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5th Job Complaint

Member TigerAwoken
Reactions: 580
Posts: 12
edited December 2016 in General Chat
A few negative issues I have with the 5th job update:

1: No direction? I found myself fully immersing myself into the quest-line because I was generally excited about the update. Seemed simple enough of a quest to do. Make sure the TOT (Temple Of Time) quests are finished, talk to the Memory Keeper, talk to the three Maple Warriors (Henesys/Pantheon/Deserted Camp). Once I hit the Deserted Camp, there was a test given to me, in which I had to locate the 5th job portal randomly throughout the top of the World Tree. The Maple Warrior did not mention where it was, she only said it would be randomly at the top or near it. Me, never having been in the World Tree, found myself going to every map in the place, with a five minute time limit, trying to find the portal. I go to the very top, and it won't let me enter, it said 'You need to complete the Maple Heroes Quests to enter here'. Naturally, I go "Okay, I need to do this quest-line first, no big deal." Four hours later...I am done with the quest-line. I finally restart the quest in search of the portal, and enter the very top map, only to find out I'm VSING DAMIEN. Then one of my friends online casually says "Yeah you just go to one of the top three maps near the top." Sure enough, I find it even know I did it before and saw nothing. That was one headache, and extremely minor compared to what came next...

2: 30 hours of waiting to obtain 5th job?

I just...how do you even...

Well it's apparent that Nexon caters to children in my eyes now, as they're the only ones with this kind of time on their hands. Literally, after you get the three stones from each Maple Warrior, you have to go back to the Memory Keeper. For me, at this point I was excited because I thought it was the end. WRONG!!! Turns out, he tells you, that you have to double click one of the stones, which enables a Two hour period of filling an EXP gauge. So I double click the stone, and I spend about an hour filling the gauge with 500,000,000 experience which is the amount required. Once I had 57 minutes left on the gauge, I simply had to wait 57 minutes for it to stop, so I could use the next stone. Frustrating, right? Guess what? It gets more stupid. AFTER waiting the remainder of the Two hours in my gauge, I try to use the next stone to fill up...THESE STONES HAVE A COOL-DOWN PERIOD OF EIGHT (8) HOURS!!! So that's 10 hours in total, for each stone...Seriously Nexon? Some people don't have 30 hours to play all the time you know...

So basically I have to spend 26 hours doing the thing I've been doing for 5 years anyways because the game's been boring: AFKing...Just to get 5th job...

GG Nexon

A pissed off yet still somehow blindly loyal servant of your game that you stole from Wizet.

Sincerely yours



  • Member Maryse
    Reactions: 6,640
    Posts: 531
    edited December 2016
    Yeah, waiting 8 hours each time you finish with a stone is a bit much.
    I understand waiting until the timer of the stone itself finishes, but why do we have to wait 8 hours before we start a new one?
    What could easily be done in 6 hours is turned into 16 hours of waiting total and 2 hours for each stones, so 22 hours.
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    I just don't understand any logical reason for it to take time when they make every other one so easy...
  • Member, Private Tester Fennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    edited December 2016
    1. lol I was also pretty confused for the Tynerum or w/e one, having never set foot in the area before (at first I thought we were supposed to go to the place with all the demon refugees). To be fair, she did tell you it would be somewhere near the top. At least, that was the case for two of my chars so far. So I just kept climbing til I reached the top, then moved left and right til I found it.

    2. technically, it's 22 hours (don't need to wait for 8 hours for the first stone I think?). But it's still pretty bull :/

    On the bright side, I loooooved AB's dialogue with the goddess of Maple World :3 I also liked that the goddess of Grandis recognized me.

    But I'm SO SO SO disappointed that, for explorers, Sugar doesn't even acknowledge you... Like, I thought we had something special going on.

