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Players unable to log in on specific characters


  • zz2020zz2020
    Reactions: 920
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2017
    Rexaar said:

    No longer able to log onto my Hero after changing channel
    Character name: Rexaar2
    Character level: 227
    Character job: Hero
    World name: Scania
    Date and time of the incident: around 9:00 PM PST

    A day ago, I was not able to enter Monster life on my Hero, but my other character can perfectly fine, might be a bit related since a few years ago this happened on the same character http://maplestory.nexon.net/community/#/showthread.php?1041171-KNOWN-ISSUE-Error-Code-38

    Update: I was able to re-log back onto my Hero after removing link skill attached to it so it is definitely the same problem that my Hero suffer years ago in the above link, just without the error code popping up.

    Everyone try to remove all your character cards and place and monster you have in your monster life into storage and unlink all link skill attached to that character to try to be able to relog back into it.

    If you do manage to log back in, empty your inventory of as much unnecessary items and try not to cc when you have too much items in your inventory (one of the main cause of specific character lockout a few years ago)

    didn't work for me, you must be suffering a different problem. Almost everyone here got glitched doing something related to nodes (enhancing, crafting, or disassembling a lot of nodes at once)
  • jasonxddjasonxdd
    Reactions: 740
    Posts: 22
    edited January 2017
    Rexaar said:

    No longer able to log onto my Hero after changing channel
    Character name: Rexaar2
    Character level: 227
    Character job: Hero
    World name: Scania
    Date and time of the incident: around 9:00 PM PST

    A day ago, I was not able to enter Monster life on my Hero, but my other character can perfectly fine, might be a bit related since a few years ago this happened on the same character http://maplestory.nexon.net/community/#/showthread.php?1041171-KNOWN-ISSUE-Error-Code-38

    Update: I was able to re-log back onto my Hero after removing link skill attached to it so it is definitely the same problem that my Hero suffer years ago in the above link, just without the error code popping up.

    Everyone try to remove all your character cards and place and monster you have in your monster life into storage and unlink all link skill attached to that character to try to be able to relog back into it.

    If you do manage to log back in, empty your inventory of as much unnecessary items and try not to cc when you have too much items in your inventory (one of the main cause of specific character lockout a few years ago)
    didnt work for me
  • RudeusRudeus
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 13
    edited January 2017
    The character card also didn't work for me.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited January 2017
    zz2020 said:

    : "didn't work for me, you must be suffering a different problem. Almost everyone here got glitched doing something related to nodes (enhancing, crafting, or disassembling a lot of nodes at once)"
    Not exactly.
    Nobody crashed while doing things to nodes. They all did many things, including handling nodes, and then whenever they changed channel, or logged out and tried to log back in, they crashed.

    This suggests that the node opening/disassembling/etc added stuff to character data that was ok in the server process (channel) doing it, but trying to transfer it all to another server process overflows and hangs. It's possible that if one is only slightly over the limit, then removing link skills and the other things Rexaar suggested, will put one under the limit again. However, if one has added far more nodes than that, then even removing whatever we can will still not make the character go back under the limit.

    The good news is that if this is indeed related to that Error 38 bug from way back when, Nexon should still have the records of how it was solved, and be able to re-apply the fix (or extend it to include nodes) quickly.
  • RexaarRexaar
    Reactions: 3,655
    Posts: 927
    edited January 2017
    This bug occurs because your character has too much items (equip, use, setup, cash, evolution core, nodes,...) and skill (link skill, character card, monster life) and is too much for the game client to handle, thus unable to log you into of the game.

    Do note that if removing all of the above doesn't put you below the limit, you will still be locked out and you only hope is to let some items expire if you have any.

    In the past, I only recall removing link skill and item expiring have an effect on freeing your character so character card and monster life might not be affected but worth the try.

    It is definitely the same problem you guys are having because when I was stuck (I opened around 7 node prior to getting stuck), after inputting the pin on my Hero, the game doesn't log me in and stay at the character select screen (I appear online to buddy list, guild, but my character cannot be ./find by another character, until I close the game client (same syndrome as the character lock out bug that happened 3 years ago))

    The main problem with this fix is that the success rate of this fix decrease the more node you opened in one sitting, for example, let say your character has a total 480 items/skill and the lock out limit is 500 items/skill. If you open 50 node (and did not disassemble any), then it put you at 530 items/skill making you eligible to be locked out the next time you cc or go into cash shop. Since there is only 12 link skill, removing them all will put you at 518 item/skill rendering you still locked out. Where as let say you opened 25 node (and did not disassemble any), this put you at 505 node, so removing 6 link skill will free your character from the lock out.
  • DiaaDiaa
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 13
    edited January 2017
    jasonxdd said:

    Rexaar said:

    No longer able to log onto my Hero after changing channel
    Character name: Rexaar2
    Character level: 227
    Character job: Hero
    World name: Scania
    Date and time of the incident: around 9:00 PM PST

    A day ago, I was not able to enter Monster life on my Hero, but my other character can perfectly fine, might be a bit related since a few years ago this happened on the same character http://maplestory.nexon.net/community/#/showthread.php?1041171-KNOWN-ISSUE-Error-Code-38

    Update: I was able to re-log back onto my Hero after removing link skill attached to it so it is definitely the same problem that my Hero suffer years ago in the above link, just without the error code popping up.

