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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
[Unscheduled Maintenance] Nov. 30, 2016
Yay looking forward xD
Seriously, come to Reboot. (The two characters I currently have there are Asmaire - 77 Bishop - and Cyobar - 120 Mihile. Not quite sure what I'm going to try rolling for #3 at this point; leaning vaguely toward a Kanna, though.)
You still gotta buy a pet. I have 2 perma pets on bellocan even has all the perma equips including hp/mp, skill, feeding itself and boots for range that I got from beefy's kitchen event. The day I get a perma pet is the day i pick reboot back up when will they be giving perma pets in reboot?
I think between the nine characters I have on three different servers, at least five of them are on the Bishop path at one point or another. EDIT: Yep, five on the Bishop path, one Blaze Wizard, one Dawn Warrior, one Pirate, and one Mihile.