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Change server time back to PST

Member, Private Tester AKradian
Reactions: 40,340
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edited February 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
On the live stream, @SavageAce said this:
"The reason we switched our service to UTC was to standardize the time zones between our European and North American servers, and make it easier for us to plan out event times and such. Now, we do realize it did cause previous events, previous reset times, to be a little bit inconvenient, so we are looking into that. Future events like 2x, spell trace fever, we've already adjusted the times a little bit, to account for UTC and the different players playing all around the world. But we do want to make it convenient for, not just people in North America, or Europe, specifically, but all of our players all around the world."

However, in reality, that is not what is happening.

In particular, we see that Nexon still thinks in PST. Event notices have the PST time listed first, and UTC isn't listed at all. And for 2x, for example, the notice shows 3 sessions for Saturday and 3 for Sunday - but in UTC it's actually two sessions on Saturday, 3 on Sunday, and one on Monday.
As for planning events for European players: GM events were scheduled so well that the Luna ones always happened at like 3AM CET on Monday, of all days. Clearly, posting the times in UTC didn't cause any red flags to pop in the mind of anyone at Nexon.

Hot Days still happen on PST time, and Cash Shop sales reset by PST time. But most in-game resets go by UTC.
And then there are the things that even Nexon itself doesn't know what timezone they're scheduled for, like the New Year's Shop...

Finally, there is the issue of server maintenances. I understand that they're still in the morning PST because the staff that do them is in California. However, it means that if a patch maintenance runs overtime - as they all too often do - it can easily go past the daily reset, effectively cutting out a day of play for whatever new events are introduced in said patch.

There is no such thing as a truly "neutral" or "global" timezone. Any clock chosen is bound to be more natural to some players than to others. I believe that the majority of GMS players are still in America, and therefore a server reset that occurs during American nighttime is natural to them.

I believe it would be best for both Nexon and the players if the servers were put back on PST. It would make everything reset at the same time, and it would make scheduling easy for Nexon and clear for the players.

Edit: This is the original announcement and discussion thread for this topic: http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/4197/game-server-time-changes
And in particular, my take on it: http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/comment/12428/#Comment_12428
and 9 others.


  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited February 2017
    I'd like to bring this up again.

    Event scheduling is still problematic and confusing.

    For example, we currently have Bingo and XO events running - from midnight to 3PM PST. That's 8AM - 11PM server time, which makes sense if server time coincides with player time (as it does in Korea). But when the server time is "standard", it makes it extremely inconvenient for Americans to participate, since it all falls on the time when they're asleep or at school/work. Why not make the event run around the clock, as befits a global service?
    And yet, not even the person who wrote the event notes and put in 12AM-3PM PST (the UTC time isn't even listed there), realized something was amiss.

    For another example, we have the Maplehood Watch event. Many people missed the first day because they read "log in on Saturday" and didn't realize "Saturday" ends at 4PM. It doesn't help that Hot Days still run on PST, and so did the VVeekend benefits (50% off honor, etc). So usually when a web notice says "log in on Saturday" it's PST. But no, this time it was Saturday UTC.

    Please bring the server time, at least for the North American region servers, back in sync with Nexon time and the time of the majority of your players. It will be so much more convenient for everyone. (Yes, even Europeans, because they, too, won't have to wonder whether any particular event goes by UTC or by PST).
  • Member Serisent
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    edited February 2017
  • Member, Private Tester Fennekin
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    edited February 2017
    Also the whole calling Orchid ad 8PM thingy... I recently decided I wanted to pursue this but 10 AM for me (noon PST), nope.

    And yeah, every day-specific event there seems to be a new batch of players asking why they aren't able to participate at, say, 5PM PST lol.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited February 2017
    Fennekin wrote: »
    Also the whole calling Orchid ad 8PM thingy... I recently decided I wanted to pursue this but 10 AM for me (noon PST), nope.

    And yeah, every day-specific event there seems to be a new batch of players asking why they aren't able to participate at, say, 5PM PST lol.