    I'm pretty curious how other class's conversations go. Especially Kaiser's, to see if it sorta parallels AB's. But I really don't wanna grind every class to 200 for like, ~4 boxes of dialogue each.
  • Member Booberpuppy
    Reactions: 3,415
    Posts: 322
    edited December 2016
    I agree that they should back off the wait times a bit. I know they didn't just want to hand this over to every one right off the bat, and to make you have to work for it a bit, but the waiting periods are just too excessive, in my opinion. Just give your dog a damn bone every once in a while and leave it out with the unreasonably long cooldown crap.

    Here they said "after 10 long years, the wait is finally over"...only to make you wait even longer, just because. Yeah, makes sense.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited December 2016
    You don't have to be online, or active, for all that time.

    Once you get the stones, and click the first, you only need to get 1 EXP (kill a snail or something) and then you can afk for 2 hours. (If you dc, the clock stops ticking, but it doesn't reset. Log back in and it continues where it left off). After those 2 hours you can log out for the 8 hour cooldown.

    And you don't have to do the 8 hour cooldown after the third stone, so it's just 22 hours total.

    5th job is a big thing. It would be wrong for it to be just "talk to the NPC and - presto! - you've advanced.

    Rumor has it that the long wait time was Nexon Korea's way of getting high rank on their game popularity charts.
    If you're playing at a PC-bang (internet cafe) in Korea, the times are halved, so you only need 11 hours for the entire job advancement. So everybody went to these cafes (which are very popular there) and booked 11 hours and just afk'ed in Maple for most of it. But since the game popularity charts are based on what people in PC-bangs play, this created a big spike in "popularity" for MapleStory.
    Of course none of it is relevant to us in GMS-land, but it's already in the code so the GMS team didn't touch it.
  • Member Booberpuppy
    Reactions: 3,415
    Posts: 322
    edited December 2016
    AKradian said:

    5th job is a big thing. It would be wrong for it to be just "talk to the NPC and - presto! - you've advanced.
    Yes, I agree that this should not just be a 'one click' thing...but the long-ass wait time is kinda dumb and there's no good reason for it other than perhaps anticipation enhancement. From what I've been seeing, it's just been a big groanfest that people are going to put up with because there is no other option, and it is not winning any player's hearts with gamer-developer relationships by any measure.

    Personally, I'd just rather see something more active that we can do right now as an effort to work a little more toward getting the advancement instead of a senseless 22 hours waiting period. Something you could still solo if you wanted, but get done in a group even faster as well and with the enjoyment of company (hey, some group encouragement all these MMOs love to see happen) just my 2¢
  • Member Lordheaven
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 6
    edited December 2016
    I honestly think that it is a waste of time. [blow up the hype train again]

    I am sure there are certain people like hacker or people who hit max make this easier for themselves. -_-

    I honestly wouldn't call it a 5th job, I would still applied that to the hyper part because... Obviously the hyper part should be considered as a 5th job. So what the point of this?
  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited December 2016

    AKradian said:

    5th job is a big thing. It would be wrong for it to be just "talk to the NPC and - presto! - you've advanced.
    Yes, I agree that this should not just be a 'one click' thing...but the long-ass wait time is kinda dumb and there's no good reason for it other than perhaps anticipation enhancement. From what I've been seeing, it's just been a big groanfest that people are going to put up with because there is no other option, and it is not winning any player's hearts with gamer-developer relationships by any measure.

    Personally, I'd just rather see something more active that we can do right now as an effort to work a little more toward getting the advancement instead of a senseless 22 hours waiting period. Something you could still solo if you wanted, but get done in a group even faster as well and with the enjoyment of company (hey, some group encouragement all these MMOs love to see happen) just my 2¢
    well in the new KMSt patch they have reduced the wait time so I'm pretty sure the reason was exactly as AKradian said
  • Member Booberpuppy
    Reactions: 3,415
    Posts: 322
    edited December 2016

    well in the new KMSt patch they have reduced the wait time so I'm pretty sure the reason was exactly as AKradian said
    I'm well aware of the reason by now. I was just stating my personal opinion of what I would prefer they'd have done otherwise with the release, not that I didn't understand why it is the way it is.
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    AKradian said:

    You don't have to be online, or active, for all that time.

