okay to hold them to a higher standard when they make as many blunders as Nexon does.
  • Member AeonTouch0fAllJobs
    Reactions: 580
    Posts: 13
    edited December 2016
    Well, since I was affected by the potential/flame/star loss on all my gear at Frederik, I have to wait a full day??
    Isn't that a bit harsh? I mean waiting for 1 day more while your friends are having fun....
    Surely there must be a better solution... ? Or can we still access other chars on the same account?
    I wonder............
  • Member PieRei
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 23
    edited December 2016
    Is there any "Critical Damage" nebulite? or you mean that nexon diasbled SE's nebulite?
  • Member Aoikazega
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 13
    edited December 2016
    Maybe the maint is actually an elaborate ruse to hype everyone even more? Maybe those "bugs" were on purpose to show off the new dmg cap? illum conf?
  • Member DrayvenX
    Reactions: 460
    Posts: 23
    edited December 2016
    Looks like I will be going to Broa server then lol. Though I have no idea how to contact you or the other person that invited me.
    Eucille said:

    DrayvenX said:

    Eucille said:

    DrayvenX said:

    No hate, I am chilling I used to be a WoW player and then if it was extended you didn't get anything all you got was a sorry and hey keep paying your sub or else. I have more patience than most think I'll roll demon slayer looks the most fun to me.
    to each their own, i geuss. I really like Mercedes and Shades, but I think I might try my hand at Jett soon. I know people talk bad about it, but it seems fun to me.
    I plan on more classes then just Demon Slayer he's just the first that caught my interest, trust me I will dig into others as well different roles appeal to different people all a matter of playstyle and class setups.
    tbh i really hate playing as a mage and for one reason: teleportation and NO jumping. I love jumping around maps, it makes moving super fast. thats why I adore Mercedes, 'cuz there's a skill that lets you shoot up ladders. btw I play in Broa and i'd be glad to work w/ you
    Well then looks like I have my server Broa it is, you and the other guy that originally told me to go there. No idea how to find either of you in game lol. I am going to be such a noob going to take a little to get it down. lol
  • Member Adachix
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 3
    edited December 2016
    What year is it? I feel I've been for some time. Where did this baby come from it's not mine
  • Member Aoikazega
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 13
    edited December 2016
    Adachix said:

    What year is it? I feel I've been for some time. Where did this baby come from it's not mine
  • Member Adachix
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 3
    edited December 2016
    I need some time to figure out where this baby came from...how long has it been??!!
  • Member MDenham
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 12
    edited December 2016
    Adachix said:

    I need some time to figure out where this baby came from...how long has it been??!!
    About tree-fiddy.

    Also, to anyone else who needs to find a new home (because they're coming back after a long time), I'd just like to suggest Reboot, as crowded as it is. We have (non-p2w) cookies.

  • Member JrwMir97
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 3
    edited December 2016
    DrayvenX said:

    Saifs said:

    DrayvenX said:

    Well I just came back from a LONG Hiatus cause I saw the event and I just redownloaded it so I could try and see if the game was worth getting back into. So I am going into the game blind with zero friends to play with haven't picked a server even yet and... its down. Sad face* Oh well maybe by chatting in here I can get some tips and meet some people till it does come up.

    aaaah come to broa/khaini! hehe
    I might take you up on that. I need someone to party with and chill with in game. I find MMOs are always more fun when you have people to party with and goof around even. Though I wont know my way around for nothing lol.
    Broa for sure! I know I'll be taking advantage of that burning character, so I can definitely help ya out if you'd like!
  • Member gameplayer70
    Reactions: 750
    Posts: 64
    edited December 2016
    DrayvenX said:

    >Well then looks like I have my server Broa it is, you and the other guy that originally told me to go there. No idea how to find either of you in game lol. I am going to be such a noob going to take a little to get it down. lol
    It's not too difficult to find somebody. You need one of two things: their usernames, or a place (make sure you get the channel #) and time you guys can all meet. If they give you their usernames, the buddy list is pretty easy to use. You just need to look at the keyboard configuration to figure out which button you press to open it, click add friend and enter their username, then wait until they accept. I'm a loner in MapleStory, so the process is a bit choppy to me, but that's the gist of it :P