    Calling Orchid is especially problematic because game maintenances now start in the afternoon (UTC), and if it's a patch maintenance or just a long regular maintenance, it's going to last through the Orchid calling window.
  • Member, Private Tester HHG1
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    edited February 2017
    I agree that event times should be more clear and consistent. But we all know Nexon would rather take the easy way out so yes, just change it back to PST and maybe have event notifications run 24/7 but with limited entries per day (bingo/flag/invasion/whatever else) and quest specific times have a UTC equivalent window (orchid calls/edelstein rebels). The new 2x times can stay though.
  • Member Its2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
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    edited February 2017
    UTC has caused more problems than it actually resolved. It's clear as day both the players and Nexon America cannot handle this timezone change making various mistakes such as the New Years Shop, various 2x Events, many other Events, and Cash Shop. This is why you don't fix what's not broken.

    It's time we revert back to PST. It's seriously getting out of hand and the are no benefits from keeping UTC.
  • Member Booberpuppy
    Reactions: 3,415
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    edited February 2017

    Change server time back to PST. Nexon
  • Member Ivangold
    Reactions: 2,985
    Posts: 588
    edited February 2017
    Would be better for a lot of people i know that were used to PST, and now need rush stuff in this new time, it will get worst when the timezone change in other time of the year(summer for USA).
  • Member PlaySpencer
    Reactions: 735
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    edited February 2017
    YES! i would also like to point out this.... i think your UTC time caused this too.


    But idk. whats the point of choosing NA or Europe if the times are the same. If its because you have servers locally to no have latency issues in the EU.. ok then its not on the same server as NA so change the NA server time to reflect that, if they are in the same server room whats the point of having us pick which to be on.
  • Member, Private Tester Vimi
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    edited February 2017
    Support. I had no idea this change even happened and ended up missing the Tuesday Maplehood day because now the servers reset at 7PM! This completely messes up everything for me, since I have to go to school and it's really backwards having to remember that 7PM Tuesday is actually Wednesday, and it only gives me a few hours in a day to do time-limited events. :/

    The worst part is that this only applies to some events. Others are still working on the PST schedule, so I have no idea when events are actually supposed to end at 3AM like they have been for 15 YEARS, or if they're going to end at 7PM just because someone coded in UTC instead of PST...
  • Member Lilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
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    edited February 2017
    I don't like UTC timezone because it doesn't make sense and it's so confusing when it comes to events :/ Bring the pst back nexon!.
  • Member Flareyu
    Reactions: 455
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    edited February 2017
    When I returned I had no idea the time zones changed and it made the login daily rewards very confusing. Lots of events still run on PST, but the daily resets happen differently. Please go back to the old system for the NA servers at least.
  • Member MikevsZoda
    Reactions: 1,055
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    edited February 2017
    Agreed on all points. Not only is UTC annoying, confusing, and inconvenient for many players (particularly in the Americas), but Nexon itself clearly can't handle the distinction between PST and UTC either (in addition to everyone else's examples, see also the New Year's Shop fiasco, which resulted in them having to redo the event, thankfully a Lunar New Year was right around the corner). At the very least, if we can't get a particularly convenient time setting, could we at least have one that is used as an actual standard? And if we must use UTC, at least adjust the timing of various scheduled events to be doable by the average player (Kritias Invasions, calling Orchid in Friendstory, and numerous others are all scheduled mid-work/school day for the average American, or otherwise happen deep in the night).

    Overall I'd say the switch to UTC has been a failure. Please return to PST until functional adjustments to schedules, in-game and out, can be made.
  • Member Cobain
    Reactions: 780
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    edited February 2017
    I just googled 12 am UTC to CST (CST being my timezone. Replace that with your timezone) and this is the result: http://puu.sh/tVAtm/7deddde6b8.png This is completely accurate. Once you know when your timezone is in UTC, you can convert it yourself or set an alarm to that time.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited February 2017
    Cobain wrote: »
    I just googled 12 am UTC to CST (CST being my timezone. Replace that with your timezone) and this is the result: http://puu.sh/tVAtm/7deddde6b8.png This is completely accurate. Once you know when your timezone is in UTC, you can convert it yourself or set an alarm to that time.

    Did you even read what I wrote, or what the others wrote, or the original discussion thread?

    Nexon itself is inconsistent about times (some things work on UTC, some on PST), the event times are inconvenient for the majority of players (I mean sure, a player can Google and find out that Flag Races now run at 3AM their time, but it's illogical to expect them to set an alarm to participate), and did you know you'll have to Google all over again next month and get used to a new reset time (because UTC doesn't observe Daylight Savings Time)?

