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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Blackgate nerfs to half rates of mesos...
Now I'm hearing they halved the drop rate of piece of time. People are confirming it on the MS Reddit.
How are we going to build up the billions upon billions of mesos needed to cube anything worthwhile and star force our equips in prep for being able to boss in some of the already ridiculously difficult bosses? Especially people new to the server, this will now be an uphill battle that likely will be given up on sooner than later.
What do you guys think?
Yes, there are still ways to make mesos, but not much that any one will want to put themselves through daily for weeks and weeks just to lose it all on a big bad luck run of cubing and/or star forcing. It happens too often and gets old, and those good meso farming spots were a blessing of a shortcut to re-pumping the meso funds, if you felt so inclined.
Maybe they plan to do more events that grant mesos or something, who knows yet, but I wouldn't count on it and they probably aren't going to be open about their full plans regarding this.
But that's because KMS Reboot isn't that much of a popular server to begin with. In fact Reboot is suppose to be a bit harder than regular servers, but then GMS having Blackgate changed it into an endless farming grind.
The main problems with the game are imbalances and an indefinite amount of cheaters that are either hackers/botters/marcoers. We haven't had a SINGLE BUFF that was GMS exclusive. Some other examples are the recent nerfs to Jett (wait, why?) and the already-ended event Choco Power!
Many people fled to Reboot due to the game not being properly catered to them due to such imbalances not being resolved. However I always made the argument what if they hurt Reboot? The reasons why I didn't go to Reboot was the fact I already have a main character in Scania and it's basically running away from the problem. You don't have to be a genius to figure out that people who have Frenzy Totems, Black Swordsman/Beater Medals, or Monolith skill in Reboot to be big time exploiters of a certain hack that made unobtainable items/skills obtainable.
Look at the forums bug reports, technical support, suggestions feedbacks and impressions, customer support. Resolution is something hard to come by these days if it's not a massive game-breaking issue. Client and server stability has been an issue for months since the previous Anniversary (Maple's Eleven?) and Post-V Patch. I honestly don't care if it's due to the incompetence or poorly handled responsibility of Nexon America or Korea. It simply needs to be looked into and have whatever barriers blocking it to be dealt with.
There is already some form of understanding that not everything works for our region GMS in comparison for KMS. Such examples are Hekaton, Mesos to Maple Points, Flames of Rebirth/Additional Options, 16-25 Star Force. But how about making certain features more accessible such as turning Hekaton to a regular boss, having more accessibility options for Reward Points, or revisions to Star Force as GMS exclusive. That's only the tip of the ice berg.
Just because GMS doesn't get it doesn't mean it should be left that way. I honestly feel that the game is severely lacking important balances, exclusive features, and moderation of the game that can help benefit both Reboot and Non-Reboot servers. This is why MapleStory is dying in North America and other GMS serviced areas.
Time to adapt instead of whine.
Put more nicely...this is a way you can supplement mesos earned. For example, Ewenanas (normal, non-Elite) drop sunset dews now (confirmed myself about an hour ago).
Rather than relying on a low-level map and the abuse of the Reboot meso skill, you're supposed to sell drops.
Not sure why you think Pieces of Time got nerfed. I'm not entirely trustworthy of people complaining that drop rates got nerfed since the "Nodestone drop rate nerf" wound up being people getting 5 nodes instead of 7 or something (which is still 5 more nodes than I get at all). Drop rate is random, after all.
I'm with you, I'm just saying the black gate nerf didn't make it impossible to still get a reasonable amount of meso in a reasonable amount of time. It just forced people to find those other avenues, just like the nerfs to Aliens, Scarcrows and LKC. It's really stupid that all people above the lvl for that area, relied heavily on it for it's meso drop and it was only a lvl 150 map.
I can only recall upon one time where someone I reported was banned. That was only because they were spaming racial slurs outside of the Moon Bunny PQ for an hour and tons of other people were reporting him aswell. That was years ago and still pretty slacking. Over the years I'd come to expect some improvement, not a decline.
Back to the meso issue in Reboot. Nerfing meso drop rates can definitely hurt us but we as players must try to adapt and find other ways to gain mesos. Utilizing drop rates or meso rates buffs is a good place start. Turning your free Snail on to loot the map then shutting it off after you've cleared the map is a great way to save/raise money on your mules or non-serious characters.
What I would like to see in Reboot is more ways to obtain MMB(Mystery meso bags.) They could add it as a reward for completing certain high leveled quest. Then there would be more insentave to completing quest at high levels. Many of the quest we have now for high levels are either used to unlock more parts of a dungeon like area, prequest for boss, or simple side quest to do while grinding. Which is all fine but honestly the rewards just aren't worth it.
Take for example the entire quest line for Ruined Heny(Not necessarily high leveled but most quest past 130 are not worth your time/effort.)
In conclusion before giving us another nerf/buff cycle and filler events I would like to get some worth while quest. Personally I would love to see an overhaul to quest rewards. Making the "Story" worth while should be important. Other wise I'm pretty much just killing bosses and grinding like a lady of the night...
They already know the best places to go. They're all awful.
Really? You need to try harder because there are more than 5 maps that give more mesos than NH. lmao
Only one thing to @Aggraphine & @iMaMadHobo Why so rude? It is opinion, not insistence that every one agree, thus the poll to gauge other people's reaction to question and hopefully start a good discussion about topic. Accusing of whining is not cool, when some one just has opinion and they want to see how the rest of community reacts.
Thank you to @Neospector for outlining some ideas to everyone on alternatives to meso gain. Also, I'm quite certain the PoT drop rate halved thing is debunked now, jumped the gun on hearsay rumor upon release of the patch.
Because the people who have the whiny opinions have obviously not tried to do anything better, or investigate word of mouth on the server. I couldn't care less about the opinions of the lazy.
There's also Ursus 2x mesos every day between 8 and 9 PM UTC, if that helps. Since you can challenge Ursus three times a day it makes for a big profit.
Zakum, Normal and Chaos Horntail, Hilla, Krexel, Pink Bean, and possibly other bosses (but those listed are the highest pay outs) all drop a ton of potions, gear, and other stuff that can be tossed off at an NPC for a ton of cash. Plus, in Reboot, bosses sometimes do drop Meso Bags as well (this was to offset any scrolls normally dropped in other servers), and those are an extra 100,000 to 10,000,000 mesos randomly.
I make more money off bosses than I ever did grinding.