    Everyone try to remove all your character cards and place and monster you have in your monster life into storage and unlink all link skill attached to that character to try to be able to relog back into it.

    If you do manage to log back in, empty your inventory of as much unnecessary items and try not to cc when you have too much items in your inventory (one of the main cause of specific character lockout a few years ago)
    didnt work for me

    Wow that issue was reported on the 7th of December. Possibly even earlier and the issue was resolved on Jan 22nd. Okay I have 0 hopes of doing the Sizzling VVeekend event. Rip souls and honor exp. Time to wait until they decide to bring back those events...

  • PIggyBankPIggyBank
    Reactions: 220
    Posts: 25
    edited January 2017
    anyone think power elixir might have something to do with it also. I had about 60k+ power elixir from the v event
  • woodbangwoodbang
    Reactions: 1,260
    Posts: 9
    edited January 2017
    PIggyBank said:

    anyone think power elixir might have something to do with it also. I had about 60k+ power elixir from the v event
    they fill up your inventory aswell, so why not
  • KyIeKyIe
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 10
    edited January 2017
    Ehhh, removing links and character cards didn't work for me, rip, forever stuck in character selection screen ;-;..
    Welp it looks like, I am going to be missing out on heaps of progression, content and events, gg... hehh.,, I guess I am not in this alone ;-;//
    Sigh,, time to find something to get my mind off maple for the time being,,
  • jasonxddjasonxdd
    Reactions: 740
    Posts: 22
    edited January 2017
    KyIe said:

    Ehhh, removing links and character cards didn't work for me, rip, forever stuck in character selection screen ;-;..
    Welp it looks like, I am going to be missing out on heaps of progression, content and events, gg... hehh.,, I guess I am not in this alone ;-;//
    Sigh,, time to find something to get my mind off maple for the time being,,
    They don't care about player progressions
  • ixKrowixKrow
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 5
    edited January 2017

    After removing all 12 link skills and 9 character cards, I can confirm I am able to login to my character!
    Although a friend of mine with the same problem has tried this and he cannot. It clearly has something to do with this "Limit" for a characters data.
  • MewsMews
    Reactions: 800
    Posts: 21
    edited January 2017
    Well if ends up being the same issue as the one in 2013 then I guess they might have a fix for it already. I was affected by that issue as well back then and oddly enough it ended up happening around the same exact time of the year. Another thing is that we have a different damage skin storage system than Korea MS does. I think their system allows up to 15 skins while ours can hold up to 30 (I'm not too sure on their damage skin system). Also we have familiars, which might take up a huge amount of space especially those who have registered a bunch and had expired ones from before the familiar revamp (before they became permanent). What I would like for them to also consider is allowing us to remove unwanted familiars or unregistered/delete them entirely.

    If I remember correctly, Korea MS actually delayed their 128 slot expansions until a different patch. I didn't check but I think they didn't get it during their "limitless" patch and got it during their 5th job patch instead.
  • EtherealM5EtherealM5
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 8
    edited January 2017
    i went into my farm deleted all my animals, sold any old buildings, unlinked all link skills including 5 koc and 4 resistance and still cannot log in. the only thing left i can think about removing is going into an explorer cashshop since its tied with my bowmasters and taking out all the cash items. i will try that when i get the chance.
  • MartijnMartijn
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 2
    edited January 2017
    Hey, I'm stuck too, for a few days now :). The info:

    Mazes / 227 / Aran / Luna / January 1st around 5.00 PM CET / Changing Channels

    Literally just before changing channels, I had leveled four of my Nodes to level 25: the Aran 5th job skill, the Warrior 5th job skill and two Enhancement nodes. I also had ~10k nodeshards left and (I think) exactly 200 arcane force, otherwise more than 200.
  • PIggyBankPIggyBank
    Reactions: 220
    Posts: 25
    edited January 2017
    woo I am unstuck now all you need to do is follow the link on top and remove all the unneeded stuff no thanks to Nexon thanks to forum people <3
  • AlexisShionAlexisShion
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 39
    edited January 2017
    Does not work
  • PIggyBankPIggyBank
    Reactions: 220
    Posts: 25
    edited January 2017
    did u try removing all the link skill,card monster farm cs items link to that character transfer them to a mule
  • adgnadgn
    Reactions: 1,395
    Posts: 45
    edited January 2017
    It doesn't work for those that went far over the limit. We pretty much have no fix for now...
  • AlexisShionAlexisShion
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 39
    edited January 2017
  • PIggyBankPIggyBank
    Reactions: 220
    Posts: 25
    edited January 2017
    I think farming too many node stone now is not a good thing unless Nexon decided somehow to increase the inventory space limit