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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance - Dec 8th, 2016


  • CaughtByLoveCaughtByLove
    Reactions: 1,700
    Posts: 61
    edited December 2016
    lmao 10 coins. honestly this is the LOWEST amount I've ever seen in event boxes in all my years of playing.
  • SanaenSanaen
    Reactions: 475
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    edited December 2016
    It should be mandatory for the staff to play the game. They obviously don't know **** all about what's actually happening.
  • TanyaTanya
    Reactions: 1,230
    Posts: 91
    edited December 2016
    Wow, 10 coins a day? Might as well just take away the prizes in the shop too

    I see they didn't fix the bug where certain characters don't get lucky winters from boxes so I can look forward to no coins and no good prizes, thanks Nexon
  • choozchooz
    Reactions: 1,815
    Posts: 202
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    edited December 2016
    How the hell do we buy the dozens of super expensive items with these oppressive coin limits??? What is WRONG with you?
  • MakazeKibaMakazeKiba
    Reactions: 1,800
    Posts: 224
    edited December 2016
    PS: The Milk is Us.
  • ExoArtExoArt
    Reactions: 1,350
    Posts: 13
    edited December 2016
    The fix for the red christmas boxes that drop is beyond over the top. Maple has now made an event where we can obtain 40 coins per day. 40 coins per day isnt even enough for 1 scroll for the ring i still have 17 scrolls left to use. 60 coins to scroll it once. So now rather than being able to get coins based on how much i actively farm, im going to open 2 boxes and get my daily cap. This is absurd. I'm now unable to get a mount or anything else i may want because i decided to pick the ring. Good going nexon, maybe in the future fix the drops on mobs that have no other drops, IE dimensional invasion pq, rather than ruining this event. Im not even going to participate in this event anymore, because farming 30 days for a ring that gives me way worse stats than my current rings just sounds like a useless achievement.
  • TandyNTandyN
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited December 2016
    Can someone please explain to me... where my frozen set is.
  • choozchooz
    Reactions: 1,815
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    edited December 2016
    Hell, I just did the math, and if people started now and we didn't take any other events into consideration, and these two events that are the only ones that even provide coins right now, and those events were extended from today for 30 days, you'd only have enough to get the ring. Exactly enough to only get that. All the cool chairs? the mounts? Maybe the item upgrades if you care about that? No chance. You killed the draw of the biggest update with this.
  • CyphleeCyphlee
    Reactions: 630
    Posts: 7
    edited December 2016
    YUP! They nerfed the V coins in santa boxes (sorry for jinx but it was bound to happen) or maybe i have TERRible RNG. i opened 300 boxes got only 10 coins! no joke
  • sparebladespareblade
    Reactions: 1,220
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    edited December 2016
    chooz said:

    Hell, I just did the math, and if people started now and we didn't take any other events into consideration, and these two events that are the only ones that even provide coins right now, and those events were extended from today for 30 days, you'd only have enough to get the ring. Exactly enough to only get that. All the cool chairs? the mounts? Maybe the item upgrades if you care about that? No chance. You killed the draw of the biggest update with this.
    Wow that's... really sad. So much for having fun. It's not like the Event Shop items are broken or anything. There's no super scrolls or prime scrolls to abuse. It's the typical 10% cleans and epics. AND they have a limit purchase to prevent anything crazy. And now you're going to kill our ability to grind for coins? I can't even. Way to ruin the event.

  • choozchooz
    Reactions: 1,815
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    edited December 2016
    bug: people are having fun

    fix: remove the fun thing
  • zhengyuzhangzhengyuzhang
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited December 2016
    Can you log into the game? I am from EU
  • NotipblockmoreNotipblockmore
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    edited December 2016
    How can i buy the rings in the next event if i catch 40 for day?
  • deadend5193deadend5193
    Reactions: 570
    Posts: 21
    edited December 2016
    I guess it makes sense to have a limit, but seriously--10??
    Does Nexon even play the game? How are we supposed to get anything from the coin shop.. =/
  • SayjinxSayjinx
    Reactions: 750
    Posts: 41
    edited December 2016
    so if maint is complete why does it sat extended until further notice?
  • choozchooz
    Reactions: 1,815
    Posts: 202
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    edited December 2016
    anyway i don't know about you guys but between this great event where i can't earn the coins to buy anything, and all the items that didn't work that they didn't replace for us, I'm probably not going to play anymore. even if I do continue, they're not going to get my money, because this continues to be worse and worse. nothing gets "fixed" quickly unless it's beneficial to players. everything else rots.
  • zhengyuzhangzhengyuzhang
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited December 2016
    when can we log onto the game? Can you guys log onto the game? I am a EU player
  • John360John360
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 43
    edited December 2016
    Dang v coin nerf!
  • John360John360
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 43
    edited December 2016
    Now how can im gonna fully scroll the vengence ring. and save for season 2?
  • Kayaba_AkihikoKayaba_Akihiko
    Reactions: 335
    Posts: 2
    edited December 2016
    Nexon don't have a minimal ideia of what they are doing. A lot of bad decision in a short period of time.