    Once you get the stones, and click the first, you only need to get 1 EXP (kill a snail or something) and then you can afk for 2 hours. (If you dc, the clock stops ticking, but it doesn't reset. Log back in and it continues where it left off). After those 2 hours you can log out for the 8 hour cooldown.

    And you don't have to do the 8 hour cooldown after the third stone, so it's just 22 hours total.

    5th job is a big thing. It would be wrong for it to be just "talk to the NPC and - presto! - you've advanced.

    Rumor has it that the long wait time was Nexon Korea's way of getting high rank on their game popularity charts.
    If you're playing at a PC-bang (internet cafe) in Korea, the times are halved, so you only need 11 hours for the entire job advancement. So everybody went to these cafes (which are very popular there) and booked 11 hours and just afk'ed in Maple for most of it. But since the game popularity charts are based on what people in PC-bangs play, this created a big spike in "popularity" for MapleStory.
    Of course none of it is relevant to us in GMS-land, but it's already in the code so the GMS team didn't touch it.
    KMS servers are absolutely packed I don't think they need to get people online.
  • Member Peep
    Reactions: 3,950
    Posts: 355
    edited December 2016
    It's getting changed in the latest KMS patch that just hit the test servers yesterday. Pity we don't have it now but it will be shorter eventually.
  • Member LagTooMuch
    Reactions: 1,985
    Posts: 122
    edited December 2016
    are you cereal? another 30 hrs beside the 2hr from each of three? OMFG
  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited December 2016

    are you cereal? another 30 hrs beside the 2hr from each of three? OMFG
    not 30 hours, just 22.
  • Member Tanya
    Reactions: 1,230
    Posts: 91
    edited December 2016
    I agree - the wait time of 8 hours between each is a bit much. I don't really mind the 2 hour fill up the rocks thing though, we do get an exp potion out of it once you advance to 5th job, and for the 2 hours that the rock is activated you don't really have to do anything - you can kill one monster and then go about mapling the way you usually would for the rest of the time. Its an optional thing for if you want a maxed out exp boost potion. If I still had disconnection issues like I used to, I would absolutely hate this though.

    One thing I am happy for is that there is no drops we have to collect with a ridiculous low rate. I'm looking at you, ultimate explorer lunar dews.
  • Member Vekilo
    Reactions: 875
    Posts: 27
    edited December 2016
    I mean it's pretty easy... just get the stone, afk, and go to work. Come back from work, get the stone again, afk, go to sleep. Wake up, get the stone, and go to work. Guess what you do now.. ready? Go turn those bad bois in, and you're done. Takes a bit longer, but seeing as how you're not a kid, it can work out for you!

    I get that people are mad that they can't experience 5th job in a matter of a few seconds, but it's not that big of a deal. I like that 5th job is a big thing. However, I just wish they made it like 3rd job was (where you had to do a long questline that invlolved a lot of travel). That would have been perfect.
  • Member PhoenixKumo
    Reactions: 2,730
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    edited December 2016
    It's like when I'm at a restaurant and I order my favorite food. The wait time makes it all the better when I finally get it, you dig?
  • Member Cheesepie
    Reactions: 450
    Posts: 7
    edited December 2016
    cry me a river, if you cant wait 1 day to get 5th job. Like its not a race enjoy the fact that Nexon didnt f up the patch with bugs and extended maintance.
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
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    edited December 2016
    Cheesepie said:

    cry me a river, if you cant wait 1 day to get 5th job. Like its not a race enjoy the fact that Nexon didnt f up the patch with bugs and extended maintance.
    You miss the point it shouldn't take that long it's poor game design.
  • Member TheNyanCat
    Reactions: 1,430
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    edited December 2016
    Just know this is better than spending hours grinding something.
  • Member Sweetheart123
    Reactions: 1,885
    Posts: 204
    edited December 2016
    i would of rather had to go around and kill every single boss than this wait time