  • Member DrayvenX
    Reactions: 460
    Posts: 23
    edited December 2016

    Well then looks like I have my server Broa it is, you and the other guy that originally told me to go there. No idea how to find either of you in game lol. I am going to be such a noob going to take a little to get it down. lol
    It's not too difficult to find somebody. You need one of two things: their usernames, or a place and time you guys can all meet. If they give you their usernames, the buddy list is pretty easy to use. You just need to look at the keyboard configuration to figure out which button you press to open it, click add friend and enter their username, then wait until they accept. I'm a loner in MapleStory, so the process is a bit choppy to me, but that's the gist of it :P

    Hahaha dang I am going to have like 5 man out the gate burning through stuff with the event and the maintenance addon xp we are going to blaze though levels.
  • Member Doctor
    Reactions: 1,125
    Posts: 18
    edited December 2016
    I hope you'll finish everything soon, can't wait to get back to MS after 3 years :P
    Good luck!
  • Member DrayvenX
    Reactions: 460
    Posts: 23
    edited December 2016
    I haven't touched this game since..pirate first came out.. dang I feel old now..
  • Member AkihikoT_
    Reactions: 1,315
    Posts: 165
    edited December 2016
    I think reboot is a good server for returning players, especially since it isn't Pay-to-Win like the others have become.
  • Member Wolfcat501
    Reactions: 750
    Posts: 5
    edited December 2016
    ShadyNero said:


    I find it utterly adorable how there's so many people complaining and whining. As well as calling the Nexon staff incompetent and unable to do their jobs correctly.

    I'm just gonna call it out as it is. For all those ragers and QQ'ers.... just shut the heck up. Honestly. Y'all are speaking as if 95% of you are the next upcoming programming gods. Well here's the reality for you guys: Unless you guys can do their jobs 100x better than they can with the spoonful of knowledge you THINK you have, it'd be best to withhold your rude and demeaning comments. If you think you're all that and can do it, by all means, send your resume and list of valid backgrounds over to Nexon's office and the decent and respectful players will be waiting patiently for your grandiose acceptance email.

    Nexon said from they beginning that this maint can be subject to varying times and duration's due to the size of the patch and all the contents. It's not like this is the first expansion we've had to wait a plethora of time for. Any maple veteran here will be the first to take a step back and just let Nexon do it's thing.
    You're absolutely right. I may not be able to run laps around Nexon's coding staff. On the other hand, I also don't receive a paycheck from them every two weeks. Nexon's staff has an expectation of being able to do their job competently. I do not. If I did, I would work for Nexon. If you go to a fancy restaurant and the chef undercooks your duck l'orange, you're going to complain, right? Even though you may not personally be able to masterfully cook the dish yourself, you're not cooking it yourself; you're paying someone else to do it, and as such, you expect them to get it right. After all, they do this for a living and are getting paid for it, so they have the expectation of competency. Someone, somewhere, hired them to do the job based on an assumption of a certain level of skill. So yes, customers have every right to complain when any company (Nexon included) displays a consistent lack of competence, whether said customers could personally do better or not. I'm sure it's a difficult job. The easy solution would be to hire programmers who are skilled enough to do it properly and pay more to accomplish this goal if necessary. (It's not like Nexon isn't making enough money.) Their staff has chosen this career path, if they're not up to the task, perhaps they should choose another one. It's one thing to have a few occasional glitches with updates, it's another to have a bug-riddled game that introduces new errors with nearly every patch. The latter should not simply be brushed off as acceptable and is an issue that any customer-focused company would address.

    With that said, that doesn't mean that players can't cut the company a bit of slack. This is a big update with a lot of significant changes, and Nexon has not only addressed, but also adequately compensated players for the inconvenience while they do their best to resolve the issues and get the game back online. I believe that the frustration most players are expressing is based on a long track record of flawed updates followed by unscheduled maintenance periods, rather than this single incident in itself. No company is perfect, but it's okay to hold them to a higher standard when they make as many blunders as Nexon does.
    Well said. The high standard is definitely expected for bigger companies and on top of the duration that the game has been alive, players expect more improvements in regard to these type of issues. "A Better Maple" and the User feedback surveys had shown more care into UX which is a good sign. Hope this issue is more transparent and is addressed rather than just regular 'compensations'.