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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
[Unscheduled Maintenance] Dec 1, 2016
honestly, it's not rude or greedy of us to ask for compensation at this point.
many people didn't even get to get into the game today because of school or work, PST players are shirked and thrown to the wolves right now and in general because of the server changes that have us not being able to daily events because it'll reset while we're doing things, and the 'compensation' you gave us for last nights insanity was null and voided because of the maintenance going on currently.
a 4 day extension and some coins really isn't enough, when you consider how much time we've all lost.
we deserve a restored time to the NA server, a longer extension on timed events like Play V, burning event, and proper game compensation; not specifically NX items or maple points, but enough in game comp to make up for now countless hours of missed game time
it's not fair that people are screaming at staff, but it's not fair that there doesn't even seem to be human relations coming in here and quelling all of our concerns, that are very well justified at this point
we do deserve an update on information and what's going to be done about the actual wait time, and how much progress we've lost
Marvel is out this week