    UTC just makes things more complicated than they have to be, and more error prone. Absolutely nothing is gained by using it. So there is no justification for making everyone learn to live with it.
  • Member PhoenixKumo
    Reactions: 2,730
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    edited February 2017
    I'm gonna make this argument real easy for Nexon to understand.

    1. "The reason we switched our service to UTC was to standardize the time zones between our European and North American servers..."

    While showing consideration towards our European counterparts is a very good thing to do, there's nothing you can do about them being an entire ocean away and thus operating on different times, which means that no matter what time you pick, you'll never be able to sync our time zones for optimal play for everybody. No matter what time zone you pick, there'll always be some inconvenience. So if there's going to be inconvenience anyway, why not pick a time zone that would give consideration to the greatest amount of people rather than their geographical location.

    2. "...and make it easier for us to plan out event times and such."

    You did not make things easier on yourselves because you never got rid of your PST mindset so now, you're operating on two different time zones rather than one. Server resets are UTC and whatever the hell else is PST. As the New Year's Shop fiasco has demonstrated and the fact that this Valentine's event didn't even start at UTC midnight or PST midnight for some inexplicable reason, it's clear that even you can't keep track of your time. And if you can't do it, what makes you think your players will? It's like planning half your life in one time zone and half your life in another. Operating two different time zones is complicated and unnecessary.

    3. "Now, we do realize it did cause previous events, previous reset times, to be a little bit inconvenient, so we are looking into that."

    Things are still inconvenient three months later. This whole thread is about how inconvenient it is for everyone. With this new setup, you've effectively wrecked many people's ability to participate in events or finish whatever they need to finish before the reset. Even your workaround regarding the 2x and Spell Trace by dividing it up into three parts is unnecessary if you just made the event last a whole day (but don't do that before you fix this horrid, horrid The Lag).

    4. "But we do want to make it convenient for, not just people in North America, or Europe, specifically, but all of our players all around the world."

    You cannot please everyone so stop trying. By trying to cater to absolutely everyone by finding middle ground, you make things equally unsatisfactory for everyone instead. As previously stated, show consideration to the greatest number of people rather than their geographical locations.

  • Member Flareyu
    Reactions: 455
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    edited February 2017
    I would like to see an official response to this.
  • Member Flareyu
    Reactions: 455
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    edited February 2017
    Thanks to this change a lot of people are lucky to get 5 hours out of their maple day. The 4pm PST resets are ridiculous compared to the old 12am PST.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited March 2017
    OK, this is getting ridiculous.

    v183 Update Notes http://maplestory.nexon.net/news//20967/ specify for each event whether it ends at midnight UTC or midnight PDT.
    Why can't you make up your mind and have everything in-game consistent?
    Why do players need to keep three different clocks in mind (their own, UTC, and PST/PDT)?
    Are we even sure the event will go by midnight PDT, if the servers don't observe daylight savings time (UTC never moves)?
    And will the in-game event list be correct, or still be a day off for some events?

    Please, just go back to how it was, everything on California time (PST or PDT) and take out the neverending guesswork.
    Players in Australia, Europe (pre-split accounts), and the Middle East managed perfectly well with the servers being on PST/PDT for all these years. We can do it again. Just move back to something that Nexon America can stay consistent with.
  • Member thrakkes
    Reactions: 2,135
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    edited March 2017
    UTC is just very stupid. What is the reason behind this? o-0 With PST time, if Europeans goes sleep not later than midnight UTC and wake up at 8am UTC, then it will just look like a normal day for Europe. Why Nexon haven't seen this advantage of PST? I can't tell if Australia is better with PST or UTC, but if we combine America and Europe players, this is a huge majority of players who want PST. And probably certain Australians want PST back too, cuz they are used to it.

    That's my thought.

    LETS MAKE NEXON REVERTING SERVER TIME BACK TO PST IN THE DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME foward 1 hour. THIS IS A GREAT MOMENT FOR ASKING since the maintenance is about to change server time !!!!!

    EDIT: @AKradian Mind if you post a poll asking if we want revert time to PST in daylight time maintenance? Seems like a good oportunity to do it lol. But just make sure Nexon won't mess up with 2x EXP & Drop events.